Debating whether to eat lunch at school

abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
It's a new semester, and my lunch time has switched from 12:15 PM to 10:40 AM. Due to the new time making it difficult for me to manage my diabetes, I am debating whether to really "eat" a lunch at that time. I cannot test after breakfast due to having classes then, and I will be unable to test after lunch, AND I now really risk going low at the end of the day (I tend to go low 3-4 hours after a meal) I tend to get home at around 2:45, so I am debating whether to just bring an under 30 carb "snack" for lunch and have a larger meal when I get home.

I will probably keep my current schedule, so there is no hope in getting a later lunch time. My classes also prohibit food in the classroom, and I only have time to take any meal insulin is right before lunch (unless I go low and need an uncovered snack).

My classes begin at 7:30. I eat breakfast at 6:30, so I know I will need something to keep me satisfied until 2:20. Before being diagnosed, I was used to skipping lunch, but I know that I will go low if I do not have at least a small snack during the school day.


  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I wonder if, because you have medical reasons, and you can provide documentation, if they may allow for food in the classroom for you, and to let you deal with testing and insulin when you need it. It's definitely worth asking.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    You have a medical issue that requires you to eat at specific times. I do not know of a single school who is going to argue with that.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    You have a medical issue that requires you to eat at specific times. I do not know of a single school who is going to argue with that.

    This. If this is a high school (and from the schedule it sounds like it), get into the admin office and explain the problem.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Nope. One teacher last semester fought against my 504 plan and went on a tangent about how, because of allergies, I could not have food in her classroom if I happen to go low. What is hypocritical is that people eat in her class all the time.

    The class that is closest to my regular lunch time also has equipment that easily becomes damaged if people eat food in the classroom. I have not met my last period teacher yet (school was let out early yesterday), so I do not know what I will do if I go low during his class.

    Sadly, this is a really goofy high school. The nurse does not recommend me testing in the classroom (claims I am too inexperienced), insulin is calculated and administered in the nurse's office, and there is no way I can change my lunch without dropping my third period class for one with a later lunchtime. Luckily, I'm getting out in mid-May
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    ok I understand the insulin thing being done in the nurses office, but regarding food...the teachers are not in control of that (lol trust me, I was a teacher!) If you have only asked the teachers, it's time to head to the school principal. I am quite sure that by law they MUST accommodate you, regardless of what the teacher wants. If there is sensitive equipment you may need to be seated away from it while you eat but, don't let the teachers bully you here. Talk to your principal. and, if you get no results there, it's time to bring in a parent on this one. I hate to say this but...sometimes school administration will give in to a parent just to shut them the hell up and get them out of their office and the issue dealt with and done. (I'm not a fan of accommodating every student that has a preference for one thing over another, but medical issues must be accommodated. If it is a matter of eating at the appropriate time so that you don't fall ill...yeah, fight for it)