Looking for female friends around 23 yo!

Hi ladies! I've always struggled with my weight and after high school I've gained about 50 lbs or so. I am in my last semester of Nursing school and would love to be headed toward my goal of losing 57 lbs by May. I have my graduation and pinning ceremony and would love to be somewhat smaller and feel confident at both of these big milestones in my life. My boyfriend doesn't eat vegetables so that of course is an obstacle I'm facing every day. Would love some friends to help keep me motivated and give any advice/tips possible. I have been logging for approx. 14 days now (yay me). I'm 23 years old, 5'4, and chunky....not telling my weight (too ashamed) just know I want to lose about 57 lbs to reach my "ideal BMI".


  • j_ballou0907
    j_ballou0907 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 26 yo and in my last semester of didactic work in pharmacy school (we also have 1 year of clinical rotations after that) so I understand your busy school lifestyle!! I am hoping to lose 100 lbs before May 2015 (when I graduate). From what I've seen with others, this is definitely do-able. I've been overweight pretty much my entire life. Partly "genetics" but mostly bad habits. I'm starting back again after having lost nearly 35 lbs last spring/summer. Once the fall semester hit, I sank back into my old habits and gained back about 10 lbs that I had lost. I encourage you to set small goals for yourself along the way! That's what I'm trying to do! I would love to be MFP friends and provide each other with encouragement!
  • Hi I'm 20 and I've been struggling with my weight since for ever, I recently found out that I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I started taking medication for it and it should be easier for me to loose weight. I've been trying to get into exercising every day for past week or so and I'm working on changing my eating habits. I need to loose around 100/130 lbs and I lost around 6 lbs so far.
    I want to make friends that I can talk to about weight loss ( I feel like I'm boring a lot of people when I talk to them about little things I achieved that they don't really care about), and that will help me stay on track.
  • brittanykfolsom
    brittanykfolsom Posts: 12 Member
    awesome ladies! I accepted both of your requests! jackvenco I understand what you mean about boring people. I feel a lot of times that little achievements I reach in this journey I annoy my boyfriend with because he doesn't have to work as hard. He is very active and is a beanpole so I feel like he doesn't see it as great as I do lol. Since I have started Nursing school I have self diagnosed myself with hypothyroidism, which would play a big part as to me gaining and not losing, but sadly have not had the time or money to go to a doctor to see about getting tested. Congrats on your 6 lbs! I sadly have not lost any yet but am going to keep working.j_ballou0907 I feel your pain about the genetics and bad habits thing...I'm in the same boat! Also, it is great to have someone who understands the busy school life! I have been taking classes and clinical since my first semester...it has been so stressful. Luckily I have not gained the freshman 15.....I have however gained about 10 lbs since probably October (part of this I want to blame on the depo shot) I graduate May of this year and do not by any means expect to have lost my entire goal but I do however really want to be at least working my way there and seeing some results. I sure hope we can all motivate each other to reach our goals! I know they say beauty is on the inside and in the eye of the beholder but I would be so much happier and confident if I could reach my goal. Or at least what I was in high school! We can do it!
  • anmcneel
    anmcneel Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! My name is Ashley and I am 23. I have been on and off MFP for a while, but I am hoping to get back on track again. I am starting again tomorrow morning. I am a first year teacher, so I have a super busy schedule. I can relate to the boyfriend not eating vegetables. My boyfriend tries to be supportive, but always wants to eat junk. I am looking for a few supportive people to help me get to my goal weight as well! Feel free to add me :)
  • CptCappie
    CptCappie Posts: 21 Member
    Don't ever feel ashamed about your weight. It's just a number and it doesn't define you.
    If your looking for a friend feel free to add me. I'm 24 and have about 100lbs or so to lose.
    MSG me if you ever want to chat.
  • br1twaslyke
    br1twaslyke Posts: 41 Member
    Hey girls, i'm 20 and roughly 240 pounds.. It's embarrassing of course but we're all here to lose weight so I feel ok posting that! I'm looking get to 170 by November (my 21st birthday) and eventually 140.. the smallest I've ever been was 180, I've always been big and i'm ready to change that :) My biggest concern with this journey is having lose skin! I gave birth to my precious princess almost 3 years ago and I have an embarrassing "pooch". Really hoping since I'm still young that my belly will be somewhat flat by my goal weight! good luck to everyone (:
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member

    I sent you a request!

    I'm hoping to lose 70lbs by may, which is when I turn 23 :)

    I've been on here for about 10 days and have lost 2 lbs. The support and logging really helps a lot to stay motivated and on track.

