Less than 1200 net a day - short term?

I'd like an opinion on this. I've been here for about 8 months and lost what I wanted to using the tools and the guides, so I understand the theory of the site. (I put a wee bit on over Christmas - but that's not the point of the post).

Anyway my bike, which is how I normally travel to and from work, needed a bit of work so it's been off the road this week and I decided to do some additional running (I run 2/3 times a week, generally about 3.5/4 miles).

The plan was

Mon - Run to and from work (9.75miles)
Tue - Run to work (4.75m)
Wed - To and from (9.75m)
Thu - Rest
Fri - From work (5m)
(I use different routes so i don't get bored, hence the slight difference in distance.

Anyway, to the point of the post - My net calorie intake on Monday was only in the region of 600 (I ate normally, but didn't feel the need to eat any extra). I ate most of Tuesday's (including exercise calores). But it is possible that both ttoday and maybe Friday i could be under the 1200 margin again. My target is set at 1470 a week by MFP (1lb per week loss).

While this week's plan was not done specifically for weight loss, nor is it a long term thing (might go on until next week, but no longer). Are there any significant downside's to taking less than 1200 net calories a day, three times a week, over a short space of time?


  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    bump for some opinions.


  • I think with that amount of running and only taking 600 calories daily, you're jeopardizing your health.
  • Bambalina_1
    Bambalina_1 Posts: 78 Member
    I don't think it will for 2 weeks and that's that some people get ill for a week and don't eat anything, it doesn't kill them... other fast for upto 36hrs...As long as its not a regular thing over a prolonged period of time I personally think you will be okay.

  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    Ha Ha.

    Two response...and their both different, but they are both appreciated.

    Lauranarro - don't know if it makes any difference, but it was 600 net, not 600 total. From memory I ate about 1800 calories that day.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    You could try to stick to a weekly goal instead, or maybe look into IF if that fits your life better.
  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    Thanks, but what's IF - not heard of this before?
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I agree with the weekly goal idea. Its what I do. I work off the TDEE method, and I'd say 5 out of 7 days I am under 1200net calories, but the other two days I am WAY over!!!! But that's what works for me. Over the week it averages out. You don't have to use all your exercise calories on the day you burn them. Save them up so you can eat more on your rest day or have a nice big meal out at the weekend.
  • nas061
    nas061 Posts: 256 Member
    IF = intermittent fasting

    You could look at the 5:2 diet where you fast 2 days a week (but on fast 600 cals allowed)
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    For that short period of time I'm sure it's not a problem. As long as you don't go 'woo I lost weight I keep at it forever' and, thus, ruin your metabolism, I'd say go for it...
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I ate 1200 or less + exercise so some days my net was really low even as low as 50 but I averaged about 500-600. I felt so weak I couldn't do my exercises to maximum capacity and I could barely move. Then I got ill. Bare in mind this was only for a week. The following week I upped to eating 1440 - I normally net less than that as I exercise but its still around the 1200 figure. I would say that if your looking to drop weight quickly then keep your calories around the 1200 net and I mean net. I am able to do this - feel free to look at my diary but netting around 600-800 is not going to be sufficient especially with an exercise like cycling.
  • I ate 1200 or less + exercise so some days my net was really low even as low as 50 but I averaged about 500-600. I felt so weak I couldn't do my exercises to maximum capacity and I could barely move. Then I got ill. Bare in mind this was only for a week. The following week I upped to eating 1440 - I normally net less than that as I exercise but its still around the 1200 figure. I would say that if your looking to drop weight quickly then keep your calories around the 1200 net and I mean net. I am able to do this - feel free to look at my diary but netting around 600-800 is not going to be sufficient especially with an exercise like cycling.

    I totally agree with this! Figuring out how many calories you need to lose or maintain is not a "one size fits all" . Listen to your body and if your feeling weak and not strong enough to finish your workouts then your probably not eating enough. I have a friend that's 5'1" and doesn't exercise at all and her daily calorie intake is 1100-1200 a day to maintain 115 lbs. it is possible to get enough nutrients in 1200 calories a day as long as your selective and mindful with what you are eating. Also, I highly recommend not focusing so much on the scale-- weight fluctuates with water retention, muscle gain and many factors. I weigh myself once a week, Monday morning before my coffee or breakfast. I feel like 1400-1600 calories a day is perfect for me, I run 4.5 miles 4-5 days a week, weights twice a week and I'm 5'71/2" tall, 148 lbs, goal weight 135 lbs. Oh, and that 1400-1600 calories doesn't count my exercise calories, I never count my those calories, I exercise for my health not to lose weight. Although if I have a particular bad diet day I will take in consideration my exercise calories so I don't feel too guilty ????