FEMALES friends only any ages 25-40 for support

Hello ALL! Looking for more female friends ages 25-40 to motivate/support each other on this journey. I am 32 years old live in KY work full-time, In a relationship and have 2 kids & try to interact/log each day. I have a pretty funny sense of humor I think & love to meet new people. GIRLS ONLY please! I don't have ALOT of female friends, So I am open to texting buddies as well even if we need to vent about our days etc.

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Well hello there beautiful! ! Fancy meeting you here ;)
  • beccas27
    beccas27 Posts: 200 Member
    Ha.. And that's why we are friends ;)
  • Vonikins
    Vonikins Posts: 56 Member
    I'm almost 33, struggled with my weight for too many years, have 1 kid and work full time. Would love to have more friends to support and get support as I try and stay on the healthy wagon. I'm all for text buddy for venting/support/encouragement.
  • MpotRN21
    MpotRN21 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! I'm 30 (I swear I forget that sometimes, I still feel 22!) have 2 kids and work full time as an overnight nurse. Life's crazy and we gotta live it the best way we can! I'm super motivated right now but I gotta keep it going!
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    I'm always happy to add new friends. Feel free to send me a request! I'll turn 28 in May. One of my coworkers back in 2012 tried spreading the rumor that I was pregnant, even though I wasn't and nowhere near looked like it. That rumor brought me here and started my journey. I never did figure what his problem was because I was about 135 lbs back then. At 5'2, that may be on the chunky side but nowhere near fat enough to look preggers.

    I don't have kids and I work 2 jobs so I keep busy enough. I work nightshift so I'm usually asleep this time of the morning.
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm married, nearing 31 years old, and have no kids (just 3 cats cuz my husband and I are suckers for adorable kittens who have nowhere to go lol)

    I've been on this ride for ~250 days. Got knocked off track a good bit by the holidays (those delicious, delicious holidays), but I'm back on track and looking to kick my goal's *kitten*. Always looking for folks with the same mind set, working hard and supporting others in the process. Feel free to add me :)
  • FreshDaises
    FreshDaises Posts: 6 Member
    Hiyyeee. I'm a married 38 y/o mother of 3 (15,12 & 10) I live in Northern California and love it here. I am also looking for women in my age range to share crazy stories with, the ups and downs and hopefully all of the "atta" girls. :) I work full time at a desk job and try to get out on my lunch breaks to get some steps in. I belong to a local gym and am also trying to complete a video series at home. Keep up the great work. :) I'm pretty new to MyFitnessPal. Feel free to send a friend request.
  • LadyBrady
    LadyBrady Posts: 22 Member
    25 year old married childless wife (Praying I get the honor of becoming a mom) wanting to meet other ladies around my age! I am also open to having texting buddies! Will be sending you all friends request!
  • My name is Amanda... I'm 34 and have really put on some weight since having my son a year ago. I have two children, Kennedy (5) and Nixon (13 Months). I've started the insanity work-out and am beginning to wonder about my own sanity in doing so. My five-year-old is a great motivation - she exercises right along side me. It's pretty cute!

    I'm learning to eat healthier and looking for a community to, well... be accountable to (along with myself), motivate with and celebrate each others small and big accomplishments.

    I like to hike, swim, camp... I love to ride my mountain bike. I enjoy reading, writing and volunteering.

    That's me.
  • 37 Year old single mum to gorgeous 5 year old son. Live in Wiltshire UK, work full time, no time to exercise to i need to watch what i eat!! x
  • Bethany0214
    Bethany0214 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I just turned 29 last week, not married, but have been with my boyfriend for almost five years. No babies, just two cats named Bandit and Dan. I would love to make some new friends!
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Almost 33 yo mom of 2.5 yo boy. Not married but in a committed relationship. I'm basically trying to be consistent with my eating and workout ...trying to make this a lifestyle habit that I enjoy. Oh, I live in the Caribbean by the way

    Feel free to send me FR. I'm here daily :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi, I'm a married mother of 1 from new Jersey! My names Rachel, send me a request!
  • I'm 31, have 2 children and have just started working again full-time overnights after many years of staying at home. I try to be on here everyday. I am married, live in IA and am enjoying getting back into shape. It has become pretty easy for me as I walk several miles at work every night, but I am about to join a gym and start taking some different classes there, including spin and yoga! Feel free to friend request me!
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310

    I'm 32 (YIKES!), and live near Toronto, Canada. I'm recently married, no kids yet. I've just recently reaffirmed my commitment to MFP after a long time away from it due to a whole bunch of silly excuses. So it might be nice to have someone kicking my butt into gear on the days when I'm losing my drive to exercise and eat better. My husband and I are finally going on our honeymoon trip through Europe in June, and I'd love to look my best for all the pictures, and will need to be in relatively good shape for walking and touring about.

    Would love to have another friend on here! :-)

  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    32 yr old with 2 kids (6 and 3). I just recently became a stay at home mom so trying to get my act together now that I have more time. I've only been at this a few weeks but I'm here every day. I just started weight lifting and loving it.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    37, 2 kids, work full time and recently found a workout buddy to ramp up the losses. Feel free to add me, I check in everyday and love to cheer everyone else on!
  • jess_erin
    jess_erin Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, I'm 26 and live in Winnipeg, MB (where, yes, it has been colder than Mars this winter!!!!) I'm 5'3.5 and have a decent amount to lose. Feel free to add. All the best!!
  • Hey there!

    I'm struggling with motivation to exercise. I'm 26, live in Winnipeg Canada. Currently 320lbs at 5'4. My goal is 150lbs. I have currently been more serious about weight loss since November. I am down 15lbs so far. I do Zumba cardio every Tuesday and zumba Tone at Curves on Thursdays. I need to go to curves more often but having a hard time... especially with this god awful extremely freezing winter (once I get home from work to let my dogs out, its hard to get motivated to go back out in the -40 weather). I have been focusing on really eating better for breakfast and lunch while I am at work, but can struggle with dinners. I am not big into candy, chocolates or desserts... but my weakness is fats -- the bad kinds. So I'm at the point where losing weight is critical, I have made myself number one instead of always doing things for others, and I know I need to exercise and eat well for success... Just really tough sometimes to keep doing it. I would love to find some new women to chat with who share the same struggles as me. I have a trip to Mexico in May and would love to look and feel better, clocks tickin!

  • bella24xo
    bella24xo Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 25...feel free to add me for support :)!