Hit my first Goal!!!

Well, I did it. 50 lbs off!! Took me 5 1/2 months. It was easier than thought in some ways but alot harder in some ways too.
Things I learned
- Dont eat anything you dont like because its supposed to be healthy.... just made me want to quit
- Do try foods you didnt think you liked by cooking them a different way -- ex: brussel sprouts... roasted... amazing
- Dont worry about the scale, its just another tool
- Yes, you can make it thru holidays and family gatherings without doing too much damage
- Since i stopped eating sugar, everything is too sweet.... its a good thing!
-Funny, but once you get into exercise it can actually be fun !
-Every morning I say to myself " You can do this!" it really seems to help.

I still have 58 lbs to go, but "I can do this!"
