My Journey Begins!

Hello everyone! My name is Marie and I am a 32 year old mom who has put her health on the back burner for far too long. I'm finally going to take my weight into my own hands and shed this extra weight. I would love to share my ups and downs with others who are going through similar battles. I live in Alberta Canada. We can do this everyone!!


  • JenR_
    JenR_ Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Marie:) Nice to meet you! Feel free to add me as a friend. I've learned that support and motivation totally helps while losing the weight. The more the merrier, and the more fun the journey!:)
  • whitela1974
    whitela1974 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there Marie

    I too need to take my health back. I was diagnosed a few years ago with hypothyroidism and have been having put weight on. I find myself blaming my hypothyroidism instead of changing or telling myself I will have a better day tomorrow. Well tomorrow is now and it is time to be in control.
    Looking forward to keeping in touch.

  • cjdstephenson
    cjdstephenson Posts: 10 Member
    Two years ago this month I made a decision to get on the right track once and for all with better food choices and exercise. This was nothing new, I had made this decision many times before and was only successful for a short period of time. Now, two years later exercise and good food choices have become a lifestyle, 2nd nature. I make stupid food choices at times, even have gained a few pounds I had to re-lose. I am a 56 year old woman. I have lost 52 pounds and still working towards my goal weight.
    Several people asked why I was successful this time with so many failed attempts over a life time. My quick response was, "I found my give a damn". It has been my mantra. Identify your "give a damn" because if you don't, (give a damn), you won't, (give a damn)
    MFP was/is the key for me. When I journal my foods, I constantly am evaluating the good, the bad and the ugly and make wiser choices next time.
  • Hello!


    Add me if you would like. I'm on here almost everyday :smile:

  • leona74
    leona74 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Marie--We can beat anything we put our minds too!! I have a lot of weight to lose!! No more sitting on the couch watching The Biggest Loser while eating a bag of chips for me:laugh: And yes I actually did this:wink: Kind of a wake up call!! Ready to turn a new leaf.
  • LinJoyAdd
    LinJoyAdd Posts: 16 Member
    HI Marie, I am 50 and also trying to make my health a priority. A few years ago my family was going through something that only food could get me through it. Now I am not happy with how my body looks or feels. I just started just over 2 weeks ago and I have over 30 lbs to lose. I am on every day. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • SprackleMe
    SprackleMe Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for the kind welcome everyone! I actually did the same as you leona74, would sit watching The Biggest Loser while eating Doritos!!
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Good day to you Marie. I applaud anybody who makes the decision to take their life in their hands and takes the steps towards better health. I have physicial obstacle also being a above the knee amputee after being struck by a car in the line of duty as a paramedic.