Anybody doing Focus T25??

Hey everybody,
I just started T25 on Monday 1/13. I am 32, 5'7, 139lbs, and I am on the 1200 calorie a day diet. I am having a hard time staying full, i constantly feel hungry. I'm not big on sweets, so I don't crave sweets at all. Am i getting enough calories for this workout?? Feel free to add me, I would like to get different ideas on what others are eating with low cal meals throughout the day. :smile:


  • Elizvbm
    Elizvbm Posts: 21
    Hi amanda, I am doing t25.... 2nd week by now.

    5'5 and 121,25lb.

    When i feel hungry i take a fruit like apples, pears, oranges, clementines, or kiwis, or vegetables like carrots when i want to feel like i'm really eating something. Or drink a hot tea so i feel full
  • amandas0220
    Thank you! I will try some of these and see if it helps.
  • Nasincali
    I started t25and on 2 nd week.
    I been eating lots of fruit and water.
    I snack on salad and carrots, no dressing.
    Chicken and fish for dinner. It's easy to get
    up and do the workout, we'll not
    easy but easier than the diet thing.
    I just hope I can stick with it !!!
  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    My ex-boyfriend is doing the T25 I believe, so far he's been doing good on it. I can always ask him questions about how he feels after the workouts.
    I recently read that if you aren't getting enough sleep, you tend to want to eat more (which I struggle with a lot on the lack of sleep).
    Water based fruits help you feel full more. Also, if you like peanuts, or pistachios, or anything of that nature, those are supposed to be extremely good for you for snacks. Also, usually after my workouts, I drink a protein shake, to kind of help refuel, & those tend to help curb that hunger feeling, or I'll eat a protein yogurt as well, or some fruits/veggies. Even oatmeal can be good after a workout, 'cause usually oatmeal can help you feel full if it's got proteins & fiber in them. :)
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Amanda,

    I finished T25 Gamma 3 weeks ago. And trust me if I can do it anyone can. I was in a wheelchair 2 years ago do to a pretty gnarly accident where I got hit by a car, contracted necrotising facitiis (the flesh eating bacteria), lost 30% of my right leg and became a complete blob for lack of a better term. I lived for Tania's modifications the first few weeks. I can probably answer any questions you might have about it. I am checking out P90x3 now (and trust me I thought I could never be fit enough to do this) but will probably do another round of T25 after.
  • ramsfan84
    ramsfan84 Posts: 68 Member
    I started T25 a week ago but got sick and had to stop. I plan on getting back on it tomorrow. It is hard but I do like it. I modify when I need to. I am doing closer to 1600 c alories though.

    Add if you wish and anyone else can add me as well. I am very supportive with my current friends and welcome any and all.

  • jporter2004
    jporter2004 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi there,
    I am starting today. I will add you and anyone else who would like to add me, feel free...the more the merrier :smile: