Climbing out of my rut.

I have been a bad girl. Well, I fell off the wagon when I found out my aunt got her kidney (yay!) because I was going to donate if she needed it and I needed to be at a certain weight to donate. Now that the pressure is off, I back slid. A friend of mine from middle school posted a picture of me from when I was 13 today and it was NOT flattering. I was a chubby girl with a bad haircut and a double chin. It made me realize that I have to keep fighting for myself too. Sooo, I am up twenty pounds from the summer and maxing out my stretchy clothes. I am still working out 5 hours a week, but my diet has gone to pot. Anyone else in a rut?


  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    Just returned to MFP on Saturday. October November December were stressful--and not in a good way. Left me sort of down and wishing my family was jewish, so we could do shiva instead of a Yankee-Brit stiff upper lip observance.

    In addition to not logging, I wasn't exercising regularly. I should have watched my macros better and found a way to drink my water quota between hospital rounds and then funeral arrangements.

    I am up a handful of pounds. I won't measure myself yet, cause the jeans that finally fit me again in July won't easily zip today. More worrisome is that I just don't have the mental stamina and focus presently. I am knitting up a storm and finding small house organizing projects. I have professional work to do--but I am still putting it off. I am hoping that returning to exercising will reassert my will to really get a move on.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Loss and caretaking takes its toll. Sometmes I confuse overteating with taking care of myself. Getting the umph up to work out may be too much right now. Good luck.
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    Nov and Dec = bad. I finally exercised today and logged my food. Probably need to adjust my weight soon but really not ready to see what the past 2+ months have done.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Yeah me too. I adjusted my weight up 10 pounds and now I need to do 10 more, but I just can't make myself do it. I am starting to head back in the right direction, but I keep backsliding. The working out will hopefully keep me headed in the right direction.
  • just35lbstogo
    just35lbstogo Posts: 53 Member
    I'm there with you. I've actually been in a rut for what seems like forever. Between the holidays and getting sick for the 3rd time in 6 weeks it's just been ridiculous. I rarely get sick so it's really starting to tick me off because I just don't feel like I can get in the workout that I need. Anyway, I've been feeling really down on myself because I'm up 10lbs from where I was at a while ago. I just keep beating myself up for gaining the weight and I've been focusing on that more than losing the weight. Grrrr... I just need to get well and do something about it.
  • baileyang33
    baileyang33 Posts: 131 Member
    Right there with ya! I was 10 pounds from my goal weight last May & between the loss of my dad & my job of 15 years lets just say I was enjoying lots of adult beverages & gained 20 pounds back! Got back on the wagon 12/31/13 because I'm so much happier in every aspect of my life if I'm eating better & exercising. Opened up my diary to be more accountable as well. I hate that -0- for exercise!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    So sorry for your loss of your dad, and your job at the same time? I cannot imagine how hard that must be. Focusing on taking care of yourself by staying healthy is so hard in the face of so much sadness that you must be feeling. Taking small steps in the right direction is all we can do. I am setting smaller goals - starting fresh again after a bad day of eating. Making myself get on the scale again daily, exercising and contacting workout friends for motivation, making healthy lunches and staying away from the lunchroom with the snacks. It's like I forgot all the things that worked and have to start fresh. Ugh.
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    story of my life1 I lost 54 pounds using mfp in 2011-2012.... then my dad got sick and was in/out of the hospital....I started eating fast food on way home from hosp and eventually just quit trying. Here I am a yr and a half later ...gained back 40 pounds of what I worked so hard to lose. So ....tomorrows a new beginning again for me!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    At least we know we can do it, because we've already done it once. I came back from the gym tonight realizing that I look better than I did three weeks ago, so I just need to keep moving forward.
  • tryin08
    tryin08 Posts: 41 Member
    Back on track, day one. Rejoining the join where i last lost. It was easy then, i was on summer break. I tried to go to a lesser expensive, closer gym, but it had no childcare, so i couldnt go and eventually, i wouldnt go.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    We all hit ruts. Just got to wake up in the morning and tell yourself it is time to get back on it.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Thanks Uconn, I agree. I seem to be finally back in the swing of things. Tryin, you need a reliable schedule-daycare to make it with little kids. It's hard. Hopefully you can find a better gym for you.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread. I've been so down on myself for getting into a rut, but it's nice to hear I'm not in it alone and that there is hope. LIke others, I was ten pounds from my goal weight two years ago and then just lost it. I wasn't happy in my job and I had some personal stress, too. However, I let those be my excuses instead of my motivations.

    So, here I am trying to get the motivation back. I have good days and bad days, but I'm hoping that celebrating each small step will help me (for example, tonight the easy thing to do was be a couch potato, but I told myself to put a podcast on and work out and I did!).

    I also read that a sedentary person (like myself, sadly) should have at least two and a half hours of exercise per week, so now that will be my goal rather than getting down on myself for not working out on a certain day.

    I turn 50 this summer, so my goal is to lose 50 pounds by my birthday.

    Good luck, everyone, and thanks for sharing your stories.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    That is great that you are adding exercise as a goal! It will help with the weight loss for sure. I am trying to set a goal of logging daily now because I have been so bad at that, but when I log it keeps me honest and keeps me from eating at night, which has been a huge problem this winter.
  • skyfall91
    I was so pleased with myself in october - I hit 9st 12lbs and then my babys first birthday came and then xmas and my mother in laws endless giving of huge chunks of christmas cake - ended up with me now weighing 11st again so4 months gained 1st 2lbs. This is day 2 back on track and logging everything. Im determined not to give up and go back to silly over eating again. Im wishing everyone luck but as long as we think we can do this then we can. Big hugs to those that have struggled and had a bad time recently x
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I hear ya about temptation. Cake. Yum. with kids in the house, it's harder because I like to eat. I can eat healthy and I enjoy that a lot too, but in the winter the carbs tempt me more. I limit the temptation food in my house (skinny house the kids call it), but I can't eliminate it all. That's OK, I am making myself fat free burrito with lots of lettuce for dinner with a side of fresh steamed green beans and strawberries for dessert after making the girls pizza rolls and getting them fresh baked French bread and chocolate covered acai berries. Ugh.