Making it thru the Holidays without gaining weight

OK guys and gals..a few tips I found in a magazine this morning.

1. Eat Breakfast. Pack it full of protien. Egg whites, greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese.

2. Keep Healthy Snacks on hand. Going to a dinner or party, keep an apple with you. String cheese is an idea as well. Eat it on your way or just before you leave. Drink a glass of water as well. Fill your belly before you join the party. Less tempeted to over induldge.

3. Rule of ONE - Have One appetizer or ONE drink... or ONE small dessert. But just keep it at ONE. Also, avoid the appetizer that is deep fried or "stuffed" Even ONE of those could be tripple calories of another choice.

4. Avoid the "drinks" - Alcohol is a double whammy on a diet. Packed full of calories, and will lower your inhibitions which means you could potentially over eat.

5. Nix the taste testing - When preparing your foods for either your own party or someone elses, do NOT do the taste testing. Those calories add up quick. Chew gum while preparing your goodies. Mint flavor will help curb the desire to taste your creations.

6. Send Leftovers Packing - If you have hosted a dinner or party - send the leftovers with the guest. Buy some cute bowls or bags with festive designs and have them ready to load up when your guest are heading out the door. Cookies, cakes, appetizers.... make a great "Thank You for coming to my party gift".

7. KEEP MOVING! -- just because it's the Holidays, it's no time to slack. Park in the last spot when shopping, Make extra trips up and down your stairs when cleaning, spend 10 minutes a day doing some form of exercise. This is beneficial in 2 ways, helps burn some extra calories and a great stress reliever!

8. Fall off the Wagon? GET RIGHT BACK ON! -- Blow it on a huge Holiday meal. Get up the next morning and return to your healthy routine. DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES! Remember it's a Holi "day". Not Holi "weeks" or Holi"months"......

and last....

9. CONTINUE TO LOG! - Keeping track is the best way to keep your diet on track. A visual account of your intake is the best way to make healthier choices at any party, dinner or stressful moment!

I hope this help, I know I will be mindful of my choices durning the upcoming weeks. I need all the help I can get!


  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    These are great tips, thank you for posting them! :flowerforyou: I am not having Thanksgiving at my house this year, so no leftovers!!:happy:
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Good! I needed that!
  • Endless_Sky
    Thanks! I'm worried but hopefully with a little luck and a little common sense we'll all make it through the holidays together. My plan- skip the eggnog, but go heavy on the caroling!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Remember it's a Holi "day". Not Holi "weeks" or Holi"months"......

    LOVE THIS!!!! So damned true!!!
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    The 1st time I did a diet, I was doing great for six months up until Thanksgiving. Walked 9 miles a day and even with my horrible diet, dropped 60lbs. Then Thanksgiving arrived I allowed myself to eat, eat and eat but what I didn't do was my walking. I got busy and put it off more and more :(

    So this time around I am going to continue my calorie counting. If I go over oh well, I'm not going to be hard on myself. I remember last time I was hard on myself and got frustrated... What I am not going to give up though is my 3-4 mile walk with the dog. I think I will do good...

    My 2nd day doing myfitnesspal was on my 5 year anniversary... with a trip to a casino buffet... yeah I ate a little more than I should but I was right back on track and maybe I lost a day of weight loss but it's now 8 days later and I am ahead of where I thought I would be by now :) (I am 11 days into this program and I am down in weight and I am still able to enjoy some of the junk food so this really doesn't feel like a diet!)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Remember it's a Holi "day". Not Holi "weeks" or Holi"months"......

    LOL I love this.....and it is so true
  • tonya24
    Thanks great post!!!