On the road to fit before 50

I can't believe that this chick is two years to hitting the 50 mark. This year I will be 48. I want to feel my best!! I work in health care and I see first hand what NOT taking care of your self can do. I see women come in and men that are victoms of extreme food addection, it's painful to watch. A majority of them are my age or younger and they are killing themselves. My goal is to try to lose two lbs a week... TRY.
Our family has a major road trip coming up and I want to be in shape for it. my weight right now is holding steady at 235, I need to start getting it getting it together. I know I can do this. I have done it before . I embrace each day, I embrace my age, however I don't embrace my weight, it has to GO!!
Hope to see some of you on my wall :)
Kim :love: :flowerforyou:


  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Turning 47 this year. Whenever I'm at the gym and I find myself thinking "I'm too old to be doing this", I always respond by saying "I'm too old NOT to be doing this". Feel free to add me.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I got serious with this when 50 was just a few months away. I didn't make it to my goal weight (not yet) but I lost over 25 pounds and feel better at 50 than ever. You can do this.
  • LesBrock
    LesBrock Posts: 44 Member
    Less than 6 months to go till 50 for me, started this journey on the 1st Jan this year, good luck
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I waited until I was over 50 to get started.

    The journey is worth it.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Hi Kim,

    I turned 48 in November. I started two years ago when my cholestoral numbers were staring at me and not looking very good. They have really improved over the last two years, and I've improved how much I work out.

    We CAN do this! Looking to be in my Best healthy by 50... heck by 49. :) or 48.5
  • rhileyschubbygranny
    rhileyschubbygranny Posts: 145 Member
    HI. I will be turning 48 in three months. I just started watching what I eat and exercising a week ago today (1/13). I also am in the health field. I sm 5'2" and want to either lose 46 pounds or get down to a size 6, whichever comes first. I am doing cardio DVD's at home along with going to the gym to strength train and also started the C25K program.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    On the same path! I turn 49 next Monday! Where DID the years go?! Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • mikester66
    mikester66 Posts: 45 Member
    I will be 48 this year and i am always looking for friends to support and be supported so feel free to add me:)
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I didn’t start till 8/2012 when I was 54 but now I feel very good where I am and looking forward to getting healthier and staying fit. Always looking for more senior friends lol
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    You should be careful about putting a deadline on your weight loss. For some, it can be helpful, but if you don't hit it, you should still be proud of any progress you make and you should continue getting more fit!
  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 232 Member
    You can do this. 53 here made my first goal last year then I just maintained for several months now working to lose the rest. Remember it's not a sprint for weight loss but a marathon. None of us gained our weight overnight so it's not gonna come off overnight. Just relax and enjoy the lifestyle change because everyday you'll feel and look better. Good luck and feel free to add!
  • MarieBliss
    Hey! Well done you! I quit smoking with the same intention of being fit/healthy for my 50th but have ended up putting on weight so signed up to this! Good luck :-)
  • epigirrl
    epigirrl Posts: 54 Member
    Kinda my story, too, except I will be 50 in May. I started this journey last September when I realized that I looked like crap, felt like crap, and was not going to age well if I felt 75 at 49. I am down 25+ pounds, eating better, feeling healthier and stronger, sleeping better, and can actually bend over and touch my toes now. 50 is looking better and better!!