


  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I'm on Insta.... I've only gotten to a couple of peeps on here but hope to add more. We all use motivation and a lil' push from each other.... My user: jherman104
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm on Instagram as well....Follow me and I'll follow you back.
  • mine's mralanjahic
  • rexiecatmeow
    rexiecatmeow Posts: 43 Member
    Yay for more IG friends! I'm rexiecatmeow on IG. I do post some fitness things, progress pics..general life pics too but yeah follow me & I'll follow you :)
  • kms7035
    kms7035 Posts: 59 Member
    Mine is Sweatsparkles14. My account for weight updates, progress photos, quotes, food... It helps keep me so in check! :) I need some more people to follow though haha. :)
  • monizjm
    monizjm Posts: 92 Member
    Hopefully this is the right board! But I am currently obessesed with instagram... I love following all of the fitness people on there! Since I have started my journey I have been posting a lot of fitness focused instagrammers! If you have the app, and would like some motivation please feel free to list your username below or find me! my username is ladybrady

    I'm always looking through Instagram for motivation, photos of before and afters and healthy choices for foods and a cleaner lifestyle. :) I'm on the same boat. I don't really post things that are health & fitness on mine, but I am a fanatic with those that are all about fitness! I'm always looking for ideas and help.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Mine isn't specific to weight loss or diet, just general stuff but its;

  • xSTx
    xSTx Posts: 56 Member