Scale- A love / hate relationship

Good Morning everyone. I get messages a lot from people asking me how I lost 150+ lbs and what words of wisdom do I have for them. (first of all, this still amazes me, but I don't see myself as anything other than a girl trying to lose some weight).

I thought I would start a post today just to help inspire someone. I know this time of the year a lot of people make resolutions to make a change or make a difference and this is when it starts to get hard- its been a couple weeks and you may or may not be seeing changes.

Most of us probably have a love/hate relationship with the scale. We hate to get on it and it loves to go up in numbers =)

I weigh myself every day. There have been periods where I haven't because I became too obsessive or I would be horribly upset if I saw it go up when I was working out hard or eating right. But I have learned to be ok with an up change if I know that I did everything right and my body is just taking time to adjust.

The scale has taught me that- that usually once during the week I am going to see a 1-2 lbs difference for absolutely 'no reason' or what I would consider no reason- too much salt, a change in my workout, storing water, my period, stress, not enough sleep, etc. But it's weight that won't stick.

One of the reasons that I have been able to be successful over the past 5 years is because no matter what the scale says, I have a belief, that if I just keep making positive decisions about my health, that the rest will follow. That if I pick better options today than I did a month ago, I am winning. From the beginning (even at my heaviest) I decided, that even if I didn't lose any weight, that If I just ate healthier and became more fit, that it was a reward in itself.

So as you are weighing in and you may get frustrated, just remember that if you give up, its only going to get worse, but if you keep making positive decisions that our body (and our weight) will eventually show us the change we want =)


  • jessicameadsstephens
    Very Well stated! Every person is different. My scale jumps all over the place sometimes but it always settles back down to the last weight I recorded. I still have along way to go, but you inspire me to remember it takes time and patience. TY!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    This is why I don't own one....there is no love in that relationship and I am getting past the misnomer that the scale number is my's not.
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    I actually threw out my scales last week - not what most people are doing at this time of year I suspect!

    Over the last 3 years I've lost around 35lbs and 3 dress sizes. I know I'm now a healthy weight for my height. I eat well the majority of the time and exercise 6 days a week so why do I need to torture myself getting on the scales every week? I totally understand that for someone who is still on their weight loss journey, weighing yourself regularly is a necessary evil but don't let it rule (or ruin!) your life.