Xmas 20lb Challenge P2!!!



  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Taz: I soo understand about the wine! I do love a nice shiraz! Another rough weekend for me. Boy are weekends hard! My husband is home all week and not working so that will be a challenge too. He loves to eat and watch T.V. Usually he works at night so I'm on my own and find it much easier to keep track of my food. This whole week will be a challenge for me. Yesterday I bought a Walk Away The Pounds DVD so, I will see if I can fit that into my day. I also bought a pilates DVD because, all I had was on VHS and I don't have a VCR any more. So hopefully, I can incorporate those into my week along with my lunch time walks. Have a great week everyone!!
  • current weight 189
    this weeks loss 2 lbs
    total loss for xmas challenge to date 8 lbs

    Still on track. Goodbye 190s Hello 180s
  • ntp0826
    ntp0826 Posts: 95 Member
    Lost 3.2 pounds this week! Total since challenge: 6.2!
  • Hello everyone 1.8 pounds for me this week for a total of 8.8 since the start of the challenge. Everyone keep up the good work.
  • I have officially lost 25 lbs since I started exercising and using mfp on august 25th. I think that's pretty damn good. But I believe I am hitting my plateau. I'm going to have to change some things, switch some stuff up. I'm down by 0.8 lbs. It's a loss but....I'm not going to let it stop me. I'll just keep chugging along. :wink:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Weigh in today, down 3lbs to 162lbs ...... 10lbs so far for the challenge, just another 10lbs to go, she says!!!!!
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Wow Lorna. Fantastic!!! Congrats. :flowerforyou:
  • well seems I lost 7 pounds this week......I almost freaked when i stepped on scale.....but there was a huge change this week I started working again and my routine got totally screwed around. So other than the extra money from working I dropped some more weight...yay....so lets hope there are more weeks like this. Total weight lost since starting this 20 pound challenge 14lbs.....I am soooo excited
  • Hi all, Here is the list as promised!

    taz12 2.4lbs
    ley1 2lbs
    jippygirl 2.4lbs
    ferff3 1lb
    bhonniered 3.4lbs
    friedenscandy 0.8lbs
    Cataclysm 1.6 lbs
    twinsfan1976 2.4 lbs
    NYIceQueen 2.2 lbs
    harleymotivatedmama 2.8 lbs
    twilightteamedward 1lb
    Lisa_reds 2lbs
    loveusa 2lbs
    MrsRios 1.5lbs
    rayfromtx 2lbs
    ntp0826 3.2lbs
    vyseexe 1.8lbs
    blasian72 0.8lbs
    lornawalker 3lbs
    mom2triplets 7lbs

    Little low on numbers this week! Nudge your friends into action and get them to share their good news!

    Hope all is well?

  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I guess we aren't allowed to be on the list if we gained? I will be showing a loss next weigh in anyway.
  • I think the list is getting shorter?? Where ie everyone? come on people we can do this!!!! : )
  • I was thinking about weighing in once every 2-3 weeks because I normally hop on the scale every time I make it to the loo, and it's a bit too much if you ask me!! But I'll keep reporting weekly to keep the group momentum going because I really need you guys!

    So everybody, keep it going! This is important!! :)
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I'm really proud of myself tonight. I was REALLY craving chocolate today. WIth halloween candy still inthe cupboards, this is getting really difficult. I had one treat sized box of smarties to try and satisfy that chocolate yearning, however, I just wanted more. I REALLY wanted to go and get more halloween chocolate! (Oh how I wish my kids could eat that stuff faster!) So anyhoo, I ran out to the grocery store and found a package of Thinsations chocolate covered pretzels. Man, they were soo yummy and more satisfying than the smarties. I also bought Carnation Light Hot Chocolate. POOF!! Chocolate craving gone and I stayed within my calorie range!! It was so satisfying, that I had to share it with someone. (Unfortunatley, DH doesn't even like chocolate: noway: so he doesn't quite get it.) So, I thought, I'd share it with all of you, there must be someone out there who still craves chocolate, try the hot chocolate. It was only 45 calories!!! I realize, that these are empty calories, but sometimes, I'd like to indulge a little bit.

