Stronglifts for women



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Good to see so much support. I do suppose I should pick a weight that at least feels like a challenge?

    I guess if I pick something I can throw around it won't work.. but then what.. should I not be able to lift it another time at the end of the set, or still feel ok?

    let's not overthink this. pick a weight and get started. as long as you're increasing the weight weekly, eventually it will be plenty challenging. and in the meantime you'll be getting your form down pat as well as giving your tendons and ligaments a chance to adapt to the rigors of lifting.

    go lift something
    go lift anything
    go lift

    Ha I like that. *lifts up her cat and watches it jump away* Ok.. maybe not that. But I get the picture. Stop thinking and start doing, or I'm like to only work my brains.


    ^It's all fun and games until you get one of these cats. Then I say starting out lifting this would be a great start:bigsmile:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Good to see so much support. I do suppose I should pick a weight that at least feels like a challenge?

    I guess if I pick something I can throw around it won't work.. but then what.. should I not be able to lift it another time at the end of the set, or still feel ok?

    let's not overthink this. pick a weight and get started. as long as you're increasing the weight weekly, eventually it will be plenty challenging. and in the meantime you'll be getting your form down pat as well as giving your tendons and ligaments a chance to adapt to the rigors of lifting.

    go lift something
    go lift anything
    go lift

    Ha I like that. *lifts up her cat and watches it jump away* Ok.. maybe not that. But I get the picture. Stop thinking and start doing, or I'm like to only work my brains.

    you. i like you.
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member
    Start! Start with an empty bar if you have to but start! I do Stronglifts and it's awesome. It is a great way to get introduced to heavy lifting and get comfortable with it. I check my form quite frequently, taking videos with my iPhone while I'm lifting.

    There is a Stronglifts for women group on here that is really great, you should check it out.
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member

    Dead lifts are typically your heavier lift
    squats second
    then Over head press


    True for me as well.
  • Grendel07
    Grendel07 Posts: 112 Member
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Heh - I often stick my dog on my shoulders - sometimes jog a little bit with him there (he's not entirely impressed with that, to be honest).
    He weighs just over 100lb.
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    Start! Start with an empty bar if you have to but start! I do Stronglifts and it's awesome. It is a great way to get introduced to heavy lifting and get comfortable with it. I check my form quite frequently, taking videos with my iPhone while I'm lifting.

    There is a Stronglifts for women group on here that is really great, you should check it out.

    Agreed. Stronglifts are a great place to start! And yes... form form form form form. Form over lifting heavy. Constantly watch form. If you get sloppy, back off a little on the weight.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    I'm doing SL 5x5 now, just started Saturday. Last week, I did 2 60-minute sessions with a personal trainer at the Y to work on my form for squats, dead lifts, bench, overhead press, and the variety of dumb bell substitutes and other exercises there are out there. It really helped a lot to be able to have someone give me confirmation on form. If you can't do that, no worries - videos, mirrors, and asking others!

    Don't fret about how much (or little) you are starting out at. Don't. We all start somewhere. this was a great summary on SL5x5.

    Watch good videos on form. Practice in front of a mirror. Don't be scared of free weights. Just lift. You'll do great.

    If you can't lift the standard bar (45 pounds), DO NOT WORRY! Use one of the smaller bars you can typically find around there or modify and use dumb bells or body weight first and build up. There is no shame in this - you are doing something for your health, and that is to be celebrated.

    For me:
    Heaviest - deadlift
    Next - bench
    Next - squat
    Next - military/overhead

    Now, I recognize that bench and squat are reversed from the typical - which is why I pointed it out. My arms are typically stronger than my legs because I haven't pushed them in the squat form yet. Today I did it at 65# but I felt like I wasn't going down low enough, and that is going to be the way I build all that right muscle strength, so Thursday, I'm going to drop down to the bar and just work on form, form, form and getting lower and trusting my body not to fall over. Years of being morbidly obese mean I don't trust my legs to hold me up because I was short and held the fat in places that I felt I was going to just tip over and look like some horrifically laughable version of a broken Weeble. I think I *can* do the bar and a correct form squat, but trusting myself to get all the way down is hard. If I struggle there, I'll drop back to dumb bells until I make myself comfortable and work back up.

    Strength will come.

    I'm only 2 days in and I'm already addicted to it, I can tell. I did machines for months and built up some strength and that was nice, but this just gives me an extra 'oomph' to my day that I can't explain :)
  • KeairaSedai
    KeairaSedai Posts: 138 Member
    I am thoroughly convinced. I have great trainers at the gym so they may help, as well as mirrors, but I intend to get me a set of at home workout supplies, for those days that I should workout but can't bring myself to leave the house.

    I suppose a simple barbell bar with a few weights will do to begin with, along with the light set of dumbells i already have. Squats I've always found rather easy actually.. but that was without weights. My legs are far better than my arms, though, so I guess I'll just start and see.

    Now to just do it instead of thinking about it.. and don't worry about being laughed at by my boyfriend ^^
  • selvaggiarte
    Ok, finally! Other women doing stronglifts!!
    Any suggestions? I lost over 15 lbs but gained like ten back?!? I am freaking out!
  • Cc215
    Cc215 Posts: 228 Member
    Ok, finally! Other women doing stronglifts!!
    Any suggestions? I lost over 15 lbs but gained like ten back?!? I am freaking out!

    This was me. I'd lost 16lbs when I started Stronglifts - I gained 8 of them back. It's taken me 3 months to lose them again.

    There are times when I've stood on the scale and felt like giving up. But I haven't - because progress pictures. Seriously if you haven't taken pictures of yourself already do it now.

    I took my 3 months progress pictures last week. I weighed the same on that day as I did the first day I set foot in the gym, picked up something heavy and squatted with it. But my body looks totally different. The scales only tell a little bit if the story - pictures and measurements add a lot more.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Ok, finally! Other women doing stronglifts!!
    Any suggestions? I lost over 15 lbs but gained like ten back?!? I am freaking out!

    Weight loss and weight lifting are two different things.

    Review your intake.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    There is a group for Stronglifts here on MFP that you can join, we are all super nice!