Dog walking



  • jimnholli
    jimnholli Posts: 3 Member
    I love to walk my dogs and I record it as exercise every day. I have a lab and a pit bull who walk me! They sniff sometimes, but are pulling me to go faster most of the time. It is a great workout for me. We usually walk 40 to 60 min. in the morning and 20 min. in the eve.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I have a really pretty white/grey brindle pit bull named Chyna. She's still a puppy at 57lbs and not so fun to walk because she pulls. I'd love to walk her more just to get her trained at it but between the rain and the cold weather here in Georgia, it hasn't been possible. I think that once she gets the hang of it, she'll be my outside workout partner!

    I could never run with my pit bull because he would stop suddenly or cut across my path to sniff. He was fast and solid, so he could get in front of me and then cause a trainwreck! Yes, I could have trained him that run time meant no sniffing, but I felt like if it was his only walk/run of the day, it needed to be HIS walk/run. So he sniffed and sniffed, and I did exercise CDs. It was okay in the end.

    He was brindle too -- orangey-brown and black, almost tiger-striped. Some kids actually thought he was a tiger. "Mommy, look at the tiger!" Love to your brindle dog. I miss mine.
  • cindyj7
    cindyj7 Posts: 339 Member
    << I walk my almost 5-year-old pit bull about 2.25 miles/day. I have my activity level set at Sendentary, as I have a desk job. My girl has a pretty good clip, so I use my HRM and log the calories burned. Your dogs are gorgeous, BTW.
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member

    Which is it?

    0 C is 32 F.
    0F is -28503 C

    0 Celsius is 32 Fahrenheit
    0 Fahrenheit is -18 Celsius
    0 Kelvin is -273.15 I wouldn't take a dog out in that.

    I don't bother to log my dog walks on here.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I only log my dog walking calories when I take my pup on an extra long walk. I figure my body has already acclimated to the short walks we take
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    These are my dogs. The Saint Bernard is 2 and The Shepherd is 3. And yes, people cross the street when they see me coming.


    OH THOSE EARS! they are adorable!
  • amn238
    amn238 Posts: 2
    Two dogs in my house -- one is 85 pounds, and one is 10 pounds. We walk anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour every day, and I do log the walks. We keep about a three MPH pace, and our routes involve hills. However! I've worn my Garmin HRM, and I only burn about 40- 50 calories in a 30-45 minute walk, which always strikes me as very low given how much I get pulled around and march up hills during those walks.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Who here has dogs? Do you log your "dog walking" calories burnt? I love the fact that I can do something I really enjoy (apart from lately, when it's rained and rained and rained), and it's good for me too.

    Got a heeler mix here, she's great. However no, I don't log those calories, they're just part of my daily activity level.

    I also have a heeler mix, and she loves to walk/jog/run. I just listen to what my fitbit says about how many calories I burn, etc. and use the TDEE method to determine how much food I should eat. Easy.

    I would THINK she wants to run, right? Two miles jog, and I'm dragging her back. Granted, if we're sprinting she's doing circles around me, but she and I prove that us great apes are the ultimate persistence hunter.

    I like the plate method. If it's on my plate...

    You have a point. Longer jogs are definitely not my pup's forte. However, we're both shorties, so I like to think we're pretty evenly matched most of the time. (She's a corgi/blue heeler mix.) As for being a persistence hunter, check out this link I bet you even eat capsaicin for fun!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Love my dog! Siberian Husky, so the colder it is the more she wants to walk. And I use the term "walk" loosely because she loves to run. If we do a run then I log it, if it's a slow pace walk and my heart rate doesn't get up I normally don't, unless it's long, like over 3 miles. But I have also been doing this awhile and know that a walk doesn't do much in the way of cardio for me. If you are just starting out and just starting to walk then I would log it and see if you can increase the speed and intensity.

    We take our Samoyed to the dog park and all I see are Siberian Huskies this time of year. It's so funny to watch them. It's like a Summer day for these dogs.
  • Bing30
    Bing30 Posts: 32 Member
    I log my dog walking - morning and night. I love it.......maybe not so much when it's raining though!! :)
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I have a duck tolling retriever and some day I log it , other days I don't. I have 2 small kids and sometimes they come with me and the whole walk is a slow motion drag, and I won't log that. Other days I go alone in good pace, and I log that.

