
  • Robide
    Robide Posts: 101 Member
    Have any Brits on here found a good UK outlet for PB2?
  • PB2 is increasing in popularity and has been showing up on local grocery store shelves, even Wal-Mart!

    Here's a great healthy snack with PB2:

    2 TBs prepared PB2
    1 small banana sliced
    1/2 ounce dark chocolate shaved fine

  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    so peanut flour is all that PB2 is?
    99% correct. PB2 also adds a bit of salt. Chocolate PB2 also adds cocoa powder.

    I'll have to find that cause PB2 is quite expensive. I've also come to realize I use a heck of a lot more peanut butter than 2 T for a sandwich. Yikes the calories!!!!
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    As others have said it doesn't exactly taste like "regular" peanut butters so i quickly abandoned trying to eat it on toast BUT it does make for a great flavor additive when cooking. We use it most often when making homemade stirfry's and we want to add a Thai peanut flavor to the sauce without all the extra cals and sugars.

    I like this stir fry idea--thanks!
  • very interesting! Do you have a recipe to make peanut sauce?
  • As others have said it doesn't exactly taste like "regular" peanut butters so i quickly abandoned trying to eat it on toast BUT it does make for a great flavor additive when cooking. We use it most often when making homemade stirfry's and we want to add a Thai peanut flavor to the sauce without all the extra cals and sugars.

    do you have a recipe for this peanut sauce??
  • I bought the chocolate pb2 for less than 5 bucks at Wal-Mart yesterday but I have not tried it yet. Will put it on celery.
  • BelAug2010
    BelAug2010 Posts: 30 Member
    Heading to buy some today for the first time. All sounds good.
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    Like others have said - I use it in my steel cut oats and plain Greek yogurt. Also works great with some water on apples and bananas (which I love as a snack).
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with all the posts about using PB2 as a flavoring. I am not really crazy about it just mixed with water. I have just mixed the powder directly into a fruit spread and it is good.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Meh. The recommended serving size is is 2TBL but it seems really grainy to me when I use it in my smoothies. If I use just 1 T and it's ok.
  • fishnbrah
    fishnbrah Posts: 550
    the chocolate one is ok, i personally dont care for PB2 and would rather fit real peanut butter in my macros. when im at the end of a cut, and hunger is killing me i'll switch to PB2 so i can eat more food.
  • I love love love it. I even stock up on it. For every opened one I have, I have two backups in the pantry.
    I don't really eat pbj sandwhiches so I don't know how the texture of it is as spreadable butter.
    I use it as a peanut butter flavor in my peanut butter banana smoothies and peanut butter banana oatmeal.

    So any place where I crave the taste of peanut butter.. it's there.
  • The rap on PB2 is that it is processed and is "not real", but I'll admit I've never had it.

    I buy peanut flour from Byrd Mill---I just bought a new five pound bag because they had it on sale for 15% off. They sell several different varieties with different levels of roast. The dark flour has the least fat, but is kind of bitter. I put a scoop in my banana smoothies with a tablespoon of agave or a handful of dates to sweeten them. I just bought the light roast peanut flour but haven't tried it yet.

    I also mix 1/4 cup of it with some water or soy milk and some stevia to make my own peanut butter. Sometimes I make it loose enough to dip apple slices or crackers. Byrd Mill has some recipes that sound great on their website that I plan to try at some point (peanut butter pancakes).

    I used to make peanut butter at home in my food processor but that really is my kryptonite due to the calorie content, so I can't have it in the house. It would be my choice of last meal on death row.....
  • corsiva
    corsiva Posts: 33 Member
    I absolutely LOVE PB2. I have both, but the regular is my favorite. I use it like I would any other peanut butter: on toast, as a dip for granny smith apples, etc. It's not as thick and creamy as regular peanut butter, but it's a lot lower in calories and has a great taste. You should try it!
  • Try mixing it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk instead of water. Delicious!
  • Has anyone tried mixing it in with cottage cheese?
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    I guess I'd like to try it. Trying to figure out the best place to order it from. No local dealers here!

    I don't know where you live but I'm in North Carolina and our Wal-marts here now carry it. Hope this might help. :smile:
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    Has anyone tried mixing it in with cottage cheese?

    I mix PB2 with 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1/2 cup Greek yogurt. Nice amount of protein and tastes great as well! :smile:
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I like it and add a bit of cayenne pepper to PB2 to make it spicy. The chocolate PB2 is good when I want a sweet treat too :)