Hair chopping



  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    this is how i chopped mine...


    This is pretty similar to my hair as well. I love my short hair. It is SOOOOO much better than when I had long hair and it feels more like me. Plus, if you do not like it, it isn't hard to let it grow out! :)
  • SashleyA
    SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
    I would LOVE to get a pixie cut like J Law but the problem is my hair is very curly so will it look weird?

    Talk to a hair dresser about how to do it. My mom has super curly hair and has always kept it in a pixie, but I'm not sure if she could wear it like JLaw's. JLaw her self doesn't have super straight hair though.
  • nippoleon
    nippoleon Posts: 43 Member
    My face is totally chubby and I manage to rock the completely hairless look, so... I say go for it!

    (This is not to say that I think your face is chubby because I do not, but if it WERE I do not think you would have a problem either.)
  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    I changed my profile pict to one with me with longer hair
  • SashleyA
    SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
    I see all the time on these boards that "men don't like women with short hair." Yet, I have a LOT of friends who have short hair and they're all married. And they had short hair when they met their husbands.

    So ... somehow this statement doesn't hold true.

    I met and married my husband with super short hair. However, he has asked me to grow it out. I have not cut it short for 5 years and he begs me to keep it long. He thinks I look great with any kind of hair, but he prefers it long. So I think his statement does hold true.....
    So he wasn't attracted to you when your hair was short?

    I met and married my husband when I had long hair. I cut it short and he prefers it like that... so I think his statement doesn't hold... Moral, different people like different things.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I see all the time on these boards that "men don't like women with short hair." Yet, I have a LOT of friends who have short hair and they're all married. And they had short hair when they met their husbands.

    So ... somehow this statement doesn't hold true.

    I met and married my husband with super short hair. However, he has asked me to grow it out. I have not cut it short for 5 years and he begs me to keep it long. He thinks I look great with any kind of hair, but he prefers it long. So I think his statement does hold true.....
    So he wasn't attracted to you when your hair was short?

    I met and married my husband when I had long hair. I cut it short and he prefers it like that... so I think his statement doesn't hold... Moral, different people like different things.

    Many men prefer long hair.

    Many men prefer short hair.

    Conclusion: Wear your hair as you like it. Someone will find you attractive.
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    Talk to your stylist about it! They should be able to give you a much better opinion than us randoms on the internet. There are a lot of different factors that will help make a more informed decision, like your daily care routines and hair type. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, just do it! You'll like it or you won't, but you'll also never know unless you try it. I've had many different sorts of styles and colors. It's just hair. Have fun with it.
  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    I think it is more important for you to wear your hair the way you want to because it is most important for YOU to feel attractive. :)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Find pictures on the internet of several styles you like, print them or save them to your phone. Then find a GOOD salon and make an appointment. The stylist there should be able to look at those pictures and tell you if the style will work for you and if you have the right hair type. There are many styles I really like that my hair is just too thick for.
  • Chelseraptor
    Chelseraptor Posts: 27 Member
    I say go for it! I took 9 inches off a few months ago, and I love it short! I cut my hair before Jennifer Lawrence, but I was able to use pictures of Anne Hathaway, Emma Watson, and Ginnifer Goodwin to give the stylist an idea of what I wanted. They are all MUCH skinnier than I am, so I was afraid that it wouldn't look good on me, or that I would look like a boy. But now that I have it short, I might never grow it out again!

    I suggest finding some pictures of exactly how you want it cut before you go. And if you cut it and don't like it, it'll always grow back! There are a million and one pictures on pinterest of ways to wear your hair short.
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    I think if you have the guts to do it then go for hair is 30 inches and i honestly would never have the guts to get it cut into a short style so i admire you if you do...

  • victal
    victal Posts: 1,375 Member
    Short hair is funky, go for it! shortest i've had mine was shaved to grade 2, had it like that for 2 years, it was so much easier putting on a helmet with shaved hair :wink:

    And it looked good too!!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I see all the time on these boards that "men don't like women with short hair." Yet, I have a LOT of friends who have short hair and they're all married. And they had short hair when they met their husbands.

    So ... somehow this statement doesn't hold true.

    I met and married my husband with super short hair. However, he has asked me to grow it out. I have not cut it short for 5 years and he begs me to keep it long. He thinks I look great with any kind of hair, but he prefers it long. So I think his statement does hold true.....
    So he wasn't attracted to you when your hair was short?

    I'm sure he was. There's a lot more to attraction and love than a hair cut.
  • BreeJaxon
    BreeJaxon Posts: 128
    Nope I just cut 14" off and I LOVE it :) I think anyone can wear short hair!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I see all the time on these boards that "men don't like women with short hair." Yet, I have a LOT of friends who have short hair and they're all married. And they had short hair when they met their husbands.

    So ... somehow this statement doesn't hold true.

    I met and married my husband with super short hair. However, he has asked me to grow it out. I have not cut it short for 5 years and he begs me to keep it long. He thinks I look great with any kind of hair, but he prefers it long. So I think his statement does hold true.....
    So he wasn't attracted to you when your hair was short?

