Workout videos I can find online?

So, I really want to burn more calories and winter KILLS me in terms of outdoor exercising. Does anybody have suggestions on some YouTube channels, websites, apps, or something on TV even that I can do?


  • marymt86
    Hey there, I highly recommend I love their website! They have so many varieties of videos depending on your fitness level, calories wanting to burn, and amount of time you have. Take a look, hope you enjoy!
  • katieefranc0
    Hey there, I highly recommend I love their website! They have so many varieties of videos depending on your fitness level, calories wanting to burn, and amount of time you have. Take a look, hope you enjoy!

    You're my freakin savior, thanks so much! :)
  • marymt86
    Hey no problem. Let me know what you think!
  • oliva94
    YESS youtube! in the search box just type in any type of workout or problem areas you would like to work on (ex. butt workouts, total body workouts, arm workouts, cardio workouts ect.) I hope this helps :)
  • katieefranc0
    YESS youtube! in the search box just type in any type of workout or problem areas you would like to work on (ex. butt workouts, total body workouts, arm workouts, cardio workouts ect.) I hope this helps :)

    I'm going to have to look into both for my next workout, I'm really excited, thank you guys tons! c: xo
  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    This link has Turbo Jam and a few others:
    Also, you can find tons of Tae Bo on youtube for free. For some reason it is not taken down for copyrighting.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Tiffany Rothe, Fitness Blender, Denis Austin, JM and Bob (from Biggest Loser) the list is endless
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Agree with above... Fitness Blender is great and youtube has tons of work out videos. I started Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred on youtube tonight! I followed that with Denise Austin's Cardio Kick Boxing and a Denise Austin upper body work out.

    It's hard to go outside when it's cold and dark, I have a treadmill but that gets old too. I really like being able to have some variety.
  • ztaitaifufu
    ztaitaifufu Posts: 77 Member
    utube is a treasure trove for this but these are two of my favourites blogilaties, is super fun, tara stiles also has sort yoga vids on there too.
    also people often upload the vids from homeworkouts you usually have to pay for, they are usually taken down eventually for copyright infringement but you should try and search if there is a program you wanted to try... for ex. there are a few uploads of stuff like abripperx, tracy anderson, ect
  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    Fitness Blender is the one I use A LOT. I have been using them for years, & I see changes majorly in my body thanks to them. They've got everything you could possibly need.

    Another good channel is the "Lionsgate BeFit" channel. They have some Denise Austin, Jillian Michaels, etc workouts that are pretty awesome, along with mobile to go workouts, & many more.

    Another good few are Livestrong Woman, Blogilates (doesn't burn a lot of calories 'cause it's all pilates mostly, but great for toning!), & XHIT Daily is a good one as well. I've used all of those quite a bit. PopSugar Fitness is a good one, but most of their workouts are ten minutes tops, with a couple of 40 minute total body ones, & they also post tips & healthy food/drink choices.
  • lradloff
    lradloff Posts: 59 Member
    Bump to save for later :smile: