Does anyone actually ENJOY running?



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Oh, and that "runner's high"? Bull****.

    Not to quibble but runner's high is an actual thing, it's just not what most people concieve it to be. A lot of people seem to tie it in to the regular groove they get to, or a sense of accomplishment when finished. When your mind and body simultaneously get pushed past the brink of endurance, your body produces chemicals (including but not limited to endorphins) to defend against immediate effects of exhaustion.

    Just to clarify.
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    You have to do something you love. There are many, many other exercises out there that will give you great results besides running. I enjoy working out at home and taking walks outside when it's nice out.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I won't say I ENJOY it, per say. It hurts, and nothing that hurts is fun. Oh, and that "runner's high"? Bull****. But I can usually get myself into a good enough mental place to get into a pretty good groove. That's where I'm going along, and I'm thinking about things and enjoying my music and the pain is kind-of pushed to the back of my mind. It's there, but I'm not dwelling on it. And like you said, I love the feeling of finishing a good run and the results that I've seen from it. So I'll just keep grooving on!

    That runner's high definitely, 100% exists, some people get that a lot, others never get to that point, some people get it some of the time.

    Personally, I have only ever felt it once, truly and it feels like nothing can ever touch you, it's an out of this world feeling. (Shame can't get to that point at will :laugh: )
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I like it. I used to hate it. I don't listen to music because I don't care to. It's kinda like "me" time to get away from the house and think about things. LOL
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I can say that I don't hate it anymore. I'm not really at the enjoying level, so I love the fitness results. Maybe I will grow to love it. Maybe...
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I love running! I prefer running outdoors. I find it so freeing and it makes me feel so strong and independent.

    If you truly hate it I suggest that you find something that you enjoy. You can't excel at something you have a negative attitude about.

  • Timkerbelle
    I love running. It's the one thing I actually crave to do. On the other hand I hate strength training. I'm not very successful at making myself do it either unfortunately lol.
  • ctheslayer
    Man, I used to hate it with a passion. And I agree it is not for everyone.

    I had to get over the "hate" because I really wanted to sign up for runs, duathlons and triathlons and these events usually involve some form of running event.

    So I noticed that the first 5 - 10 minutes for me is hell on a stick. It does not matter where I run - treadmill or outside - first 5 - 10 minutes is always the "seriously, I'd rather watch a re-run of glee than do this" moment. After that hurdle, my body seems to get some rush and the miles keep getting easier.

    3 things help me get through the running hurdle:

    1) I had my run/gait analyzed. Because of this, I got better shoes that fit me well. Made a huge difference for me.

    2) A kick-*kitten* sports bra. There might be some jiggles in some other places but my babies are snug as a bug.

    3) I got a Nike + iPod run sports kit. Some people like it. Some people don't need it. I like having it when I run. It's my run and swim buddy. Sometimes, if you need ABBA to get you through the last mile, then you gotta have ABBA.

    Yes, I do enjoy it. I dig how I still sweat 30 minutes after I've stopped running. I dig how other runners give me a nod and I nod back as we pass each other on run trails. I love how I can put my 2 1/2 yr old son in his trailer/jogger and push him while I point out doggies, cars and trucks. And boy do I sleep like a little baby at night.
  • ME02134
    I wouldn't necessarily say I LOVE it. Running takes a lot of energy... and although they say exercise give you more energy I find I'm normally pretty tired after a run but of all exercises I love the results I see from running the most. I have tried to do yoga classes, weight classes, elliptical, spinning ect but nothing works as well as running because you're using your whole body to take the next step. I do mix it up because you cant run everyday (well you can but I dont want to do that) but I find it hard to loose weight in the mid section but running takes it off faster than any other workout.

    I find that I can go farther on the treadmill so that's where I run most of the time... plus it's better for your knees and joints! I run consistently 4 miles. I have thought about races but I like to go fast and get it over with...I may not be dropping the pounds but I am definitely more toned in my legs and midsection which makes me happier everyday! I will never give up running because my body responds to running more than anything else so its worth the battle!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    There are differenty types of enjoyment. Do I enjoy running the same way I enjoy watching a movie or cuddling with my S.O.? No. However, I use running as "me" time - I almost meditate while doing it - I try not to think about work or to-do lists or anything like that, and let myself just focus on the act of running - my breathing, my feet hitting the ground, the impact traveling up my body, the energy I'm using and how my muscles feel before/during/after the workout. Our bodies are amazing, and this is another way to experience what my body can do.

    Sure, some days I seriously want to quit 5 minutes into my run... but when I push through and finish my workout, I NEVER regret it. It's just a different type of enjoyment and a different way to experience life.

    If you find that you seriously hate it and you feel it brings nothing to your life no matter how you try to experience running, then find another activity. Skiing, bicycling, organized sports, jumprope, gym workouts on ellipticals/stairclimbers, hiking... running is a great cardio exercise, but it's not the only worthwhile activity out there... if you hate it after giving it a fair shot, then try something new.