    I'm sure he was. There's a lot more to attraction and love than a hair cut.
    But she's claiming that even though she had short hair when she met him and started dating him and even though she had short hair when she married him that because he now says he likes her hair long, ALL men are ONLY attracted to women with long hair.

    So that means he dated her and married her even though he wasn't attracted to her because she had short hair.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Totally a personal decision really - there is no 'too fat' or any of that. Do you want it? If so, try it. Are you not sure? Then don't yet, unless your hair grows really quickly! I know lots of people prefer longer hair on women, and that's great and all, but when it comes right down to it, it's up to the individual and what will make them feel better and what they will enjoy. So rock it if you want to, don't if you don't, but don't worry about it otherwise!

    I personally prefer long hair, and I'm annoyed my hair doesn't seem to grow much any more. But I used to love cutting it to an inverted bob for a change and then growing it back out long. Now it might never grow back out, so I don't do more than trim the ends. LOL. My husband prefers long hair, but he also loves me for me, so he doesn't care what I do as long as it is what I want to do. As it should be. Same goes for him. Shaved head, balding head but long hair, big beard, goatee, no beard -- I have my preference on what looks best on him, but it's totally his call for what he does with it. As it should be.
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    I see all the time on these boards that "men don't like women with short hair." Yet, I have a LOT of friends who have short hair and they're all married. And they had short hair when they met their husbands.

    So ... somehow this statement doesn't hold true.

    I met and married my husband with super short hair. However, he has asked me to grow it out. I have not cut it short for 5 years and he begs me to keep it long. He thinks I look great with any kind of hair, but he prefers it long. So I think his statement does hold true.....

    My husband doesn't like my hair super short either. He still loves me and even has sex with me when it's short though. Having a preference on hair doesn't dictate how he treats me or feels about me. I also don't let his preference dictate my preferences and he's okay with that.

    Same here! I am keeping it long because I like it long right now. I am going to donate it pretty soon and plan on cutting it SUPER short again! Personally I don't like how my husband gets his hair cut. But I think our attraction to each other goes way past hair!
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    I see all the time on these boards that "men don't like women with short hair." Yet, I have a LOT of friends who have short hair and they're all married. And they had short hair when they met their husbands.

    So ... somehow this statement doesn't hold true.

    I met and married my husband with super short hair. However, he has asked me to grow it out. I have not cut it short for 5 years and he begs me to keep it long. He thinks I look great with any kind of hair, but he prefers it long. So I think his statement does hold true.....
    So he wasn't attracted to you when your hair was short?

    I'm sure he was. There's a lot more to attraction and love than a hair cut.
    But she's claiming that even though she had short hair when she met him and started dating him and even though she had short hair when she married him that because he now says he likes her hair long, ALL men are ONLY attracted to women with long hair.

    So that means he dated her and married her even though he wasn't attracted to her because she had short hair.

    You are right, I am completely wrong. My wording was off. What I should have said was, your statementt does not hold true so therefore you can not use that as proof that his statement isn't true.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I see all the time on these boards that "men don't like women with short hair." Yet, I have a LOT of friends who have short hair and they're all married. And they had short hair when they met their husbands.

    So ... somehow this statement doesn't hold true.

    I met and married my husband with super short hair. However, he has asked me to grow it out. I have not cut it short for 5 years and he begs me to keep it long. He thinks I look great with any kind of hair, but he prefers it long. So I think his statement does hold true.....
    So he wasn't attracted to you when your hair was short?

    I'm sure he was. There's a lot more to attraction and love than a hair cut.
    But she's claiming that even though she had short hair when she met him and started dating him and even though she had short hair when she married him that because he now says he likes her hair long, ALL men are ONLY attracted to women with long hair.

    So that means he dated her and married her even though he wasn't attracted to her because she had short hair.

    You are right, I am completely wrong. My wording was off. What I should have said was, your statementt does not hold true so therefore you can not use that as proof that his statement isn't true.
    Actually, yes I can. because I only need one example of a man being attracted to a woman with short hair to prove that some men are attracted to women with short hair. And since I know several men who like short hair (including apparently your husband), my statement is absolutely true.
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    I see all the time on these boards that "men don't like women with short hair." Yet, I have a LOT of friends who have short hair and they're all married. And they had short hair when they met their husbands.

    So ... somehow this statement doesn't hold true.

    I met and married my husband with super short hair. However, he has asked me to grow it out. I have not cut it short for 5 years and he begs me to keep it long. He thinks I look great with any kind of hair, but he prefers it long. So I think his statement does hold true.....
    So he wasn't attracted to you when your hair was short?

    I'm sure he was. There's a lot more to attraction and love than a hair cut.

    I also had a face full of HORRIBLE acne!! So does that mean he likes acne?!?! :laugh:

    I just don't think saying someone married a person with short hair automatically means they like short hair. But she is right, not all men prefer long hair.