adipex anyone?

Was just wondering if there is anyone in mfp world that is either using adipex or that has used it ?
How much weight did you lose in the first month? What side effects did you have if any? & also how did you maintain your weight after stopping?

Thanks !! ( :


  • clarahackworth1999
    clarahackworth1999 Posts: 15 Member
    I started it last Tuesday and so far I love it. I have lost 7lbs so far.. I have changed my eating completely, no more sweets for me. I have a hard time getting in enough calories everyday. I have to force myself to eat because I am not hungry at all....
  • enidite
    enidite Posts: 92 Member
    I have been taking it as well and it has helped me too. I have lost 16 lbs within about 3 weeks, my cravings have disappeared which I thought would never be possible. I have not experienced any side effects. However, I have to say that I also have to be on other meds after being diagnosed with ADD (among other things), so this weight loss might be a result of the combination of several medications that finally regulate certain neurochemicals in my body. I still watch what I eat (making sure I eat healthy and not just junk), but it seems to be less of an uphill struggle. It does seem to suppress my appetite quite well. While I would not say that Adipex is for everyone, or a magic pill, I do believe it can help some people who have a lot of weight to lose to get a good start. I have read that it can have some side effects so your physician will have to evaluate the risks/benefits of this medication in your specific situation.
  • For me adipex is a magic pill. I started taking in Nov 1, but only did half a pill to make the prescription last longer. As I got used to it (5 months in or so) I had to take a whole pill for it to block the cravings. As my prescription dwindled I did a full one day, half the next and none on the third. I have 3 1/2 pills left and I'm worried. Although I have a much better grasp on my eating (bless you MFP), on days I don't take a pill at all I find my self falling (or wanting to fall) into old bad habits...eating for no reason, overeating, eating junk, etc. Exercise is key!! Calorie counting is key! That pill will make you think everything is under control, but unless you really develop good habits and stick with them, you will put the weight back on faster then adipex took it off. My off days have showed me that adipex is just a tranquilizer for the beast. The monster is still in me. It changed nothing but my weight and size. The real cause of my obesity is lack of self-control. Moving forward I have to stay structured, keep to my eating routine and exercise. I refuse to go back to where I was...I'm down 50lbs & 5 sizes. It was magic for me, but thinking that it will be easy after you go off is an illusion. Prepare yourself. I wish you luck and I hope adipex kick starts your journey. I feel amazing and I wouldn't be where I am today without it, but now the real battle begins...on my own.
  • bpmichael
    bpmichael Posts: 28 Member
    I have taken it on and off w/ mixed results over the years. I have taken Phentermine which is a version of Adipex.

    You do have to be careful w/ it and monitor your blood pressure. It can elevate it especially if you are borderline or high. Also watch your mood and anger issues. I had a couple of blow up moments on it and I think it was due to taking it.
  • consuelodeus
    consuelodeus Posts: 1 Member
    I started a month ago. Down 12 pds so far. Afraid to mix with excedrine cause I tend to get migraines . Not because of it . I love it. I haven't seen my weight decrease for years u tip now. I can't be happier. Doctor does say u should be on it 3 months on then 3 months off cause once your body gets used to it , it will stop working. But my friend has been on it for 5-6 months and lost 60 pds .
  • kevinpruitt
    kevinpruitt Posts: 50 Member
    Its a good tool for weight loss but not for long term. Its very useful in helping set healthy eating habits but maintaining those healthy habits after the prescription has run out or your body has become adjusted to it is where the real work begins. In the beginning some people tend to eat way less than they should, 1000,1200 calorie diets which for some is not a healthy way to go.
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    I love it. I've been taking it for 25 days now, and it really helps with portion control. For me, the problem was eating until I was beyond stuffed to feel satisfied. I'm hoping that as my Dr takes me off it, I'm able to stay in control. I've lost 14 lbs so far.
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