Need a gluten free and dairy free appetizer

SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
I'm having dinner with a good friend this weekend who has a bad gluten intolerance and cannot eat dairy as well. I'm supposed to bring an appetizer and need some ideas. I can make hummus, but since that's what we always eat, I want to branch out a bit first.

Any ideas?


  • SashleyA
    SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
  • atag2011
    atag2011 Posts: 45 Member
    Bacon wrapped dates. There are tons of recipes online, just google! Not sure if your friend is trying to lose weight or not, but they are rather high calorie and sugar. Good luck!
  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    Deviled eggs, meatballs on toothpicks with some sort of dipping sauce (marinara/bbq/etc).
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Take a look at Mark's Daily Apple. It's a Paleo/primal site, so nearly everything there is gluten- and dairy-free. Do a site search for appetizer recipes. The first result should be what you're looking for.
  • MissCreepyLovestruck
    I am a HUGE fan of anything from Amy's Kitchen, but my favorite is the Roasted Vegetable pizza with no cheese. Maybe you could cut the pizza into appetizer size portions :). OR if you want to try something home made, Red Mill makes a SLEW of gluten free bred mixes, and things of that nature. I also like ANYTHING from Boca, or Gardein. Most of their products are both gluten and dairy free. My favorite is probably making tacos with Boca crumbles (It's like ground beef crumbles) on gluten free Tortilla wraps. I hope this has helped in some way lol. Good luck!!!!!
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    If you're looking for another dip, try homemade guacamole (your personal recipe or something like this:

    These sound awesome - sweet & spicy shrimp skewers:

    Steamed artichokes are a favorite in my circle as well, assuming you can get quality ones this time of year in your area. We steam them in a rice cooker and then serve with various dips. You can also steam them the following ways ( The dips we use depend on who's involved, but favorites are olive oil, melted butter or even mayo (ew!)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Deviled eggs
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    I have been eating gluten free for almost two years now, here are some of my favs that are also dairy free:

    *Ceviche with tortilla chips
    *lettuce wraps (I like to do chicken with Mexican seasonings - use straight spices though, not the seasoning packets they have gluten in them)
    *Melon balls wrapped in proscuitto
    *the ever boring vegetable tray w/ranch

    FYI - someone suggested meatballs. Most meatball recipes call for bread crumbs which are not gluten free so if you are going to make meatballs make sure that you use GF bread crumbs.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I was also going to suggest deviled eggs. Yummo!
  • Lukes_Dove
    Lukes_Dove Posts: 36 Member
    Celery with PB and raisens.
    Veggie platter with bean dip,salsa and gucamole
    Apple slices with cinnamon
    Fresh Fruit and honey to dip
    Bacon wrapped dates
  • tladyrose
    tladyrose Posts: 5 Member
    The best option is to use a dairy substitute : almond milk tastes just as good as, if not better than, regular milk in most things. You can sometimes get it in small little juice box sized containers instead of springing for the whole 1/2 gallon. (If you end up with extra it's actually really good in almost everything. I started used the almond milk instead of regular milk with my slimfast shakes.) Vegan butter is available as well, though it's a bit pricey, or you can use a non-dairy margarine (they exist! Just check the package).

    I also have a close friend who is gluten and dairy intolerant, and it was very hard to cook for her at first. Think things with veggies and sauces, roasted meats, nuts, berries, granola, etc. My personal fav is a mock tomato crostini on a roasted or toasted corn tortilla or pita (no gluten in most pitas), peanut butter stuffed dates, and a straight on veggie platter with some creative dipping sauces (sweet/sour, homemade salsa, hummus, soy sour cream dip). Also, a 7-Layer dip & corn chips is great, just leave out the cheese/sour cream and substitute for refried beans. Think about how you can make what you normally would make with the alternatives to milk and bread that exists. Corn is a great wheat alternative, and the Red Mill Farms gluten free flour mix is actually pretty good. At this point, I keep vegan butter and a gluten free cake mix in my house at all times! (Betty Crocker makes a KILLER gluten free chocolate cake mix). If you have a Wegman's near you, check out their gluten-free and vegan sections (which is 100% dairy free). I found vegan chocolate chips there, aka, no dairy!

    Just be mindful of all the things that have gluten & dairy in them, which can include flavored chips, cocktail sausages, vanilla extract (no joke!), seasoning mixes, and other unsuspecting products.

    As a side note, if she's Lactose Intolerant (and not a full on dairy allergy) you can use cheddar cheese, as there is no lactose in most types of real cheddar.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Why not ask your friend what they like and get ideas from there?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Why not ask your friend what they like and get ideas from there?

    your logic has no place here.

    how about....
    bacon wrapped scallops!
    chicken larb lettuce wraps!
    tuna tartare!
    cauliflower pizza crust topped with mashed cauliflower and spaghetti squash!
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Why not ask your friend what they like and get ideas from there?

  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    A Wallnut Pate
    Stuffed Mushrooms withQuinoa,zuke,carrots& onions
    Dates stuffed with Almonds
    They make Dairy Free Cream Cheese,( tj has) for a spread or
    Grated carrots blended with apricots & cashews Yum!