New Mom looking for friends to motivate me and vice versa

molliepw Posts: 74 Member
Hi all! I am a new mom looking for MFP friends who consistently track their food- the good the bad and the ugly. I like to publish my food diary and I like to look at others as well for ideas.
Just looking for motivation from others on the same journey.
Need to lose about 50lbs but am focusing first on getting out of the 200's.


  • ashleymarie9807
    ashleymarie9807 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey hun, I was at 200 when I had my son in MAy 2013 via c-section(2nd baby) now I am at 139 still have about 20 pounds to go but it is possible hun!!.
  • I need to lose 100lbs and I'm a mom. :) I have two girls and track my food no matter what!

    You can add me :)
  • kimking6
    kimking6 Posts: 8 Member
    I too would be excited to be under 200!! I could use additional motivation and encouragement too. You could add me we might be able to help each other!!:happy:
  • I too am looking for some motivation. I've been apart of the MFPC for just a week and I'm wanting friends to help me along the way. I know your going to do great on your journey and I'll help you anyway I can with motivation!
  • i am definitely in the weight loss after baby boat too! for me...i need to get MUCH better at tracking all of my is hardest for me on the weekends...but this is something i am trying to work on! we can totally do this...its so great to have support!
  • I lost 68lbs before my wedding in 2010. I watched my portions and ate the right foods and exercised 5-6 days a week. I gained every.single.pound. back (68lbs) when I was pregnant with my son in 2011. I've flucuated between the 20-30 pound mark and right now, I'm down 22. Since having Jaxon, I have not made an effort to make time for myself and continue to make excuses. I'm done with the excuses. I've been good for weeks using MFP then just stop- I'm on day 2 of the rest of my life. I'm sticking to it this time and starting to work out again. I think it's great to share our diary's so that we can get meal ideas and see what other mom are doing/eating so we won't fall off the wagon...and in my case... again!
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for new friends, too. I don't have kids, but I have 20 years of teaching/nannying experience, so I've spent a lot of time with little ones!
  • molliepw
    molliepw Posts: 74 Member
    I like how you said you're on day 2 of the rest of your life. I feel the same way. Like, I don't necessarily LIKE tracking my food but I MUST do it. Here we go!
  • I didn't see this post before posting the same thing!!!! I am a mommy of a 4 year old Girl and a 11 month old boy!!!! You would think after chasing after them, I would have lost a lot more weight.... I am looking to realistically lose anything! Lol I recently started tracking EVERYTHING (even my miniature snickers lol) so we shall see how this goes!
  • vderousseau
    vderousseau Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a new mommy also trying to shed that baby weight. I had my baby on Dec, 1, 2013 and have so far lost 30 of the 35 lbs I gained while pregnant. In that 7 week time frame I think that breastfeeding is what helped shave off those pounds. I would still like to lose more weight so I can be thinner than my pre-pregnancy weight. I just started today tracking religiously what I eat. I am also still nursing my LO.
  • believeinme0430
    believeinme0430 Posts: 270 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I am mom to a 6yr old daughter. I have lost 90lbs so far on my own and need to loose baout another 60lbs. My current gaol is to get under 200 that is about 32lbs away :)
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi. I have a 4 month old and am currently doing bikini body mommy to try to get in shape. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hey I am newish mom my son is two! I gained 100 pounds while I was pregnant and never lost it! I am just starting my journey of getting back in shape we can do this together!!!
  • My son is 4 but I'm here daily logging everything I eat! I've hit a plateau and haven't moved much in a about a year or so but I'm gaining muscle! And have picked up running again.......NEVER GIVE UP! Good luck!
  • midcoast_mommy
    midcoast_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    Hey there! I'm a new mom too. I used MFP a couple years ago to drop 35 pounds, but need to lose weight again after having my baby 3 months ago. Any new moms can feel free to add me!
  • tracybilal
    tracybilal Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone i just joined today. I had my second baby via csection in october 2013. I weigh 191 as of today and need to lose 50 #. Just started gym a week back. Hope MFP Helps me. Im exclusively bf my baby but i dont find it helping me shed any weight.