Stay at home Moms!

Hi Moms! I'm a mom to 4 beautiful daughters 13,10,7 and 5. I'd like to know what you do during the day for exercise and how do you stay on track with your calories. I used to be guilty of munching on their snacks!


  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    The key for me is to not buy a lot of junk food. Some, yes. But a bunch? No. So my snacks are their snacks and we can all eat them. I try to eat plenty of protein and my deficit is too not so big that I get hungry and hog down on everything in sight.
    For exercise I walk, lift weights, or sometimes use a dvd workout.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hi Moms! I'm a mom to 4 beautiful daughters 13,10,7 and 5. I'd like to know what you do during the day for exercise and how do you stay on track with your calories. I used to be guilty of munching on their snacks!

    When my boys were young I did a lot of TV and video workouts at home. When I could afford it we bought a treadmill and I walked or ran on that. You want to make sure they are getting good nutrition and not overeating as well, so you should all be having good snacks. A couple of cookies or crackers now and then will not hurt any of you, as long as you are staying within your recommended daily calories.
  • cleaningqueen17
    cleaningqueen17 Posts: 1 Member
    hi i either go on the wi fit or the kinnect for an hour , for snacks usually fruit , but i always save some calories for a snack when the kids are in bed , usually something like a bag of wotsits 89 calories but that way i dont feel like im depriving myslef xx
  • MommyToAllieB
    MommyToAllieB Posts: 56 Member
    Aww, 4 daughters! I have one daughter who is 6 months old. I'd love three more ;) I honestly haven't gotten motivated to work out when I am at home with her. I have to get out of the house and go to the gym...then it feels like "me time" and I really enjoy it. I'd love to hear some tips on working out at home. I have DVDs and video games I could do, but I never do them. She's still breastfed so I don't have the snacking issue yet!
  • DiamondRubyMom
    DiamondRubyMom Posts: 147 Member
    mom of three here. I also use wii games to get a morning workout in. Totally guilty of stealing snacks or worse eating whatever they didn't finish. Don't want to waste right? wrong all goes to waist. feel free to friend me.
  • love a house full of girls! I have 5 daughters (10, 8, 6, 4, 23mos!). I too use video when I cannot get out to run. I like to eat every couple of hours so I don't get too hungry. favorite snacks are apple/banana, natural peanut butter, and 60% cocoa choc chips or whole wheat thin sandwich, poached egg and shredded cheese.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Well outside of lifting weights 3x/week, my only exercise is housework! My husband set up a home gym for us and he taught me how to use it. The only thing I knew how to do was bicep curls before that :laugh: I used to do the Wii Fit Plus before we got the weight room. I have 2 kids ages 6 and 13 and I love being a stay at home mom! I am always busy with cleaning, dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, ect. so I get lots of cardio in that way. In the springtime I'm going to try walking outside again.

    I usually pre plan my meals for the day, so I don't run out of cals. I eat what everyone else in the house eats, just less of it. My husband doesn't like eating diet food so I make dinners that he likes and just eat part of it usually. No sense in making the poor man suffer just because I need to lose weight :laugh:
  • When my girls were little I joined gyms with child care. I know that feeling of being more engaged in your workout when you are alone.

    Now I do 30 day shred. It's 20 minutes but intense. I try to go to the gym before or after I make dinner too. Some days are easier than others.

    As for our snacks, we don't eat any junk. Like, none. My kids have grown up eating a variety of awesome nutritious foods. My weak spot is their granola bars. I used to binge on those!!! They are the only real sweet treat in the house that I don't have to spend time making!

    I'm guilty of eating what they don't too. I think, "oh, it's just a tiny bit". It does add up though.
  • I just have a baby 6 months ago and during my pregnancy I gain 77 pounds. If you want to lose weight at home I recomend to use the Air Climber. I excercise every day for 30 minutes and I have lose 6 pounds in 4 days :D
  • You should use the Air Climber. I have lose 6 pounds in 4 days doing only 30 minutes per day. My baby is 6 months old as well. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I have a 7 month old going through a fussy stage, but when she lets me I rotate through: Dance Dance Revolution for the Playstation 2 (I'm a gamer, so this is my favorite way to get cardio), 30 Day Shred, weights, kickboxing, bellydancing/Zumba, and the fitness videos on On Demand (Comcast).

