Newby! Feeling motivated by this site

Hey everybody,
I'm Kayleigh and i'm overweight lol :smile:

I am 24 and a beauty therapist working for myself. I have quite a lot of weight to lose and am optimistic that i can do so over the next year. I would love to have made a big improvement by the time i reach 25 in September.

I had a big break up last year and made a lot of changes and improvements to my life, including a new man :)
Now it is time to change my weight.

I tend to hide behind baggy, comfortable clothing because i feel self-conscious but it is time for that to change. I want to look and feel awesome, as well as being as healthy as i can be.

Very excited and feeling motivated...but i'm hoping that this site will help me STAY motivated.

Please feel free to add me and we can celebrate or moan together


  • Chiquita_Banana
    good luck the past week and a half i've used this site have helped me alot it makes you think about everything you eat and drink and makes you want to reach all your goals :)
  • cccheer88
    Welcome! I think that this site will really be the boost I need to kick me in the butt and get my weight loss started. Hopefully it does the same for you! :)
  • JulieTX86
    Hello! I think this site has been great so far, i have been at it for almost two weeks and I am down 4.5 pounds.

    Stick with it and you will do great. This site is really great for keeping track, staying on track, and getting motivated. Just reading the posts on here every day keeps me in the right mind set. :)

    BTW - we are both 24 yrs old and both turn 25 next September :happy:
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member

    I joined this site almost two months ago, and it's made all the difference in the world! I think you'll be presently surprised at what you can accomplish when you've got all the tools AND the drive to better yourself.

    Rock it out and kick some *kitten*!

  • Flawlessk
    Thanks girl!

    Well done Juliet, sounds like you're doing brilliantly.

    Let's do it ;)
  • JulieTX86
    Oh and someone else posted this video on here last week and I watch it pretty much every day. It helps keep me motivated. :)

    Good luck!
    ~ Julie
  • Flawlessk
    Thanks Julie, thats brill!

    and a little too familiar haha x
  • hairy_bob
    good luck, I'm sure this site will rally help you!