Professional Adults in need of motivation

This is for the professional male and female whose busy schedule at the office continues to cause her /his belly to spread due to no gym time. If this basically describes you , don't give up. So you gained a few pounds while pulling an all "nighter" on that high profile case. Ok. so now what ? You won the case, your account is looking excellent and your firm is being called upon more than ever. So what now? What is the excuse for not hitting the gym? " Working out with a partner would be so much easier," If I could get someone to work out with me I would be more motivated." Lets do it right here. Introduce yourself and lets take one step at a time. What is your main reason for not committing to the gym?


  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    There are more fun and efficient ways of exercising than committing to a gym membership for a long time and commuting from home to the gym to work all the time and feeling guilty about missing sessions due to work. It's pretty damn easy really. Dumbbells next to your bed for morning lifts. Jogging on the spot when you can't get outdoors to run. Not limiting jogs to the morning (I've gone for runs at 11 pm). Exercise is moving your body and making it more complicated than it needs to be is creating much scope for excuses.
  • beautangeleyes1
    beautangeleyes1 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for starting this blog. I agree with full fig that we as professional men and woman who are dedicated to a gym should be more mindful to exercise regularly. We spend hundreds of dollars to be members of elite gyms and don't attend often enough to make a physical difference. To Zena''s reply I agree that there are other exciting ways a person can exercise. For example I sprint every day for 50 minutes regardless of weather conditions. However I believe this particular blog is directed to professionals with a gym membership, however she makes the forum open to anyone.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    48, professional job, married and two little kids, and a small side job. I"m about to cancel our gym membership that I mainly had for the pool for t he kids but we don't even get there enough for that, maybe in the summer.

    I've switched to home DVD series. Up before everyone else every morning is working for me! Currently doing a program called T25. 30 minutes a day, I can handle that.

    Welcome !!!!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Professional young adult here who works on a "short week" 40 hours, I work 9 to5 technically but I work a lot of hours outside of that bracket. Mornings are my best friend when it comes to keeping my routine, 5am wake up and gym times are a normal thing for me and if needed late nights instead. Determination is all it takes.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    Well hello to everyone who has joined this group. It is so nice to have you here. I want ot say that I am in NYC and today we are having one heck of a snow storm. I never thought I see the day when I of all people say would it stop snowing already. I really believe that th weather played a big part on my appetite today. I had zero tolerance for my healthy salad. I found this to be odd because my salads are yummy. Today a fresh baked in garlic and a dash of sherry 4 oz. salmon sat on a bed of spinach, kale, 3 cherry tomatoes, radish, 10-15 dried cranberries, and a raspberry vinaigrette. This meal was ignored for Burger King and m&m's. What was I thinking? Have you ever felt this way before? I normally have control over my cravings and i discipline my disappointments very well, but today.... I digress. Share with me if you will what meal you have turned down for the "bad food." Be free to say it no one will judge you. While I wait for your response I am going to hit the gym to repent for my evil. :devil:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Share with me if you will what meal you have turned down for the "bad food."
    Funny post! I sympathize with your snow issues but cannot empathize because in sunny Tucson it was nearly 80° again today.

    Not entirely bad but I put aside my lunch of Madras lentils and my plan to puchase a side of veggies in the company cafeteria for the chicken fried steak today. I DID get the broccoli and yellow squash and skipped the mashed potatoes, so it wasn't a complete loss. :laugh:

    I'll compensate with a chicken stir fry for dinner, sans rice.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Zena and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. i did not intend for the opening of this group to focus only on exercising in a gym. I strongly agree that exercising is good in or outside of a gym. However, there are so many of us who have a gym membership and we are doing nothing with it. I hope to be able to motivate and look forward to others motivating one another into using their membership. I think if we knew why we purchase these memberships at the beginning of the year or whenever we do, maybe we will able to stop the insanity, especially if we DON'T COMMIT. It would also be great to connect with others who are from our region or area and form a work out team. This maybe a little harder until we have a larger group. But nothing is impossible.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Man I thought this was about a different kind of professional adult... *sees her way out* :ohwell:
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I got a gym membership that is within walking distance of my office. I drive past it both ways of my commute. Being so close, it is always on my mind. I keep extra gym clothes in my cube. If I have time for a long lunch, I'll go hit the pool for a few laps. I try to go at least three days after work before I get home. Morning exercise and I do not get along! I try to channel that "hell yeah 5pm work is over!!" energy into my workouts. :P
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I've been an adult for a long time, but I've never managed to rise above amateur status. By definition, doesn't "professional adult" mean that someone is paying you to simply exist in a form other than "child"?
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Nancy thanks for your comment. So as a professional and mom of 2 would you say your membership to the gym is a waste? If you are using it greatly for the pool then would it not be less expensive to find a swimming camp? Was there a time where you used the gym mainly vs. the pool? I personally am so upset that I have not taken advantage of the pool in my gym. I am just the opposite. As a matter a fact I haven't been to the Zumba classes either. Is this a waste of my monthly fee?
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    First thing is determining how important a healthy lifestyle is to you personally. I routinely put in 60 plus hours with office and travel and know that a healthy life(both excercise and eating) is critical for my success. Out of bed and into gym every morning no matter what by 5 am. After 25 years, guess it has become a habit
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    Love this! I am always struggling to find time to hit the gym. My current workout time is 8PM because it's the only time I have. Also meal planning on a Sunday is a must.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    lol....excellent point
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    it's not about exercise for me, it's food.

    i could blame weigh gain on sometimes working 16+ hour days, but really the actual reason was that i was eating god knows how many calories from take out places breakfast lunch and dinner.

    sometimes we wont have time for exercise (hello 16 hour work days where there were times i barely had time to use the bathroom! ) but that's when controlling what we eat becomes even more important
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Beaut and thank you for commenting. I think you hit it right on the head. This group is open to all regardless of how one exercises. If we find the reason why we get started in the gym and really analyze it we will discover that its something we really want and we will make time or we think we want it because everyone else is on the health kick. There maybe many more reasons but these are the two major ones I have come across just by listening to people. Please feel free to add on.
  • melybelyc
    I am a 40 year old mother of one that owns two businesses and has a special needs child - my husband works nights so I can't go to the gym in the morning, and I can't go at night because he is working and I need to be home with my son.

    So, I work out at home. I finished Insanity in September, just finished T25 last week and have started P90X3 this past Monday. I love these workouts because they (except for Insanity) are only 25 - 30 minutes long. I can make that work around 8pm when my son goes to bed. I have absolutely no excuses not to work out - I have only to walk downstairs. That fact, and my support group - are the reason I am able to keep going and be accountable.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    Hello MissLabber and welcome. Is it because of your 40 hour week that you are able to fit the gym in?
    How stressful if at all does it become to juggle the job after the gym? I am certain in order to do this I gather
    on at least an every other day basis one would have to have plenty of energy. Do share with us? I commend you.
  • Rachel_Susannah
    Hi! I'm Rachel and I am a new professor. My work week ranges from 50-60 as I try to keep my head above water. I'm glad I found this group (I posted an introduction too). Please add me as a friend if you see fit, as I'm looking for similar-minded and goal-oriented supporters :-)
  • Rachel_Susannah
    Any thoughts on how to get physical activity when it is too cold to go outside? I've lived in the south for 20 years and now I'm overwhelmed and in Chicago. Brrr!!!