Poor student trying to lose weight!

Gemzzz12 Posts: 42 Member
It sounds silly that it would be hard to loose weight when you don't have much money to spend on food but I'd like to eat in a healthy way and I see loads of good recipes that has expensive food in it! Fruit that is nice is expensive! I cant just buy loads of pasta and live of that anymore :P So I would love a friend who might have some tips on dieting cheaply. :D


  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Do you have access to a full kitchen? If not, what equipment do you have?
  • Gemzzz12
    Gemzzz12 Posts: 42 Member
    Yes I have quite a good kitchen just with limited fridge space!
  • nicole595
    nicole595 Posts: 39 Member
    I eat reasonably healthy and fee both my boyfriend and on about $200 a month. Buying this in larger quantities tends to make the money go further, (such as a big bag of potatoes, for instance) so if you have the space, freeze things! I'll make a big pot of homemade curry and split it into five or six portions, making sure to weigh the meat in each one and keeping track of what else goes into it so I can create it as a recipe. I do the same thing with different kinds of soup, stews, chili's, anything really! So basically I'll go out, spend about $20-$30 on buying a whole bunch of ingredients, and spend a day in the kitchen cooking and freezing. But when I'm done I'll have about a weeks worth of food (for two people) which also saves me TONS of time when I get home from class! Everything is proportioned and weighed, simply pull it out of the freezer, pop it in the microwave, maybe make some rice or cut up some bread, dinner is ready! And the bonus of making things yourself, rather than buying premade stuff, is that you can control how much of everything goes in to it and have a better control on the calories!
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    For kicks, I just googled "healthy recipes college students"--there are tons of links! This one has some good advice on what you can do with five basic veggies:

  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I eat reasonably healthy and fee both my boyfriend and on about $200 a month. Buying this in larger quantities tends to make the money go further, (such as a big bag of potatoes, for instance) so if you have the space, freeze things! I'll make a big pot of homemade curry and split it into five or six portions, making sure to weigh the meat in each one and keeping track of what else goes into it so I can create it as a recipe. I do the same thing with different kinds of soup, stews, chili's, anything really! So basically I'll go out, spend about $20-$30 on buying a whole bunch of ingredients, and spend a day in the kitchen cooking and freezing. But when I'm done I'll have about a weeks worth of food (for two people) which also saves me TONS of time when I get home from class! Everything is proportioned and weighed, simply pull it out of the freezer, pop it in the microwave, maybe make some rice or cut up some bread, dinner is ready! And the bonus of making things yourself, rather than buying premade stuff, is that you can control how much of everything goes in to it and have a better control on the calories!

    I do this too, for a family of five. (Not for $200 of course!) We always have a freezer stocked with homemade stuff. Soups are pretty cheap to make.
  • Gemzzz12
    Gemzzz12 Posts: 42 Member
    Thats a good idea! After exams I'l definitely have a go at pre cooking dinners!
    I just had a look at the website and theirs some really good recipes their! Thanks! I will be having a good scan of the recipes.
  • GodivaTrailrider
    GodivaTrailrider Posts: 14 Member
    Most big supermarkets have Aisles of 'non british' food... often you find stuff in them thats massively cheaper than buying elsewhere in the shop, like spices. I have found chick peas are a great thing to keep in the kitchen. Again from the same aisles you can often find tinned chickpeas at 30p ish , tinned tomatoes about the same..... well there's the basis of some good meals depending on what spices you like .... for 60p.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    all great suggestions also for fresh veggies if you prepare them when you get home they will take up less room in your refridgerator space. Wash and cut everthing to the size you like and just put them in a resealable bag - lettuce even keeps well already cut up since you wash it at the time it is usually quite wet so I slide a couple sections of paper towel in the bag before i put the lettuce in and it absorbs the moisture and I think it also helps keep it fresh. Doing this I also find I have no excuses about having enough time as it's already done and there waiting for me.
  • bogo_baby
    bogo_baby Posts: 82 Member
    I am trying to loose weight on a budget of $30/week for my son and myself, it's not too difficult so far to keep my calorie count low... the hard part is keeping nutrients high for the both of us. I tend to scour the weekly ads for sales on fresh fruits/veggies/meats. I am learning how to coupon as well for things. I can't afford $1/greek yogurt on a daily basis, so I "splurge" on greek yogurt as a reward for meeting goals... but I stick to my budget pretty well with "meal replacement" shakes going on sale (the powders with skim milk average $0.67/serving)... I will add in peanut butter, chocolate chips, coffee, bananas, oatmeal, whatever I am in the mood for if I am hungry... which does raise the cost per serving, but not too much.

