Motivational Music

I need some new music that'll get me amp'd for my workout. So what tracks gets you going for your workout?


  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    Do you have the Songza app? If not, you should download it! It has a concierge that asks "what are you doing right now?" There is a Working Out option. From there you can narrow down to rap, pop, oldies, whatever. I love 90 BPM Hip Hop personally. Running to Ghostface is borderline perfect.
    What's your preferred genre?
    Disclosure is the best for working out, they are two guys from the UK that make electronic music.
    Also, I see that you're a guy, but I'm still going to say try some Beyonce, it can't hurt you :devil:
  • GameTimeKB24
    Awesome! I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the heads up. :happy:
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    I posed this question yesterday to friends. . . desperately need some new music. I prefer country for drive music, but that is just NOT good to try to run to. . . so I'm trying to expand my musical horizons in to a more hip hop genre which seems to perk me up a little more.

    Thanks for the Songza app suggestion. I tried to google playlist suggestions, but I didn't even know half of the crap the lists gave me :)

    I was also told Pandora has workout stations.
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    zippywood, Pandora is similar but unfortunately its significantly influenced by record company people who are looking to push certain artists. They also don't give up the rights to some very popular music. Songza was created by djs and music lovers who seem to have less of a personal interest/gain in what they suggest you listen to :)
    No, I don't work for Songza lol I just think its a much better app.

    Good luck and enjoy the newness!
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I'll check out Songza too - I use Spotify right now :-)

    Fave workout songs as of late are

    Down with Trumpets by Rizzle Kicks
    Paper Planes by M.I.A.
    Back to the Old School - Groovebox
    The Oulatumi Dance by Minimatic
    Just let me Dance by Scandal - the Maxxi Soundsystem remix
    I Got Soul by Skeewiff

    If you are more of a rocker type dude, sorry. Can't help there lol.
  • tashamoulds
    Eminem, Dubstep, Fort Minor, Kanye, other rap or techno artists. I was told I looked like a thug ***** because of how pumped I was/looked, but I don't care because it gets me though a workout.
  • Dreamingallday
    My favourite for working in the gym, something that makes me really just want to keep on going is club dance music. Right now I keep putting Britney Spears'- Work B**ch and it keeps me going. It's not the most artful song, but the words ring true. " You wanna hot body, you better work b***" But that's what works for me lol