    If I were walking the dogs almost every day the same way/ same amount of time, I would go with a different way about the issue though. I won't log, but I would set my lifestyle to a higher level. Instead of sedentary , I would set as lightly active or active depending on the amount/intensity of the walk. That would increase my daily calories allowance by a couple of hundred calories for every day, I I don not have to bother log it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You have a point. Longer jogs are definitely not my pup's forte. However, we're both shorties, so I like to think we're pretty evenly matched most of the time. (She's a corgi/blue heeler mix.) As for being a persistence hunter, check out this link I bet you even eat capsaicin for fun!

    I another world, I will own cows so I can get a corgi. They're just ridiculously cute.

    Regarding capsaicin, not anymore... I should tell you sometime of Hell Night. :)

    Basically, we’re the Terminator.
  • Marymoe138
    Marymoe138 Posts: 68 Member
    I have a 4 year old pitbull. I definitely log all of my calories burned with him. We walk between a mixture of hills, flat roads and trails. We go out on walks an average of 4 times a day at an average of 70 minutes per walk. I definitely get a great workout!

    Wow so you walk over 4 hours a day? Where do you find the time?

    Yes ma'am. I work from home with a very flexible job ( ie I can take my phone with me) so a walk every 4 to 5 hours is totally possible. It wears him out and keeps me in shape!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    My English Bulldog is not the most energetic dog in the world so I don't break a sweat walking him....and towards the end of his walk he is almost always dragging himself and sometimes he will even stop to lay down for a bit. I do still log when I take him for a longer walk though...better than nothing!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    yup... I log that too.. exercise is exercise....I have a heart rate monitor on when I do so I can get an accurate count of the burned calories
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I have a 4 year old pitbull. I definitely log all of my calories burned with him. We walk between a mixture of hills, flat roads and trails. We go out on walks an average of 4 times a day at an average of 70 minutes per walk. I definitely get a great workout!

    Wow so you walk over 4 hours a day? Where do you find the time?

    Yes ma'am. I work from home with a very flexible job ( ie I can take my phone with me) so a walk every 4 to 5 hours is totally possible. It wears him out and keeps me in shape!

    Is that ok for a dogs joints to walk that much? I guess sled dogs etc are built for it. That has to be like 10-12 miles per day!!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I have a greyhound - it's too cold to walk her right now -it's -36C with windchill - and yes, I do count those - I use runkeeper everytime I walk or run.

    i have an Italian Greyhound (miniature greyhound)... unfornately it was -1F here this morning (not counting the bitter windchill). seeing as my tiny white dog has like zero fur, walking him outside right now is just not an option.
  • Marymoe138
    Marymoe138 Posts: 68 Member
    I have a 4 year old pitbull. I definitely log all of my calories burned with him. We walk between a mixture of hills, flat roads and trails. We go out on walks an average of 4 times a day at an average of 70 minutes per walk. I definitely get a great workout!

    Wow so you walk over 4 hours a day? Where do you find the time?

    Yes ma'am. I work from home with a very flexible job ( ie I can take my phone with me) so a walk every 4 to 5 hours is totally possible. It wears him out and keeps me in shape!

    Is that ok for a dogs joints to walk that much? I guess sled dogs etc are built for it. That has to be like 10-12 miles per day!!

    There seems to be no issue at this point. We have been doing so for the past 4 years and he has a clean bill of health from his vet. He was seen in fact just a few weeks ago for a full examination and he is quite healthy. When he reaches an older age, we will of course adjust accordingly if need be but for now as he has no issues we will continue until that time.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Is that ok for a dogs joints to walk that much? I guess sled dogs etc are built for it. That has to be like 10-12 miles per day!!

    Why wouldn't it be?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I have a 4 year old pitbull. I definitely log all of my calories burned with him. We walk between a mixture of hills, flat roads and trails. We go out on walks an average of 4 times a day at an average of 70 minutes per walk. I definitely get a great workout!

    Wow so you walk over 4 hours a day? Where do you find the time?

    Yes ma'am. I work from home with a very flexible job ( ie I can take my phone with me) so a walk every 4 to 5 hours is totally possible. It wears him out and keeps me in shape!

    Is that ok for a dogs joints to walk that much? I guess sled dogs etc are built for it. That has to be like 10-12 miles per day!!

    There seems to be no issue at this point. We have been doing so for the past 4 years and he has a clean bill of health from his vet. He was seen in fact just a few weeks ago for a full examination and he is quite healthy. When he reaches an older age, we will of course adjust accordingly if need be but for now as he has no issues we will continue until that time.

    I always thought it could be hard on their hips, especially bigger dogs. My dog is a mixed breed and seems like she can go forever but I keep it under 4 miles and that's a few times a week. The other days are just a mile or so.