    You'll do great!
  • brittanykfolsom
    brittanykfolsom Posts: 12 Member
    Mine "tries" to be supportive but yeah, he is always eating cookies and candy and pasta and potatoes and having seconds and thirds of a meal lol. He plays hockey and is very active so I guess he has that right. We figured up his calorie intake for yesterday alone and it was 2159...not counting the candy he had eaten! Lucky men, they gain/lose so much better than women!
  • brittanykfolsom
    brittanykfolsom Posts: 12 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I have accepted FR and sent them to those who didn't! Look forward to reaching all of our goals together!!
  • Hi! I'm 23 and like you I want to lose some weight, not as much as you... i'm thinking between 20 and 30 pounds (I'd like to be 116 lbs), I'm 5' (yeah really tiny, which i don't know why makes it difficult to lose weight). I think that will be the first time i'll be fit in my whole life (the closest to fit i"ve been was when i was at the maritime academy i used to go to school by bike).
    I'd be more than happy to talk with you (and anyone who want to be friends of course^^), always looking for buddies to keep myself motivated and motivate others^^
    take care
  • Hey girls!

    I'm 25 (for three more days and I'm clinging to that!), 5'6 and currently 131.6, SW 147.7. I had been between 140-150 my entire high school experience, which in reality is healthy, etc., but all of my friends were in their 120's and gorgeous blondes so I was always a bit concious of the fact! (Yes, I'm a brunette and oh-so-proud!!!)

    Now, I'm heading down to those 120's just to prove to myself that I can, but really I want to switch from my weak flabby self to a more muscluar version (read: not bulky just lower bf%). So I'm gonna high-five the 120's and then make my way back up to 135ish (I assume) with muscle weight. I've got a long way to go on my training journey and I'm more than happy to have a group of us cheering each other on, no matter our current goals/weight!

    Anyone feel free to add me and know that I'm hella supportive, but my diary is currently private until I get myself back to where I feel comfortable sharing!

  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member

    I'm 23. Living in London and would also like some new, similar buddies for motivation.

    Will send you a request.

  • Hiya,

    I'm 23, soon to be 24. I live in Dublin and my goal weight is 140 lbs, I've got a long way to go and would love to have and help support others in the same boat as me.

    Will send friend request.
  • ashzacher
    ashzacher Posts: 114 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    I am also 23. I am about 5’4” too. I enjoy running, baking, and cooking (can you see my problem here? Lol). I weigh about 154 right now and I am trying to get down to about 130. Mostly I want to like the way I look. Right now I am muscular in the legs, but I carry all of my weight in my thighs and midsection. I have run 2 half marathons with a 3rd coming in May. I started last year at about 150, trained for my first half and got down to 143, but in my late training I was eating all the carbs I wanted and got back up to 150. Since then I have gained a little by just not going to the gym as much. I have really learned a lot about nutrition, myself, my body, and fitness in the last year. I’m still learning every day, but I would love some new friends on this journey!!

  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    Hello, lovelies!

    I turn 23 in 16 days ;) I'd love make new friends here.

    At my heaviest, I was 174 lbs - that was half a year ago. Right now, I weigh in at 151 lbs. My goal weight is about 132 lbs, although I'm not too fussed about the numbers. I really just enjoy my 3 - 4 times a week workouts. Whatever happens, happens!

    I have a goal that I'm working towards, and that's beating my 1h 40min timing for my first 10 KM last year. I hope to clock in at about 1h 15mins or less come November 2014.

    Looking for exercise / running buddies here too. Let's keep one another motivated! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey, I sent request. I'm a 20 year old makeup artist, and am growing more passionate about health and fitness and love swapping tips and tricks. I'm new here too so anyone wanna be buddies, add me :happy:
  • I'm just shy five months of being 23-years old... Does that count? :P

    I, too, am in school for nursing, though I am not as far along as you. I should be in the program by the fall, but I do understand the stress that comes along with it. Much like you, my husband doesn't eat enough vegetables or any healthy foods for that matter. It does make it a struggle! I'm 5'3" and I have around the same amount of weight to lose as you. So, feel free to add me or, actually, I'll just go ahead and add you. :)
  • callmeampersand
    callmeampersand Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not 23, but I am 29 and would love to have more buddies on here! My starting weight was 247 and I am at 184 right now, I am 5'9. My goal weight is 180 and then I am just going to keep working out and eating healthy and if i lose more than that will be okay. You can totally do this, its hard to do it w/o a completely supportive SO but once you start making improvements in your health than that can motivate them sometimes as well.
  • Hey ladies! I'm a 22-yo undergrad looking to get fit & lose about 100-120 pounds over the next year or two. I've always struggled with weight loss, & have never been completely happy with my body. My weight started going up my senior year of high school from 150 to 170. Once I hit 200 I was gutted, but I sort of had a "why bother" attitude. Now I'm at my highest weight at 240, & am taking things one day at a time to reset my attitude towards weight loss & healthy living while I try to get back to a healthy weight. I'm 5'6" & my ultimate goal this year is to be 150-170 by my 23rd birthday/graduation in December. I would love some support & friends on here! Thanks for reading! :)
  • Hey ladies! I'm 24 years old, a student, and I've struggled with my weight I've fluctuated between 130lbs and 150lbs since I was in high school. I'm on the higher end of that weight spectrum, and I've noticed as I get older weight sticks to me a lot more! I've changed up my diet recently, and I've definitely noticed a change. I'm also a lot more positive and motivated about this weight/fitness journey. Feel free to add me anyone and everyone, or I'll add you! I message or leave comments to my friends daily!