High Fat low Carb foods



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,024 Member
    Basically what this person is talking about is something referred to as "Keto". Keto is great because it closely resembles the fat, carb, and protien ratios of caveman. There where no fat cavepeople. They ate lots of meat, which had lots of fat. Agriculture was not apart of their life, so they didn't have access to high carb foods, such as plant-based material. It is actually a more common lifestyle than many would think. I, myself, am a Keto girl.
    I would suggest going to Reddit Keto. There is a great community of Keto followers there. Also this site, http://blahblahblahketo.tumblr.com/tagged/keto-recipes, is a life-saver for me. I love baked goods and now I can enjoy my favorite versions of them.
    Which caveman are you talking about? Oh, you must be talking about that guy that lived north where vegetation was scarce......in winter. Right! What about those other cave people where it was perpetual summer or tropical.....wonder what they ate...any guesses?

    There was a large variety of macro ratios in the various indigenous and ancestral food cultures. One thing in common though is that their food was not procured in styrofoam trays or seal packages, devoid of fibre and nutrients.
    Exactly, from 2% carbs to 70% from the research gathered.....basically humans adapt to just about any diet. Hey, my food doesn't come in styrofoam.............am I missing any good eats.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Basically what this person is talking about is something referred to as "Keto". Keto is great because it closely resembles the fat, carb, and protien ratios of caveman. There where no fat cavepeople. They ate lots of meat, which had lots of fat. Agriculture was not apart of their life, so they didn't have access to high carb foods, such as plant-based material. It is actually a more common lifestyle than many would think. I, myself, am a Keto girl.
    I would suggest going to Reddit Keto. There is a great community of Keto followers there. Also this site, http://blahblahblahketo.tumblr.com/tagged/keto-recipes, is a life-saver for me. I love baked goods and now I can enjoy my favorite versions of them.
    Which caveman are you talking about? Oh, you must be talking about that guy that lived north where vegetation was scarce......in winter. Right! What about those other cave people where it was perpetual summer or tropical.....wonder what they ate...any guesses?

    There was a large variety of macro ratios in the various indigenous and ancestral food cultures. One thing in common though is that their food was not procured in styrofoam trays or seal packages, devoid of fibre and nutrients.
    Exactly, from 2% carbs to 70% from the research gathered.....basically humans adapt to just about any diet. Hey, my food doesn't come in styrofoam.............am I missing any good eats.

    And what about fibre content? some had enormous amounts of fibre, ridiculously high in compared to our not even 20 grams per day level. And the animals they ate had diets from the wild, free roaming, etc, not penned up animals fattened on GMO grains. It's difficult to navigate today's modern food supply chain and mimic ancestral way of eating. I do my best with grass fed and pastured meat and eggs, org vegetables, etc, I know it ain't perfect, but it is what it is. I've also noticed I do better eating low carb, as it keeps my blood sugar stable throughout the day, I am not voraciously hungry, my stomach issues went away, my skin cleared, joints don't hurts anymore, my blood work is incredibly better, I sleep better and I naturally lose weight. Am I eating closer to my ancestral diet, I cannot be for certain, I don't have a time machine to go back and check, but I sure as heck feel and look better.
  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member

    Some people do well (myself) on a higher fat diet. My current ratios are 10% carb, 40% protein, and 50% fat. This is when I lose the best and feel the best. Everyone has to find their own best balance. Mother's milk is 54% saturated fat. Mother nature wants me to eat fat. :)

    wow. haven't seen these fat ratios before. pretty high.
    But whatever is working for you.

    High fat in diet is not uncommon. I eat 10% carb, 20% protein and 70% fat.

    So do I. It works well. :)
  • steveramz
    Whole eggs. :o)
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    Google LCHF or Keto recipes. You will find a ton of options and ideas. Once you get your macros balances out, calories won't be a concern, so much. The challenge will be to eat enough calories, you will be so full from the energy dense foods.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    Higher fat foods have higher cals compared to carbs, proteins. 9 cals per gram of fat 4 per each pro/carb

    This. I was going to say "High fat, low cal foods? Those don't exist... They can't exist."
  • olaboss
    I am trying this LCHF as it is called in Sweden. It totally throws all common wisdom. A female Dr. in Sweden Annika Dahlquist had been giving the high fat low carb advice to her patients and they had great results for both weight loss and improvement of diabetes. She almost lost her job because it didn't match the current wisdom on diet (AHA, USDA etc.). The experts later gave her the OK by saying that the LCHF diet is a proven beneficial diet. More and more research studies are coming out. They talk about a paradigm shift where the "bad" saturated fat will be proven to be the "god" fat. I am interested to see what the expert community will find, or will the corporate interests make sure that the common beliefs prevail? Money talks.
    Here is a bunch of information: http://www.dietdoctor.com/
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Higher fat foods have higher cals compared to carbs, proteins. 9 cals per gram of fat 4 per each pro/carb

    This. I was going to say "High fat, low cal foods? Those don't exist... They can't exist."

