Feeling stuck and overwhelmed

I was just wondering if anyone else may be feeling the same way as me. I have tried loosing weight for years and while I have managed to get two pant sizes down from where I originally started I constantly seem to have to "start over". During 2013 I actually hired a personal trainer and while I didn't lose more than 20 lbs with him I did see progress in inches lost and muscle tone. The thing is even when I'm doing great once school starts I completely lose any progress I made. This is the most frustrating part for me. I work full time in order to be able to pay for school which in itself is extremely stressful and I go to school full time. While I have made sure my work and school schedule leave time to workout I always seem to be too busy to go or too tired. I have at this point lost all the progress I made with my trainer and I can tell he was disappointed :indifferent: I am the kind of person that sets very high goals for herself and I don't like to fail. Aside from that I've been dealing with depression on and off for a couple of years and withing the past four months started having panic attacks. The thing is neither my family nor my friends know about the depression of panic attacks.


  • CeeJayRox
    As a stranger and a new person (just signed up as a matter of fact) to my fitness pal, I'd say you seem to be doing well. Maybe not as well as you like but you have gotten results. You set your goals, pursued them, and worked hard to achieve results. Feel good about that! I've been in your stressful shoes. Balancing work/life is difficult. Go easy on yourself as it sounds like you have reached a plateau. Depression is an awful condition which can drain positive energy from you. I live with depression right now myself! Meditate when you can, everyday give yourself a mental hug in the mirror, celebrate your drive to persevere. Your achievements will come but not happen all at once, patience! Slow and steady will win this race for you. Good Luck!
  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    While exercise and fitness are great, you can lose weight without exercising. Try logging all your food - and I mean everything, preferably weighing it - so you get an accurate idea of what you're eating. Don't change anything for a week, just see what you're eating and where you're at. Once you're in the groove of logging, start making one small change to your eating (swap soft drink for water, or a muffin for a piece of fruit) at a time and see what effect it has. You sound like you've made great progress already, don't despair!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Does your school have treadmills or stationary bikes with book racks? Kill 2 birds with one stone and get some exercise in with your study time. Sometimes we need to get creative.
  • harderpa
    harderpa Posts: 153 Member
    I have the same problem. Except no time for working out because I have a kid. I try to find time but the best thing is eating healthy and letting yourself know when schools dune you'll look good n have more time. Just try when u can. Stress causes weight gain sorelax. Easier said than done I know.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Make working out part of your daily routine. It is a must do. After a short time, you will have more energy naturally and become less burdensome. Fake it until you make it.
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    You should deal with your mental health, too. Exercise can be extremely beneficial for depression, but some people, at some times in their lives need more help than that. Go see a Doctor, or a counsellor to deal with your depression/anxiety. Talk therapy can be very helpful, as can the right medication, if that's what you need. Don't feel ashamed to tell your family about your mental health issues. Lots of people have them, and live well, and cope, with the right treatment. Mental illness also runs in families, so yours may understand better than you expect. Good luck in your fitness journey!
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Above all else: be kind to yourself. Depression and anxiety/panic can really mess with how you look at yourself and how you think others perceive you. That combined with your really busy schedule probably means you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Try to do nice things for yourself every day, even if they're small. I do my meal prep for the week on Sundays usually. I think of it as a gift to myself for the rest of the week--healthy meals that will require minimal prep on really busy work days. In the past, I might have thought a piece of cake or some ice cream was a reward for surviving a busy day or week, but I've tried to move rewards away from food--listening to music, taking a bubble bath, or doing something else I enjoy. Making sure to put yourself first, even if it can only be for half an hour a day, can really help.

    Set goals for yourself, but make them manageable--"I'll go to the gym twice a week for the next two weeks." Once you achieve that goal, bump it up to three times, or whatever works for you. The same goes for your food choices. Remember that you want to build habits you can stick to even once you've reached your goal weight.