Zumba Reviews

Alliegeex Posts: 60 Member
Hey everyone!

Has anyone bought the Zumba dvd's? I want to try them out but I have absolutely no rhythm at all (seriously). I want to try the DVD's out first because I'm living in a dorm room and it's the most convenient.

Also, has anyone taken a Zumba class? How was it? I plan to sign up for a Zumba class over the summer with my mom. For those of you who have done the class, do you think it would be possible for a deaf woman to follow along with the moves and the music? She can usually feel the beats on the ground and she loves to dance, so I thought this would be a perfect mother/daughter activity.

So many questions, I know haha but thanks in advance! :)


  • leaner426
    leaner426 Posts: 89 Member
    I've taken a class once or twice at a gym. They were ok. I would check with the gym on whether it would be loud enough for your mom, or ask if you can take a class free on a trial basis. A lot of places will let you do that. I did one of the Wii Zumba games and that is great. You should be able to rent a machine and game if you don't have access to try them out. The nice thing about the game was that it was more challenging and it has you wear a motion sensor so it "scores" you - if you cheat and rest it will know. It has a number of routines on it and music so it doesn't get boring. If you go to Gamestop or look on Craigslist you might be able to pick them up cheap. Good luck.
  • SaresMansell
    SaresMansell Posts: 17 Member
    Zumba is brilliant!! I love it.

    You can try it out first for free on Youtube, just type in Zumba and loads of video's will come up.

    I'm not too sure about the second half of your question, might be worth asking at the gym.

  • hobbit_mom
    hobbit_mom Posts: 9 Member
    I bought the dvd package. While Zumba is fun, doing the same routine over and over and over again loses it's luster. If I could go back in time I'd cheap out and do a better you-tube search. And, the 1 lb "toning sticks" became toys for my kids.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    She probably won't be able to follow by the beats. Decent gyms have the floor cushioned a little to acommodate jumping and that muffles the sound. Try to get a spot in the front or second row in the middle (close to the instructor). The instructor cues silently so once you figure out what she means you will be fine. Just remember that a lot of the step combinations repeat.

    I would also consider talking to the instructor before the class. She may be able to make her cues a little bigger.
  • I have the dvd's and am currently taking the classes. The dvd's work fine but the classes are way more fun. :smile:
  • DebbieSusanne
    DebbieSusanne Posts: 18 Member
    I have the DVD's but I did not like them as much as the class. I liked the music better (modern hip/hop that I enjoy dancing and listening too) in the class and my instructor incorporates a lot of exercise into our routines (squats, sit-ups etc). She is also adding new routines or bringing back "old" ones so each class is completely different. I agree with other posters that a better option would be to do some routines on youtube first. Then if you have some time maybe you can make it to the group class.
  • j_ballou0907
    j_ballou0907 Posts: 6 Member
    I would say that the classes are much more fun because you have a real person there encouraging you every step of the way. It also allows for a lot more variety as the instructors add in their own songs and routines!
    There are people of all dance skill level at the classes I've been to and everyone is just in there having fun!
  • deadbambi
    deadbambi Posts: 368
    I LOVE Zumba class!
    I am not a fan of the DVD's because it's definitely not the same experience, it's so much more fun in a class!
  • mboromom
    mboromom Posts: 85 Member
    I LOVE Zumba class!!!! From my experience, it's actually helped me become a better dancer...and it's sooooooo much fun and so freeing...I definitely recommend going to the classes. I'm not shy to dance in front of people anymore because of that class.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,432 Member
    I have the DVD set and like it. I haven't had a chance yet to do the in person classes except for that I recently started Aqua Zumba (it's in the pool at my YMCA) which is fun.
  • FitWitBrit
    FitWitBrit Posts: 21 Member
    I have tried zumba and loved it! What I can say is its tougher than it looks, but after a couple classes it was a breeze. Regarding your mother, I really don't know, but the class I went to had an instructor in the front to follow. I would guess if she follows her the beat may not matter? Good luck!
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Zumba in a dorm room seems highly difficult. ha ha
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    The classes are much more enjoyable for me.
    The instructors I've had will give you a visual cue to the next step or a count with their fingers like 3....2....1....then they'll point which direction to go.

    Every instructor is different but the good ones really stand out.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    I love Zumba class, lots of fun and calories burned! I have never tried the DVD as I likely would not get around to it at home....
  • Hi there!

    I'm a Zumba instructor and I'd like to chime in :)

    A good instructor should give easy to understand non-verbal instruction with their hands so that you know what direction to be moving in and what to expect for your next move. The great thing about Zumba is that the steps repeat in each song so it is easy to follow and you have an idea of what is going to come up again. Also, Zumba has steps that come up in songs again and again so you learn it once and you will do it again later in the class.

    As for your mom, if she can feel the music, she might catch on, it's worth the try. Most places have their music loud (in my class it is, it's part of the party experience!) It might take a couple of classes to know for sure whether or not Zumba will be for her. First thing to do is check in with the instructor and let her know about Mom. Not all instructors face the class (I do) but if he/she does, they might give special eye contact with your Mom to guide her along the first couple of classes. That's what we are paid for!

    Everyone is right in the thread. The DVD's are fun, but can get repetitive once you master them. The live party experience in a class is soooooooo much more fun and instructors change it up. Friends make Zumba more fun and I think you work harder in the classroom situation :)

    Hope my information helps!
  • JHB2011
    JHB2011 Posts: 153 Member
    personally, I think the DVDs would be a complete waste of money. I'd get sick of doing the same songs over and over. The teachers I go to change their classes almost weekly so it's more fun because you never repeat songs over and over.
    Try a class first. You can usually do your first class free, or its only about 5 dollars.
  • bunkahes
    bunkahes Posts: 216 Member
    zumba class was ok, it was too fast, xbox 360, with zumba it shows up green when you are doing it right, you can make as loud as you want in your own place,