Fear of The Plateau

Hello everyone. I just started fitness and MFP a week ago. It is going good. However, every time I've dedicated myself in the past to loosing weight I always plateau out after about 10 pounds. Can anyone tell me why this is and how to prevent it? According to my end of the day report this is going to happen again in 5 weeks. I'm guessing I'll just have to work harder in 5 weeks. But the plateau is always where I get discouraged and pretty much quit. Any words?


  • ktuck0205
    ktuck0205 Posts: 51 Member
    Plateau is my dreaded issue in the past. The one time in my life I was able to lose significant weight, I did not weigh myself at all. I am at a plateau right now @ 11 pounds. I would be lying if it didn't irritate me that is why I came to the boards yesterday.

    I keep telling myself keep eating right and moving more and even if the scale doesn't drop it has to be healthier than eating what I want and sitting on my butt :)
  • Well I'm no expert but I do have some experience in being an athlete and training hard.
    I find the exact same thing that I begin to plateau. My advice would be cardio, cardio, cardio. Try and do it as often as possible to really help shift that weight!

    There are so many different options for cardio from elliptical, running, biking or rowing! I think the key for me is to switch it up, some days I'll do a steady run, other days interval training and sometimes a mix of all the different machines so I don't get mind numbingly bored!

    As you begin to get fitter and see that plateau you have several options... either up the time or up the speed. I tend to do speed before time simply because I don't want to spend all day at the gym but it's up to you!

    And lastly I try not to weigh myself constantly because I find I feel the plateau affect even more. If you give yourself more time inbetween weigh ins you'll see the difference. Also maybe take measurements because you could be losing inches not lbs!!

    Hopefully this helps and remember to just keep fighting!! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The good news is, because you know this is going to happen (because it happens to us all), you can prepare yourself mentally. Instead of thinking of a plateau as a huge challenge and stopping point, think of it as an opportunity. When/if you get to that point, you can analyze both your eating and exercise habits and make some changes. Maybe your deficit is too high or low. Maybe you need to change your exercise routine. Maybe you need to eat more fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains (can't see your diary so this is all a guess). There are several things you can tweak so there's no need to dispair.

    Bottom line is, the plateau should never be a reason to quit. If you're truly committed to changing your lifestyle, you don't let anything get in your way. Sure it's tough to be patient and persevere when you're not seeing the results you're working so hard to get but it's just the way it is and you have to tough it out.

    Also, I'd encourage you to use other methods of measuring success other than the scale. While you may not be losing pounds, you could be losing inches. If you're not already, start taking body measurements and progress pics and pay very close attention to how your clothing fits. For example, I went through a period a couple years ago where I only lost about 10 pounds but my waist went down 10 inches!

    Never give up!

    P.S. I've learned that a true plateau lasts at least 4 weeks (most think it's anytime you stall whether that's a week or a few days)and can happen multiple times over long term weight loss. Again, not easy but possible to get through.
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    If you are aiming to lose 10 lb in 5 weeks, then you must have your calorie count on mfp set very low (I'm guessing 1200). Perhaps this is too low for your body and it plateaus because it has forced your system to survive on this little. It might be better to aim for a 1 lb loss per week and eat more calories, lose the 10 lb over 10 weeks and then continue to lose past week 10?

    I am sure some of the experts here can advise of the whole "starvation mode" theory.

    There are lots of advice threads about calorie intake which I found very helpful.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    1. the end of day 5 week projections are BS and inaccurate at best. Mine always tell me I'm going to gain in 5 weeks, but alas, I don't.
    2. The scale isn't the only measure of success. As mentioned above, the scale measures your weight, but what about the other progress you are making? Do you have more endurance? Are you getting stronger? Are your measurements decreasing? All these can be motivational factors when the scale does its normal thing and doesn't give you the number you are looking for. Make additional goals and focus on them.
    3. If you are worried that in 5 weeks you will stall out, start reading NOW. Prepare yourself with the knowledge you can find ALL over this site. Knowing about the whole process can ease your fear and give you the tools to make adjustments as needed to keep going down in weight.
    4. No weight loss for 4 or more weeks, after a good period of weight loss, without a change in dietary intake or exercise is most often considered a plateau. Weight loss in general is not linear and you will need to be patient with the process. People tend to get worried about small gains or a week where there was no drop and think something is wrong. This isn't true. There are too many factors that play into the weight you see on a scale to indicate an issue from one or two points of data.

    Think about what you really want from this process. Specific weight on the scale? An image of what you want your body to look like? Better level of fitness?
  • AlanaDumas
    AlanaDumas Posts: 6 Member
    That's exactly where I end up and I'm dreading it....trying to give myself strength ahead of time, similar to the strength you were talking about: it's gotta be better than doing whatever and not caring.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    There's no point worrying about something that may or may not happen, if it happens then you just suffer through it but you may find that this time it doesn't! If it's any help I was losing weight at a rate of 0.4 kg per week for months and months last year while eating 1200 cal per day, then I hit my goal and upped my calories to 1700. Since starting maintenance in November I'm now losing even faster than that (eeeek) and having to increase my calories again! I've realised that the 1200 per day probably wasn't the best way to do it, in retrospect I wish I'd eaten an extra 400 per day if I knew what is happening now could have happened then. If you do hit a plateau just try different types of exercise, and even increasing your calories - it is a total shock to me what is currently happening to my weight and definitely not something I expected after it being much slower all of last year.
  • AlanaDumas
    AlanaDumas Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing some cardio....I am only concerned with burning fat right now as opposed to muscle. Later, when I am skinny, if I get bored I will work on some muscle. I read that to burn fat it is better to nibble on healthy foods during the day that speed metabolism and exercise in small bursts throughout the day as well. That's what I am trying. I've been working on this a week, lost nothing up until a day or two ago, it was only 2 pounds but it was my 2 pounds for the week! And I really do need to get a measuring tape...mainly because I "think" I see progress sometimes but can't confirm it.

    My 1200 calorie goal / day is very feasible....anything else I either end up over endulging because it is just so close to a yummy lifestyle. My belly feels full all day since I snack constantly...ie, peanut butter/cocoa/banana smoothie at 8am, half a banana at 10, some lunchy type food and some coffee at midday, another half a banana a couple of hours later, another half banana when I get home from work and some wheat/fish/vegie full dinner type meal.

    I'm a working mom. Full time job during the day and a two year old in the evening. Time isn't much of an option for me until I can teach this kid to run in place and exercise with me...but for some reason at the house she wants to play right under my feet when I'm trying to work out, not sure why. So I do my exercise spurts at work....little 5 minute workout warm up routine designed to get your heart rate pumping, then I do "the bridge" that is supposed to burn belly fat quicker.

    Thanks everybody your advice was wonderful, glad to know the plateau really isn't something I should fear but just look forward too as the next obstacle worthy of overcoming....and glad I'm not the only one struggling! <3
  • AlanaDumas
    AlanaDumas Posts: 6 Member
    ....then I hit my goal and upped my calories to 1700. Since starting maintenance in November I'm now losing even faster than that (eeeek) ...

    Hmmm...I'll have to remember that. Someone mentioned that 1200 might be too low and I am familiar with starvation mode, however for starters I'm going to stick with the 1200. Like I said if I push for anything more than that I end up thinking I have too much leeway and my inner indulgent urges take advantage of that. But I may keep that in mind if/when I have any trouble in the future. Thanks!!