Frustrated in the frigid north

Hi all...first off, please feel free to add me, I like friends.

I am struggling. 3 weeks ago I began tracking again and I set my goal at 1500. I also began P90x3. For 2 weeks, I lost nothing...actually gained a pound.

So I decided to research it and learned that P90x and many other sites said I should be eating in the 1700-2000 calorie range to lose....because I live a lightly active lifestyle and I exercise 7 days per week.

I increased my cals to 1700, and two things resulted: 1- I feel like I am eating all the time (and to dismiss any diet questions, yes, I am eating very clean, balanced, and drinking half my body weight in oUnces of water). 2- you guessed it....haven't lost a thing.

So do I go back down in calories?? Why am I stuck? 2 years ago I lost 50 lbs doing a similar regimen, so why is it not working now?

Please give me your thoughts...


  • GodivaTrailrider
    GodivaTrailrider Posts: 14 Member
    Patience I guess. :0/

    I seem to think it takes a couple of weeks before weight starts moving and it sometimes feel the results work the week AFTER the weigh in. Good one week , no difference, not quite so good , weight goes down, like it tracks a week behind somehow...

    Just keep it up, it'll come off.
  • sarahendrixson
    Thanks....sure hope so!
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Take measurements. You might be just storing water because of your workouts.
    Your routine sounds great, just keep doing it, be patient and don't focus on the scale :)
  • davis_trina
    davis_trina Posts: 1 Member
    You will feel like you're hungry and eating all of the time, especially when eating clean. (The food is breaking down and moving along as it should) If you are actively working out, your body needs the fuel.
    Give it some time for noticeable results, you don't want to drop too many pounds too quickly.
    Sounds like to me that you are on the right track! Don't worry about the scales too much just yet.
    Pay attention to how you feel and your clothes getting loose.
    Don't be discouraged!
  • sarahendrixson
    Thanks...I am trying. I so hoped to fit back into some jeans I love...but not yet.
  • sillyli234
    sillyli234 Posts: 124 Member
    Have you tried lowering your carb amount and increasing your healthy fats such as olive oil/coconut oil?
  • hridika
    I am having the same problem, for 2 weeks now i have increased my exercise to include something different every day.
    I do have a desk job, so this increased exercise is quite a lot.
    Swimming, aerobics, skating, walking. With weekends off (but lots of house work). I have been eating pretty healthy, (Fridays are hard) but still under my required calories and NO change at all.
    I thought, ok so muscle gain NOPE my %BF is still the same. I am really hoping it's due to the -25'C weather we are having and my body is just saying "Are you NUTS?? I'm not giving up any fat until it's summer again"
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I went threw this as well. I was eating clean, working out and nothing! The scale didn't move for almost 8 weeks!! Then one day, it started to go just took time.I have no idea why it took so long and it was frustrating but it eventually happened!
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Are you logging with a food scale? You might be eating too much.

    Also you might see physical changes in the mirror and look skinnier but not lose weight, might even gain a few. That was my experience with P90X.
  • karenh
    karenh Posts: 44 Member
    I am frustrated too, and in the very frigid north! I have been perfect with eating and working out and lost only a pound in the last 7 days. Having done this many times since my middle name should be Yo Yo, I've dropped weight more quickly in the past. If you look at reports at your loss chart you may see a pattern. Right now it seems my pattern is lose a little, plateau for a week, lose a little, plateau. I don't mind this but it would be nice to at least lose 1.5 pounds a week. And due to hormones or something, I feel like I only get 3 weeks in month where any weight moves which is also frustrating. I think like others have said, patience is required....and that is where the friends come in! Keep it up, you know you are doing the right thing and it will work. Anyone who reads this feel free to add me as a friend. I will try to help motivate friends as much as I need the help myself!
  • sarahendrixson
    No...just measuring with regular things....cups, spoons, etc.
  • sarahendrixson
    Good to hear, ThorsMom. I need a light at the end of the tunnel....although exercising has become addictive so I like to do it, regardless.
  • GEMMA_2014
    I understand how you feel. MY body drops weight when it wants to. I continued to eat at or below my calorie requirements and I increased my exercise a little and now I am losing weight again. I feel like I am eating all the time and way too much to lose weight, but that is a result of being conscious of what I am eating , rather than mindlessly eating and not keeping track. Losing weight does not seem to be a straight forward process for my metabolism. But, I am losing and it is staying off. It is tough not to get frustrated, but it is worth it. I am losing a lot of fat and trading for muscle. I am shrinking in size faster than I am losing weight.
  • juliasimons3
    juliasimons3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there... My name is Julia.. Everyone calls me Julie.. I have decided to loss 30 pds for my wedding in June.. I'm down 7 pds. I need all the help l can get..
  • bko722
    bko722 Posts: 17 Member
    I haven't read the other comments, but here is my experience. I just wrapped up 10 weeks of the T25 video program. I had lost a lot of weight and started a fitness routine last January, so by summer was in nice shape. Then we moved overseas and I did gain some weight during the transition. So I started T25 in hopes of losing weight. Well, my stats show that I have gained 3 one point I was up 7 lbs from the beginning of T25, which surprised me since I am very consistent in the weight department. Anyway, I did lose a few inches in the end. But seriously, in the 10th week I noticed BIG changes in my body, specifically the tone in my abs, legs, and butt. You know that old saying that it takes 4 weeks for you to notice changes? Well, it took me 10 practically but the changes are big and I actually have visible ab muscles for the first time. Hang in there and give it some time. It is amazing how your body rearranges everything. I am now back up to the weight I was 14 years ago, but even though the same weight I am 2 sizes smaller! I am starting a half marathon running program now, but am so thankful to have a bit of an edge from t25 in the muscle and cardio department than if I had not done the program. Hang in there and keep pressing play.