Turbo Jam Advice or Successes?

Hello all, I'm new to this site , just started 2 weeks ago. 6 lbs down so far, 81 to go!! I'm using turbo jam dvds for my main workout.. Looked into doing turbo fire, but I don't think my poor knees can handle it just yet. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to maximize weight and inch loss, or any recent success stories through using turbo jam.. Really could use the motivation!! Thanks :)


  • debush1
    debush1 Posts: 16 Member
    Love my Turbo Jam...I always go back to it...I have Turbo Fire as well and can do it, but I find the movement a bit quicker and harder to keep up...as always she has a low impact girl to follow.

    Just need to remember what Chalene says...."just give me 5 minutes..."
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I did Turbo Jam a few years ago and revisited it a bit while I was waiting for my Turbo Fire to arrive. I think that one of the tips I can give that helped a ton (in both Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire) was to use the weighted gloves. You don't have to get the beachbody ones. I got mine half off at Sport Authority. I always go low impact to be safe on a bad knee I have even though I could probably do high impact if I wanted to. So the weighted gloves are a great way to add some extra resistance when you aren't jumping around. Even though I'm doing T25 right now, I'm still using them. Now that I'm getting better I'm even thinking of getting a weighted vest. But even though it's a great workout and there are ways to make it even harder, focus on the calories. Exercise has so many great benefits other, so keep doing it for sure! But for weight loss alone, make sure to track everything and try to wear a hrm when you're doing your workouts so that you know how much you've burned.
  • crickle3013
    crickle3013 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the tips! Yes I may just have to pick up some weighted gloves. I'm gonna check into the modified turbo fire..perhaps I can make it work after all :)
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    You can definitely make it work. Even if you have to modify the modifiers until you get there. As long as you are moving and doing your best to keep good form you will see results. Good luck and have fun with it
  • crickle3013
    crickle3013 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! Best wishes to you as well!
  • qbredlipstick
    qbredlipstick Posts: 12 Member
    Chalene Is awesome, just show up even if you have to modify, Log all food faithfully and success will come. Once I got comfortable with getting through any of the workouts I keep making them harder, more intensity, using the gloves, going deeper in the squats...
  • NoExcusesFitnessCoach

    Great job on your weight loss so far! I did Turbo Jam in March 2013 and loved it. It's a great choice to get started in your journey. I agree with everything posted so far, but would like to add this: nutrition is SO important in any weight loss journey. Make sure you're eating CLEAN and sticking with it. Without the right nutrition, it's tough to lose the weight and keep it off. It sounds like you're doing great so far and I can't wait to hear more about your success!

    I did Turbo Fire after TJ, but you mentioned having issues with your knees. TF can also be modified, but I'd also look into ChaLEAN Extreme. I just finished that a couple of weeks ago and LOVED it. You get great results without the impact. Plus, you still get to workout with Chalene :smile:

    Please keep us posted on your journey!