    Let's keep going everyone!! Let's get healthy for Christmas!! We can do this!!!:smile:
  • I lost two pounds this week but didn't end up on the list again. I've lost eight pounds so far. Yay!
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Hey guys! everyone has been a bit quiet of late. Hope that doesn't mean you have fallen off the wagon! (as I have done)
    Dreading the weigh in tomorrow as I have definitely put on a pound or two. Not sure what happened to me this week. It has been like all my cravings hit me at once and I haven't been able to stop eating rubbish and have been really lethargic so not much in the way of exercise. (probably cause of the crap I have been eating!!)
    But.......... all that is now at an end. I have thrown out all the bad stuff in the fridge and am on my way to the shops to stock up on lots of fruit and veg. Just finished a session in the gym and am feeling virtuous so I reckon its a good time to go. If any of the rest of you are in the same boat, get back on board and lets make a push for christmas. We have all been doing so well, it would be a shame to let it all go to waste now. If we want to be able to enjoy all those little christmas treats we need to do the work now.
    Thats all for now folks. My little pep talk is over. Its as much for me as for everyone out there. Think I need to put it in writing in order to able able to commit to it!!
    Over and out.
  • I lost two pounds this week but didn't end up on the list again. I've lost eight pounds so far. Yay!

    You are on the list, 6th from bottom.
  • I guess we aren't allowed to be on the list if we gained? I will be showing a loss next weigh in anyway.

    No, people who gain or maintain wont appear on the list because at the beginning of the challenge several people wanted that information to be kept private. So, rather than try to remember what each individual wants, I decided to keep it simple and only post losses.
  • Hello all! How is everyone getting on?

    It really does seem like the board is particularly quiet this week! I wonder if the change in thread has lost some people! Maybe we could each put the link to the new thread in our status, to remind our friends to post and keep motivated!

    We are getting some amazing results, and many of us are well on target to hit our goals by XMAS!

    I had my own little success yesterday! I went to London for a social work conference (I'm training as a social worker- or my sins!) and didnt eat anything remotely bad for me. Normally I am sucked in to Krispy Kreme for a doughnut, but not this time! I also think I must have burned a TON of calories lugging all the freebies the exhibitors were giving away!

    Weigh in's to be posted over the next few days! Good luck everybody!
  • I'm really proud of myself tonight. I was REALLY craving chocolate today. WIth halloween candy still inthe cupboards, this is getting really difficult. I had one treat sized box of smarties to try and satisfy that chocolate yearning, however, I just wanted more. I REALLY wanted to go and get more halloween chocolate! (Oh how I wish my kids could eat that stuff faster!) So anyhoo, I ran out to the grocery store and found a package of Thinsations chocolate covered pretzels. Man, they were soo yummy and more satisfying than the smarties. I also bought Carnation Light Hot Chocolate. POOF!! Chocolate craving gone and I stayed within my calorie range!! It was so satisfying, that I had to share it with someone. (Unfortunatley, DH doesn't even like chocolate: noway: so he doesn't quite get it.) So, I thought, I'd share it with all of you, there must be someone out there who still craves chocolate, try the hot chocolate. It was only 45 calories!!! I realize, that these are empty calories, but sometimes, I'd like to indulge a little bit.

    Let's keep going everyone!! Let's get healthy for Christmas!! We can do this!!!:smile:

    You are officially crazy! Nothing is more satisfying than smarties! :) lol
  • beasy22
    beasy22 Posts: 41 Member
    Well done to everyone loosing, i'm impressed at how much everyone is loosing week after week, i don't seem to be loosing at the same rate at all but i have lost 2lbs which is good i guess. I can't see me making the challenge but I'm going to try my very hardest :)

    Thanks for a great Challenge CATACLYSM :)

    current weight 62
    this weeks loss 2 lbs

    total loss for xmas challenge to date 4 lbs
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