My friends tell me I'm too skinny and that I look sick



  • kgaudet
    kgaudet Posts: 2 Member
    Right there with you . I'm hearing this too. "How much more weight you gonna loose." Stop loosing you've lost enough. "
    I'm eating I tell them. It gets on my nerves too.
    This too shall pass.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    You've got to understand that if you've been overweight your entire life, it's weird for your friends to see you slim and fit. I only see my family on the BIG holidays (about 3 times a year) and it was really hard for them to wrap their minds around my rapid weight loss.

    I wouldn't sweat the small stuff. As long as you know you're healthy, keep on doing you!
  • I think you look lean and great! Have you lost a lot of weight? Maybe they're trying to catch up with your bodily changes? Anywho, keep at it :).
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    I have a friend who calls me "skinny mini" every week and says that I am "rail thin" and "dont need to lose more weight." I'm 6 months post-baby and I am a size 12 pants and I weight 160ish at 5'5. I used to be about 145 and I was a size 6. Some people give me a hard time, and others notice the effort and say the occasional "keep it up." I've noticed the ones that don't seem happy are the ones that don't like change in their lives. Some people wont support a positive change because that is a threat on their normalcy. Others won't support because seeing someone healthy and in shape and taking care of themselves makes them feel guilty for not doing the same, and it makes themselves feel better to not have you be that way. The point I'm trying to make, is those problems are with them, not you. As long as you are eating adequately for your body type/frame/weight and activity level, then no worries. If you were a size 2, were eating well and saying you wanted to lose another 15lbs, in that case I would side with the friends lol. Hope that helps!
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I get his from people I met within the last 10 years, who hadn't known me before I weighed 210 lbs and higher. People who knew me when I was younger and at a healthy weight tell me that I look great.

    I know what my goals are, I'm healthy and have energy, so I just ignore the comments about being too thin. I probably eat more than many of the people making the comments because of my activity anyway...
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    I have a friend who calls me "skinny mini" every week and says that I am "rail thin" and "dont need to lose more weight." I'm 6 months post-baby and I am a size 12 pants and I weight 160ish at 5'5. I used to be about 145 and I was a size 6. Some people give me a hard time, and others notice the effort and say the occasional "keep it up." I've noticed the ones that don't seem happy are the ones that don't like change in their lives. Some people wont support a positive change because that is a threat on their normalcy. Others won't support because seeing someone healthy and in shape and taking care of themselves makes them feel guilty for not doing the same, and it makes themselves feel better to not have you be that way. The point I'm trying to make, is those problems are with them, not you. As long as you are eating adequately for your body type/frame/weight and activity level, then no worries. If you were a size 2, were eating well and saying you wanted to lose another 15lbs, in that case I would side with the friends lol. Hope that helps!

    Wow that is a good observation. You're right. Most of my friends dont have the time that I have to try keeping fit and it really might be a peoblem on their side when they see the progress I make, especially in just 6 months. Hats off to you! You look great :) and you have a very cute baby :)
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Maybe they're just used to the old you. But if you're doing everything the healthy way you shouldn't be concerned. Just tell them you know what you're doing!
  • ladyeofani
    ladyeofani Posts: 42 Member
    I have to chime in here and let you know that you're not alone! I've lost a lot of weight and changed my life 10000%. My parents kept telling me that I'm way too skinny and I should gain some back. They even went so far as to tell me that I have an eating disorder and I need to seek help. So I went to see a nutritionist and spoke in detail about my eating habits, workout habits, daily routines, ect... I even had the chance to speak to a doctor about this with my mother present. She was told that my blood work did not reflect an eating disorder. I was 100% healthy! The number on my scale doesn't matter so much as what my blood work shows, how I feel daily and how I feel about the number on the scale. That is all! Furthermore, that her perception of "healthy" is what most likely lead to my obesity as a child growing up.

    So like everyone else had mentioned prior.. Do what makes you happy! If you feel great and are proud of your weight loss, don't listen to what anyone has to say. You have to live in your body and no one else.