Weekend Challenge (for Monday 7/28)



  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    I am so glad the golf tournament was successful! That is such an awesome thing that you guys do each year. Don't worry about not counting your calories... it was more important to spend the day enjoying your time with your family and friends remembering your BIL, and raising money for children in need.

    You will get back on track today! :smile:

    What do you think of the Shred? I have a few Biggest Loser DVDs that I like a lot. I've been considering getting the Shred.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning! Well...I gained! :explode: Not quite sure what happened. Saturday I weighed in and was up only a tad bit from Friday, Sunday I was up a bit more, and this morning even MORE! What is going on! Again...been having issues going to the...um...restroom. I actually had ended up taking a laxative last week Thursday which took care of things, but now haven't gone again since Friday. SO...not really sure what is going on with my body. It's VERY strange and VERY frustrating! So...I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. So...Friday I was at 167.5, Saturday I was at 168, Sunday I was at 169, and this morning I'm at 169.5! :explode: That's 2 pounds gained over the weekend!!!!!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: I am SO mad. I did go over Friday, but Saturday and Sunday I was under AND burned TONS of calories! So...can't really explain what is going on, but I'm pretty darn mad!!!!:explode: :explode: :explode:

    Hope everyone else had a good weekend!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Kristin... I totally understand your frustration. I hope your "issue" gets better!

    Overall, I had a good weekend. I stayed within my calories and exercised each day... Although I am still sore from Saturday. I am down a pound from last Monday... :bigsmile: bringing my total since joining MFP on June 23 to 10 lbs. :bigsmile: I'm very excited about that number! It's 2 digits... YAY! :bigsmile: Let's do this again next weekend!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Natalie! It's just so darn frustrating when I've been doing so well and working out and eating only the allowed calories! And I just know that if my body wasn't packing all this stuff you know where...then I'd probably be consistently losing! ARGH!:explode: I seriously just want to cry! I don't know what I'm going to do! I know that if nothing happens today, I'm going to take another laxative tonight...but I can't make that a habit! This is supposed to happen normally! And I feel SO miserable after a couple days like this!:sad: I just hope I can figure it out!!!!
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    fiber fiber fiber. eat some koshi that always does it for me.

    My weekend was good. I did not weigh myself, but I was good on my calories and worked out extra.
  • mhosner
    mhosner Posts: 264 Member
    Well my good week-end needed bad. My oldest daughter broke her arm and we haven't been able to sleep. She was in a lot of pain and we didn't know what they were going to do with it until today - so glad that we are just casting it and it will be fine. But the last 2 nights have been long without sleep. What happens when you aren't sleeping; you order in. Too top it off my monthly visitor is here so I am a walking zombie.
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    do you think it is water weight? Try drinking tea.
  • hoolihan
    hoolihan Posts: 27

    I read thru all the "good" and the "bad" experiences everybody had for the weekend challenge. I faired pretty well. Didn't go over calories but drank too much with the girls. I might have foiled my plans if I had had a slice of the (I apologize already, but it was a bachelorette) "penis" cake. Actually, it was pretty easy to resist.:noway:

    I deffinately didn't drink enough water tho so now I am bloated. I usually do the "poke-around-the-ankle" routine to check for excess water; sure enough, there it is.

    But! I danced for hours and we also walked MILES going from bar to bar!:drinker:

    Got home on Sunday and swam for about an hour.

    In no way was my weekend acceptable in nutritionally/exercise-wise, but I made it out with just a hangover and a couple blisters on my heels.

    Famous words of whom?? Don't remeber but "If you fall off your horse you gotta get right back on the saddle":tongue: