Well???? Tell me then!!!

Okay friends, I've been falling on my logging, and because of such I'm cheating, snacking, and going overboard!! Plus, I'm slacking in my exercise! In other words, I've fallen, and I can't get up. Please, Please, Please, tell me to get off my *kitten*, tell me I can do this, tell me I do feel so much better when I log, and tell me to just get it done!!! I know its not a good thing to fall like this, but this time, instead of quitting I'm coming to you all for help, to tell me to do it and do it right!!



  • johnny7625
    you know you can do it forget the past focus on the present and get back to your routine you can do this.
  • lovinsomeperrilliouxs
    I too have fallen before. But this time around I have logged in for over 2 weeks straight no matter what time. I honestly put what I eat or drink. I really want to do this. I daydream about what I would look like with my flat stomach again, I want to "dress" up for my husband again. I gained over 15 lbs after I quit smoking. I'll never go back to smoking just to keep a skinny body because I know when I get older it won't stay that way but getting and staying in shape will. What is different now is I added some of my friends on here and we log in every day, we show support by celebrating even if it's a comment telling them Good job. Having friends on here has made it easier for me to stay on track. I hope you have the same support as I do. I only have a few friends on here too and that's all I need. I think a lot of dieters believe that they can't have a sweet or a soda. As long as you keep within your means and not do it everyday it will be easier. Saturdays are my indulgence day where I eat some snacks but I don't go way over my sugars or calories.
  • Adam_NeverGiveup
    Adam_NeverGiveup Posts: 35 Member
    You can do it , today is a new day .

    Winning the mental battle is the hardest part.

    Just set small realistic goals every week , the satisfaction of achieving them will make you feel good and want to continue
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    .... Saturdays are my indulgence day where I eat some snacks but I don't go way over my sugars or calories.

    Maybe thats an idea, give myself one slightly cheat day, where I know that I can have a sweet without feeling badly. Obviously not a day to go overboard, but a day that if I want that one cookie it's ok. A day to eat 2000 cals instead off 1600.
  • smalacarne
    I was having same issue for last few months, and I found a 90 Challenge online and it really has helped me. Instead of thinking about how long it will take me to get to my goal, I'm only focusing on the next 90 days. If that's too long for you, try 30 days.

    You can do it!
  • lowcarbnj
    I've been a lowcarber since 2000- I lost 75 pounds and kept it off for a good 10 years. My rule was that I only had to exercise on days that I ate- lol. I was in great shape. A lot has changed in my life in the last two years- I've gained nearly 30 pounds ????. It's time to get serious. I never stopped lowcarbing, but havent kept up my exercise routine.
    I know how hard it is to stay on track. On line friends kept me going when I first started... I'd be glad to keep u motivated if ya want. Stay focused on your goal- u can do it
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    we've all been there at one time or another in this journey. The best advice I can give is eat the elephant a little at a time instead of going back in as hard as you can. Perhaps, eliminating one snack you are sneaking or perhaps a walk at lunch to begin getting back in the groove. The first step towards getting back on the horse is knowing you fell off, so you are more than halfway to accomplishing your goal and you will make it!!
  • jennie5693
    jennie5693 Posts: 42 Member
    Get off your *kitten* and start logging again!!!

    You know you look and feel better when you do!
  • skinhau
    You can do it, get back on that wagon go for a walk or any type of exercise, once you've done it you'll be so proud of yourself, you can't be strong all the time sometimes you fall off... the important thing is to motivate yourself and continue and be proud of what you've accomplished already :smile: I too have fallen off and i hope that by trying to motivate you i also motivate myself.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Imagine how crappy you'll feel a year from now when you put that 43 pounds back on, plus a few bonus pounds. Get back on the damn wagon before it runs you over.

  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    We can't tell you to do it, to work for it, to take care of yourself.....you need to want to do it! So, sit and think....think about why you are worth jumping back on that wagon. You have to ability to kick yourself in the *kitten* and get back on NOT us! Take it for what it is worth to you.

    PS. you are worth it!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    You can do it , today is a new day .

    Winning the mental battle is the hardest part.

    Just set small realistic goals every week , the satisfaction of achieving them will make you feel good and want to continue

    I totally agree with this being mental!!! Its my brain that has gotten me in trouble more than my stomach! ! Stupid brain bone!!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Get off your *kitten*!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    You guys all awesome!! I knew I could count on you to "tell me to get off my *kitten*!!"

    I realize no one can make me, I realize I have to do it myself, but sometimes I do need a kick in the butt!! Thanks for not disappointing me!!
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    You're 1lb away from halfway!

    You've literally worked your *kitten* off to get this far.