    It's a tough road, but manageable... $30/week for two is nothing compared to most peoples food budgets, but we manage :)
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am trying to loose weight on a budget of $30/week for my son and myself, it's not too difficult so far to keep my calorie count low... the hard part is keeping nutrients high for the both of us. I tend to scour the weekly ads for sales on fresh fruits/veggies/meats. I am learning how to coupon as well for things. I can't afford $1/greek yogurt on a daily basis, so I "splurge" on greek yogurt as a reward for meeting goals... but I stick to my budget pretty well with "meal replacement" shakes going on sale (the powders with skim milk average $0.67/serving)... I will add in peanut butter, chocolate chips, coffee, bananas, oatmeal, whatever I am in the mood for if I am hungry... which does raise the cost per serving, but not too much.

    It's a tough road, but manageable... $30/week for two is nothing compared to most peoples food budgets, but we manage :)

    Wow that's awesome...I need to start budgeting a little better also but good job! Not sure if $30 would fill my 23 yr old son though he has a hollow leg and they are really long :ohwell:
  • willdb76
    Eggs are very cheap, healthy and a good basis for a lot of meals; veg is actually cheap if you shop around too (avoid prepackaged stuff). Generally by avoiding processed ready meals, I would have thought your food bill would go down not up...
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    . I can't afford $1/greek yogurt on a daily basis, so I "splurge" on greek yogurt as a reward for meeting goals...

    Invest in a Donvier yogurt sieve. Greek yogurt is really just sieved yogurt. Vanilla yogurt is waaaay cheaper by the quart. When the yogurt is the consistency you want just return it to the original container. Or buy a yogurt maker. You can use your fav brand as the starter culture and control the milk fat.
  • explorationerin
    I have to feed me and my son on a low budget, i spend 30pound a fortnight on a meat pack from the butchers, then i spend about 25a week on veg salad,and fruit and the odd bits here and there needed to make a meal. I always have eggs in too.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    All of this is great advice.

    I don't know if your deals are as good as where you live but two of my grocery stores are good for buying fresh foods that are going out of date within 5 to 7 days. I can usually get pre-cut fruits and veggies for a good deal with 3 or 4 days to go, meats at half price to cook or freeze that day and dairy with 5 days left on the date. If you can find this kind of deal near you it's actually kind of fun. :) The store nearest me also has a tendency to over buy on items that go on sale, so that it's almost certain the day after the sale you can actually get the foods cheaper than the sale price!
    Wash and cut everthing to the size you like and just put them in a resealable bag - lettuce even keeps well already cut up since you wash it at the time it is usually quite wet so I slide a couple sections of paper towel in the bag before i put the lettuce in and it absorbs the moisture and I think it also helps keep it fresh.

    I do this except I don't actually cut the lettuce, I tear it will my hands. I find the lettuce seams to brown faster when it's cut.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Budget budget budget! I suspect you have more money than you think! This was my problem! Also, plan ahead!! But the best thing I can say, is IT IS POSSIBLE! Stick to it!
  • Nmt100
    Nmt100 Posts: 36 Member
    Are you near a local market where you can get access to cheaper meat, fruit and veg? If not other cheap places to get food are Chinese supermarkets. When I was at uni I was probably spending £20 or less for a week of food by shopping round a bit.
  • klyn7788
    klyn7788 Posts: 52 Member
    Buy a crock pot (I'm sure you can find a used one that could be cleaned up) and cook for the week. I do this to keep on track during the work week when things get busy. As long as you can get used to eating the same thing a for a few days in a row, this makes things a ton easier. Here are a few of my favorites.


  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 128 Member
    Get used to buying what is on sale. Sure you might really think you want those strawberries but at $5 a package this week you go with the bananas that are $0.29 a lb or the oranges that are on sale for $1.99 for five pounds instead. Then you stick with it. Sure the fresh asparagus looks incredible buuuut they are $3.00 a for a tiny bundle so you get the cucumbers that are on sale 3 for a buck. Eventually you train yourself to love all these foods. Remember it's JUST food and food is fuel, food is not love. It is so important to dedicate time in searching out and finding recipes with these foods that you LOVE otherwise it will not be sustainable in the long run. Also get used to the fact that healthier meals on the cheap do not take 2 minutes in the microwave and are ready to go, give yourself time to prep foods (either on the spot 1 person meals or ahead of time in bulk and then freeze). It's a constant learning process. Often times the issue isn't cost, the issue is adjusting to a more varied food palette (or being willing to eat a larger variety of foods) and taking the time to follow through.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Eating well does not have to cost a fortune. Please don't forget you can use beans, lentils and things for protein. They are cheaper if you buy them dried but you do have to soak them, (planning) before you can use them.

    Have fun with all the suggestions.
  • mlauraa
    mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
    $50 grocery shopping for a week..

    Big oat meal box $3.75
    Banana $1.50 for about 5 bananas
    apples-$3-5 for a pack of 10
    Milk $2-$4
    Yogurt-$4.50 for a 8 pack
    Chicken Breast- $10 for a 4-6 pack maybe even cheaper
    5 packs of frozen veggies of your choice -$8-10

    And waterr.

    Hope this helps