Question for P90x users

Ok I did 1 round of P90x but did not complete it because of a knee injury (not caused by P90x). I tried starting P90x a month ago and my knee started hurting after Plyometrics so I quit P90x again :sad:

My question is this: do you think it would still work if I did the strength days and in place of the cardio days I just run on my elliptical trainer? I really love this program and it changed my body so much. I want to start again but I don't know if I will ever be able to do the plyometricx or cardio x again.


  • saramike5kids
    I have not done P90X myself, but my sister does. She has a nearly fused neck at C2 and C3 which causes her a lot of pain and she has very little range of motion. She adapts the program to what she can do (i.e. uses bands instead of weights), and just does as much as she is physically able to do. She has had fantastic results! She also does the diet which may be a big part of it.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Another name for Plyometrics is Jump Training. It really is designed to help with your vertical leap and side to side movement for sports. If that isn't important for you as it isn't for me, I would certainly sub it out for the elliptical no problem.

    I'm on my 3rd round of P90X and I rotate Plyo X with a couple other workouts for variety. I love the way it really works your legs so I continue to do it pretty much every other week.

  • scweegie
    If you do the lean version of P90x you never do the plyo dvd. However there is the small section of plyo in the cardio dvd. You could follow the lean routine and either modify the movements that cause the knee pain or as you suggested I think switching to the elliptical or another cardio excersize would be a good start.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I think Plyo is great because it gives you the true cardio conditioning that I don't think an elliptical can give you. Is Cardio X too much for you as well? There's only 5 moves from Plyo X in there and they are all lower impact. The rest of the DVD is Kenpo moves, Yoga, and Core Synergistics.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yes, you can sub out plyo days for other cardio if it is giving you problems. Disclosure: for anybody else reading this, this advice is only for mommyhof3. I would try to push through the Cardio X workout. When you workout on the elliptical definitely work within your target heart rate. Try not to read a book or talk on the phone while you hit the elliptical.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I currently do P90X, and I only do it on the strength training days, I go jogging on the other days.....I love being outdoors

    I personally don't see anything wrong with that. The important part of P90x is the weight training, the other days are just cardio, so I don't think anything wrong with choosing your type of cardio....
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Yes, you can sub out plyo days for other cardio if it is giving you problems. Disclosure: for anybody else reading this, this advice is only for mommyhof3. I would try to push through the Cardio X workout. When you workout on the elliptical definitely work within your target heart rate. Try not to read a book or talk on the phone while you hit the elliptical.

    I had the exact same problem. Plyo X always was murder on my knee, so I would switch it out for Cardio X (which was much better on my knee) or Core Synergistics ( I love that work out program). Now as I have lost weight, my knee hasn't been as bad as it was. I was able to make it through Insanity (but had to wear a knee brace during the last 3 weeks). There is no reason you can not switch out Plyo X for something else.

    Hope this helps,
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    If the plyometrics is too much for you, either jump on an elliptical or just change it with core synergistics or do a cardio X day. You can always mix it up to get the same results. Keep up the good work with p90x. I did one round of it and now I am training with Chalene Johnson in Turbo Fire!! YEAH!!!
  • PokenStick
    P90x has never done it for me when it comes to cardio, esp Kempo. After I finished my first round I took out all of the cardio and started running, being out doors was a nice change. It works different muscles but cardio is cardio is cardio imo. As long as you keep pushing yourself you'll be fine.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    P90x has never done it for me when it comes to cardio, esp Kempo. After I finished my first round I took out all of the cardio and started running, being out doors was a nice change. It works different muscles but cardio is cardio is cardio imo. As long as you keep pushing yourself you'll be fine.

    Yeah, we will be finishing our 2nd round of P90X. We combined it with Insanity and took out Kenpo. My husband can't stand Kenpo.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    Hello I started doing p90x but started with the Lean version due to knee problems that I got after running for so many years ( one of the reasons I had to stop running), I am on my second month of the lean version and my knees do not bother me anymore. When I started the Lean version I did not do any of the jumping moves because jumping and landing would hurt my knees, there was some nights where I had to ice my knees so that they would not hurt the next day. Other days I skipped a workout and gave my knees a rest to get back to normal.

    So if you are thinking of starting again I would suggest you start with the Lean version, also I did not use weights is some of the exercises and when I did use them I used light weights.
    I have seen some results in this version probably not as drastic as I would if I was doing the classic version but it is a start for me to get me going and get my knees used to the exercise again. On my next round I plan to do the classic version so that I can get tone :)

    Good luck
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Thank you for the advice. I don't really want to do the lean version because I really love the strength exercises in the classic. The programs that hurt my knee (I tore the tendon on the side of my knee) are plyometrics, yoga, and cardio x. I hope the knee injury will heal fully and I will be able to work my leg again but for now I think I will just sub out those exercises
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I also did the lean version and have bad knees and a bad back. I always and I say "Always" can substitute something else for things that hurt me. Today I did Back, Biceps and Ab ripper X and instead of back I jumped on my Leg Magic Leg Machine and the whole time they did back I did legs on that little dynomite machine! That little machine is awesome. Just try to stay of it for a minute. At first a minute seems forever but now I have no problem. I have even gotten on my Urban Rebounder while they did plyo. You can always do something different, the important thing is to not quit. I finish lean next week and will do another round of the classic version. I love this program.