Stopping Smoking

Hi i really want to stop smoking but the worry of wanting to eat more to help with cravings is putting me off..everyone says people gain weight when you stop smoking and i really dont want that to happen.. Is there anyone out there that is quitting the *kitten* at the same time as healthy eating that can give any advice..

Has it worked for you?



  • anicho09
    anicho09 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love some input on this too!! I am so scared to try to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time. Would love to hear thoughts!!
  • morgan_mfit
    morgan_mfit Posts: 60 Member

    I am a pretty light smoker, like 4 cigs a day. I still want to quit though and I have gone through the same worries.

    What I am doing is changing my eating habits first, until eating healthy is my new habit, and then I'm going to quit smoking.

    Doing too many things at once can be overwhelming and lead to giving up on everything. So I'm quitting my bad habits in small increments, one thing at a time.

    Try that!

    and- If you're counting calories and stay within your limit you will lose weight. ~science~

    Smoking does speed up your metabolism a teensy bit but most people gain weight after quitting because they are looking for a substitute for their addiction and turn to food.

    Avoid that and you should be good ;)

    oh ya- I'm looking for friends ppl. I've been on this site for forever but just recently am being serious again and have like ZERO active friends. Add me :)
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    I used MFP to get control of food and exercise first for around 6 months.
    I then planned to quitting of *kitten* from 1st August and having tried most NHS NRT methods (and failed), chose an ecig.
    I am now almost 6 months in with this and have reduced to the Medium liquid with plan to move to low in about another month.

    This has worked well for me and hope whatever method you choose you succeed.
    I fell way much better, can breathe, no cough, and no stinkies either.
    Probably use the gym a lot more too!!!
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    I am using the ecig; it has been successful for me in the past - then I deployed and didnt have access. I returned a few days ago and immediately picked up a brand new ecig kit and havent need a cig in 3 days. My excercising has kept the curb of my appetite down!

    I am looking for fellow smokers to try and quit and friend with! We can support each other if interested :)

    Please add me!
  • ashadowreflected
    ashadowreflected Posts: 20 Member
    I started on my journey to better health in 2011. In June I make a lot of dietary changes, In July/August I make exercise changes and also quit smoking. I counted the days and at any moment could tell you how many it had been since I had my last. After only a month I was smoking again and soon, back to a pack a day. I quit again in October of that same year and haven't picked it back up.

    What helped me: Don't count the days. Don't say: it's been 13 days since I've had a smoke. If you do that, you are focusing on it and thinking about it. Try to put it out of your mind. Starting a new exercise regimen can help with that. Also, you will find it easier to work out if you aren't smoking.

    Maybe it is weird but I would also take sticks of gum and roll them up (they roll up to about filter size) and when I was really stressed or sometimes in the car, I would suck on the end of it for a little bit and then start chewing it when I felt calmer or got tired of looking like a weirdo... lol.

    Good luck!
  • Weighting4results
    Hey there,
    After multiple tries I have finally quit smoking after 25 years. The real motivator was while I was working for an ambulance company one morning I happened to notice my pulse was racing. Alerting my partner he hooked me to an EKG and rushed me to a hospital nearby. My pulse was nearly 200 bpm blood pressure was sky high but I felt fine. It turned out my lifestyle of binge drinking, smoking, and eating **** had finally caught me at 41 years old. Good news I'm young enough to make a realistic improvement in my health. No smoking, moderate drinking, and diet/exercise are key.
    I used the 21mg nicotine patch for 4 weeks but I did feel the need to snack and eat more often. I recognized the trend and adjusted what I was shoving in my face. Boredom eating ebbed after a couple of weeks and things returned to normal without too much weight gain. Smoking will kill you, 10 pounds won't.
    Snacking on high fiber foods should help satiate you. The mental BS goes away after 2 weeks or so.
    Good luck and cheers!
  • DancingOnCloud9
    DancingOnCloud9 Posts: 26 Member
    I quite in December, I had a week off work, and I allowed myself to eat what I wanted in the first week. (I even indulged in multiple Eggnog latte's). Once that one week marker came, I went back to my good eating and I found that cardio was a huge help with the second week. My lungs felt larger and if I had a bad day, I hit the gym. I'm now in my fourth week and I'm sticking with my healthy eating exercising and I'm losing. (I'm toning too, so inches are showing more then lbs right now.) Good luck and remember, practice makes permanent! :happy:
  • nikkiskip79
    nikkiskip79 Posts: 24 Member
    Great advice and success stories... think i will wait until i get to my goal of 20lbs down and then quit .. i know i can do this
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    if i can do it, so can u.
    it all depends on how bad you want it
    and how much willpower you have.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Hi i really want to stop smoking but the worry of wanting to eat more to help with cravings is putting me off..everyone says people gain weight when you stop smoking and i really dont want that to happen.. Is there anyone out there that is quitting the *kitten* at the same time as healthy eating that can give any advice..

    Has it worked for you?


    Yeah I didn't gain a pound ... quit cold turkey was smoking for over 16 years and the last 4 years was a 2 pack a day man. ... I just put my determination into my weight loss into smoking... not much else to say .. its a constant battle against yourself be the stronger one and don't give in to a piece of paper with tobacco in it.
  • nikkiskip79
    nikkiskip79 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks Tedebearduff - great advice.. sounds so easy when you put it like that.. i know it wont be easier but its something i really want
  • peasantsong
    peasantsong Posts: 107 Member
    I quit smoking almost 2 years ago cold turkey. I had the same fears as you about weight gain and such, but the thing that really put it into perspective for me was thinking “I’d rather gain 10 lbs than die a painful, premature death of cancer.” See, the thing is losing weight is hard but not impossible. Coming back from the dead is impossible. I ended up not gaining any weight from quitting smoking though so it wasn’t a big deal at all, but even if I had gained weight I would still call it 100% worth it. It’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. Good luck!
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    I smoked for 15 years. Age 14-29. I continued smoking even after my mother-in-law died of brain cancer (which began as throat cancer)

    I don't know what happened but about 10 months ago I quit any haven't had one since.
    I used the E Cigarette for a few months to ween myself, it was so hard not to smoke once I had a couple drinks. It helped me IMMENSELY. I talked about the fact that I wanted one. Then I would just sit there and wait for the 2-3 minutes to pass where the urge was strong. Then it would just go away. And each day that went by I was so proud, I didn't want to turn back.

    I did gain weight, yes. About 8 pounds. But I also wasn't exercising daily.
    Getting on the treadmill and jogging keeps me away from lots of bad behaviors :)

    As for advice, I have to say nowadays its all about toothpicks and gum. And sometimes sugar free Werther's candies (sorry I know, but they are so good) It curbs the smoking desire AND the snacking desire. Not that this is cutting edge news, but it is borderline miraculous in keeping me from indulging~
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I'm 21 days nicotine clean now. I've tried to quit several times with different replacement things like patches or gum. I've lasted longer this time saying screw all that and going cold turkey with nicotine completely. The first 3 days sucked *kitten*. Like really sucked. The rest of the week sucked less. Now it doesn't suck at all. I actually don't even think about it anymore.


    In order to get to this point so far it took a whole lot of hard candy. Like jolly ranchers, lemon heads, just a crap ton of sugar to give me something to reach for. I did end up gaining some weight. I think around 10 pounds or so within those two weeks becasue I was eating everything.


    **** it. Gaining 10 pounds is so much more healthier than smoking anyway. Now that I don't need the candy every 15 minutes the weight is easily coming back down to normal. It has been around one week or so since I stopped allowing myself to indulge (bc I no longer need it, just want it) and I am already down 6 of the the 10 pounds I put on. It is just my body coming back full circle.

    Seriously, dont give 2 ****s about the weight gain when you quit. It will come off as fast as it goes on as soon as you are all better and hell, even 30-40 lbs heavier is healthier than a pack a day.
  • nikkiskip79
    nikkiskip79 Posts: 24 Member
    you guys are ace... sod it im doing NOW!!! why wait..

    Cigs and lighter have just gone in the bin.!!!!!
  • reeny34
    reeny34 Posts: 72
    Great advice and success stories... think i will wait until i get to my goal of 20lbs down and then quit .. i know i can do this
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    you guys are ace... sod it im doing NOW!!! why wait..

    Cigs and lighter have just gone in the bin.!!!!!

    You are going to feel fantastic about it!
    You led yourself here and there's a reason you posted….today is the day girl!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Hey all!

    I quit 86 days ago after smoking a pack a day for 15+ years. I haven't gained a single pound. I actually lost two the first month because I was so strict with myself about my eating! I gained three pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas and they are already back off. I'm 35, so my metabolism isn't exactly 'peppy' either.

    It IS super easy to pack on the pounds... but only if you get careless. You know how to manage your food and your diet because you're here on MFP. So do it. Do not use food as a substitute. Do NOT snack on celery or carrots or candy instead. Learn to anticipate an "empty" feeling (easy to confuse with hunger) when you go through withdrawal and find something other than food to help get through that uncomfortable 3 minute craving. Find something to keep your hands busy like a craft (I crochet) or an app that you really love (like Candy Crush!)

    I read "the Easy Way to Quit" by Alan Carr and it changed the way I think about smoking, which was super helpful as well. But I am living proof that you can quit and NOT gain an ounce. I also have an app on my phone that counts the days and how much money I have saved. No excuses. Quit if you can!! :)
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. It will set you on the right path for becoming more healthy with your food. I recommend Allen Carr also. Would you rather gain 5lbs and stop smoking forever, or lose 5lbs and smoke the rest of your life away?

    Make it a priority.