    I try to have my own snacks ready to go, so when I do get hungry I have healthy options to grab. When she does get ready to expand her food intake, we're going to do our best to give her healthy snacks as well. :)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I just have a baby 6 months ago and during my pregnancy I gain 77 pounds. If you want to lose weight at home I recomend to use the Air Climber. I excercise every day for 30 minutes and I have lose 6 pounds in 4 days :D

    Good job on getting moving with your new baby at home! The 6 pounds you lost so quickly are likely water weight, so expect that to slow down in the next week or two. Don't get discouraged when that happens, it's normal.
  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    I am a stay at home mom of 2 girls, 3 and 1. Basically, when I decided that I was going to commit to losing weight and eating healthy, I made it so everyone in my house had to eat healthy too. My girls are young enough to give up bad foods like munchies and what not, so it wasn't a bother. It makes my life easier knowing that I have absolutely no temptations in the house.

    I also set 1 day a week where munchies were okay - so Saturday or Sunday. And that day the girls could choose a bag of chips or something along those lines to munch on. It has worked rather well for this house anyways.

    As far as exercise goes, I do not have a gym membership as it is not something I can afford right now. I have a bunch of exercise DVDs - Turbo Jam, 30DS, RI30, NMTZ, BFBM and a few more. I also have weights, an elliptical and go for regular walks with my girls. Another great tool to use for exercising and workout ideas is Pinterest. It has been a huge help for when I was first starting out. There are these monthly challenges you can find on there that start off easy and eventually build up to something harder. They also have different work out plans and meal plans that are easy to follow.

    Feel free to add me if you like :) I am always posting about new things that I find. :)
  • all4my4girls
    all4my4girls Posts: 20 Member
    I have 4 girls (10, 9, 6, 4) and I seem to have finally found the time to get serious about getting healthy. I always feel bad taking time away from them! My 4 year old is in preschool now, so my dh (who works afternoons) and I joined a gym and we go at least 3 days a week during preschool. I am also looking to add some Jillian Michaels in the moring before I wake the girls up for school. If you are looking for an accountability buddy, please feel free to add me. I'm pretty new here and just getting in the swing of things. :)
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    I am a stay at home Mom to two girls, 9 & 7. Our family loves to cook and eat! I try to limit our processed foods and make our own snacks. I like to bake our own brownies, banana bread, granola etc. There are a lot of great recipes for healthy baked goods out there. We always have cuties, apples, and other healthy snacks readily avaliable.

    We still enjoy chips, cookies, an occasional soda....but save those things for the weekend or special occasions.

    I love the Jullian Michaels DVD's. The 30 day shred is awesome! So is Ripped in 30. We also bought a treadmill. I love to get on it and watch a 30 minute show on Food TV Network! :laugh:

    Good luck and have fun!! :smile:
  • I'm a stahm too. My little man is four. Good for you with 4 little ones for taking care of yourself now so they have you for as long as possible in future:) I eat 6 times a day so 3 meals and 3 snacks (protein shakes stuff like that) and I find I have zero hunger issues doing that. I always eat under 1200 calories a day this way. I dont deprive myself of anything but everything I do eat is tracked. If I want a cheat day I let it happen once a week and I find my body seems to lose more weight a few days after a cheat day so it works for me. I do kinnect like everyone else or use YouTube workouts. I love to dance though so i mainly do that. My son likes to workout with me. He says things like "we can do it!" haha! He's my mini personal trainer. I also swim about once a week and jump on the treadmill when i dont feel like doing any exercise, it works like a gateway form of exercise for me because after jumping on the treadmill for even 15min i feel motivated to do more. I think just have fun and do activities,you truly enjoy and that will help,you alot. As for food just when buying them snacks that are maybe not the healthiest pick out flavors or cookies you just don't find appealing but you know they will. That's what i do and it works for me:) and i now only buy low cal pudding for our house because i just know i may want one.
  • Awesome ladies! We all have the hardest job on Earth and it's encouraging to hear other SAHM's being motivated. I think motivation is the main issue for me. I easily excuse myself from working out with the argument that I have been going hard all day long. It is important to take care of yourself too and I'm really trying to make it a priority. Keep up the great work! And kisses to all the babies! (I really miss having a baby)