Starting an 8 week journey (first step)

Hey, how's everyone? I'm gonna give you the short-ish version of my story. I've been on this on and off health wagon for a while now. I have a really bad binge eating disorder that really hinders my life (fighting it for almost 10 years now). I've been able to control it on and off but most of the time I just spend my days fighting it and losing. 2 years ago I was able to go almost 2 months "clean" and I lost around 20 pounds and was pretty fit. It felt so great to be in control of my life but I think I was too strict and eventually I lost it, and once I was out of control it just never stopped. I gained all the weight back and then some and since then I've just been trying to control my binges (which can really be terrible, 8,000 calories easy, no joke - don't ask me how I can fit it all inside, no idea).

The stress level in my life has been terrible lately, it feels like everything that can go wrong has gone wrong and after a week where I've been stuffing myself until I'm sick and skipping the gym I just feel like I need to get it together and I could use some support and accountability. If anyone wants to join me or just say hi I'd appreciate it, if not I think that just posting here might help me out. I'm starting a new semester in school in 8 weeks and I think that trying to get my life back on track before then is a good idea so I'm gonna try and post how my journey goes, track my intakes, exercise, measurements and weight, and hopefully by the end of this I'll post some nice before and after pictures haha and I'll feel 102983290842934 times better about myself.

Here's to hoping it all goes well! :drinker:


  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You are applying temporary solutions to a lifestyle problem. Fix the lifestyle, and you no longer have a problem.
  • forgetregret
    forgetregret Posts: 66 Member
  • NKoz82
    NKoz82 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi and I wish you well on your health journey. Hopefully once you get the eight weeks under your belt you will be able to keep it up for the rest of your life. Just take it one step at a time.