Hello everyone,

I've gained 8 lbs and feel like my bad eating habits are coming back. I need help/support please! Any suggestions? I'm doing well during the day, the problem is when I come home after a long day at work and going to the gym. I'm eating healthy foods, just too much of it.


  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I'm going through something similar and feel like I'm back at it, now.

    My motivation is not wanting to gin any more back. 8 lbs (same as you) feels bad enough. There's no way I'm putting on the other 24 lbs as well.

    Baby steps. Concentrate on eating right, first, if food AND gym is too much to cope with.
  • Mary_Eliz29
    The only way to beat the cycle is to take each day as it comes. Aim to beat the day. If you mess up today, start again tomorrow. If you mess up tomorrow, start again the next day. Whatever you do, don't get into the habit of writing off a week, that turns into a month, etc.

    The great thing about MFP is that it is designed around one day at a time. I understand it's not easy - I am the queen of getting on and off the wagon - but thinking of it like that is what's made the difference for me so far. Good luck!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    I find night times the hardest so me personally, i just have my evening meal as late as posible, usually between 7/8pm and i have a couple of coffees, that normally takes the edge off for me.
  • LVCeltGirl
    Have you increased your water with the gym time? It could be that thirst and not hunger is what is derailing you. Try drinking a glass or two of water when you get home from work/gym and then eat. That should also curb your appetite. The workouts could also be doing you a lot of good and you could have water retention (something about muscle repair).

    Also, log everything, see how it fits into the day you have left. That might also help, if nothing else it'll start making you aware of your habits.

    You can do this!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I find night times the hardest so me personally, i just have my evening meal as late as posible, usually between 7/8pm and i have a couple of coffees, that normally takes the edge off for me.

    I do the same... One it's like a little treat after working out. Two it keeps me from turning to the crap foods
  • eryanes
    eryanes Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for the great advise and for the encouragement. Having your support is what keeps me going! I will take every recommendation to heart.