    Of course. But the OP wasn't looking for low calorie fats.
  • amepatriot
    High fat diets are what your body needs to function properly, as long as you keep your carbs down below 60 or so.. Your brain is composed almost entirely of fat so what do you think happens to your brain on a low fat diet? Right. It starts shrinking. Furthermore your brain needs cholesterol to function properly. I am trying to keep my carbs down below 60, even 40 if I can, while I want my good fats up around 100 with as much protein and cholesterol as I can get.
  • cely_dee
    what are some protein bars that have about the same grams of carbs and protein?
  • leighann881
    This works best for me too. I think I'm set at 50f/30p/20c. Have never been happier. A load of other digestion issues have resolved as well as getting tighter (reducing bloat) and losing weight. It really he to each their own.

    Some people do well (myself) on a higher fat diet. My current ratios are 10% carb, 40% protein, and 50% fat. This is when I lose the best and feel the best. Everyone has to find their own best balance. Mother's milk is 54% saturated fat. Mother nature wants me to eat fat. :)

    wow. haven't seen these fat ratios before. pretty high.
    But whatever is working for you.
  • leighann881
    As for your question:
    Fried egg over steak, onions & peppers
    In-n-Out double double animal style protein style
    Stir fry no rice
    Fried egg over cream cheese & bacon spinach
    Shredded beef tacos in cabbage
    Egg salad in romaine leaves topped with bacon
  • brooke77777
    brooke77777 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! Feeling GREAT and lost a few lbs since going high fat, low carb. The book, "Grain Brain" inspired me to try a ketogenic diet and I feel better than I have in a long time. :-)
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    Eat a salad with a homemade salad dressing of olive oil and red wine vinegar and whatever spices you want,

    130 calories for two tablespoons and the salad next to nothing calories depending on what you put in it.

    But it's high on nutrition and high in fat and no or low carb depending on what you eat in the salad.

    I live off of this and MFP always tells me I am getting too much fat, but it works for me. It's a low calorie food and it's very filling.
  • jacmarmac
    jacmarmac Posts: 3 Member
    Sour cream, cheese, and nuts aren't high in carbs. They're staples on a ketogenic (low carb high fat) diet. Learn to read your nutritional labels, friend. 1-2g of carbs per serving is about what those run. I eat <5% carbs daily and often eat cheese and nuts.
  • nlopezusc
    nlopezusc Posts: 2 Member
    that is really unhealthy. I hope you have raised your intake.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    that is really unhealthy. I hope you have raised your intake.

    Your body doesn't need dietary carbs.

    They are beneficial in small quantities as they are a good source of micro nutrients and soluble fibre (although if you are eating mainly veg based carbs, you do not need that much to get what you need.

    I personally eat about 10 - 20% carbs, mainly from veggies.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Can anyone give me some examples of high fat low carb foods??? I have redone my diet ratios and am going to try low carb ( about 100grams a day) I am not having a problem with adding protein but I cant seem to find many high fat foods that also have low calories. I am waaayyyyyy low on my fat grams every day. Please feel free to look at my diary. Any suggestions will help

    peanut butter... always the answer, whatever the question!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Can anyone give me some examples of high fat low carb foods??? I have redone my diet ratios and am going to try low carb ( about 100grams a day) I am not having a problem with adding protein but I cant seem to find many high fat foods that also have low calories. I am waaayyyyyy low on my fat grams every day. Please feel free to look at my diary. Any suggestions will help

    peanut butter... always the answer, whatever the question!

    What is the dealio with PB?

    My wife is hooked on the stuff. A jar doesn't last more than a couple of days in our house - she just eats it off the spoon.

    Personally I haven't eaten the stuff in over 2 years! Tastes okay but it's just weird the way it clings to the roof of the mouth.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Can anyone give me some examples of high fat low carb foods??? I have redone my diet ratios and am going to try low carb ( about 100grams a day) I am not having a problem with adding protein but I cant seem to find many high fat foods that also have low calories. I am waaayyyyyy low on my fat grams every day. Please feel free to look at my diary. Any suggestions will help

    peanut butter... always the answer, whatever the question!

    What is the dealio with PB?

    My wife is hooked on the stuff. A jar doesn't last more than a couple of days in our house - she just eats it off the spoon.

    Personally I haven't eaten the stuff in over 2 years! Tastes okay but it's just weird the way it clings to the roof of the mouth.

    its delicious!!! i go through phases with it, i'll have a few days of eating it by the spoonful (trying my best to cram it into my cals and macros!!!), and then i can leave it for weeks at a time....

    as far as high calorie high fat, but not a lot of volumn so you dont feel full from it, its a winner!!!