Anyone else trying to lose 20 lbs or less?



  • itsHealthy
    itsHealthy Posts: 119 Member
    Me. It has not been easy. I try new things (nothing too crazy) lose like a couple pounds and gain them back again.
    But, really determined to do it this time!
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    Yes! That sounds just like me. I've gained about 10 since first year of university (now in fourth) and probably about 10 between the start of gr 12 and first year. It is hard to get motivated to lose when you aren't that far from your goal, especially knowing you can only expect 0.5-1lb losses every week so it's going to take longer. But, I think even though it's not a huge weightloss it shows more since you aren't obese (where losing 20 lbs may not be as visually evident). For me, it's the difference between a size 6/28 waist jeans and a size 10-12/30-31 waist jeans because I mainly gain in my thighs/butt/hips area (my top size hasn't changed at all). However, I do have a goal similar to everyone else who's replied - I'd like to lose at least 15 of it before the end of May as I convocate and start the next phase of my life! Good luck everybody :)
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Yes, about 15-20lb. It's a huge amount for me!
  • khassidy
    khassidy Posts: 33 Member
    I'm currently on my last 19 lbs! It's been torture haha. I'll lose a poud, then gain it back..then plateau. It's rough, but I WILL lose it by August 2014:)! if any one is looking for more support, please feel free to add me!
  • JustineDianaD
    JustineDianaD Posts: 51 Member
    This is me, I want to lose 10-15 pounds and am finding it so hard!
  • emboslice94
    I'd like to lose another 10-20lbs, pending muscle obviously. But it's hard, I've already lost 20 so I know the rest of it is going to be hard. But just keep at it!
  • mikeroybal
    mikeroybal Posts: 111 Member
    I'm on the last 16 pounds, and it is getting slower so I am amping up my workouts. I never used to run unless it was on a treadmill now since I am doing the Tough Mudder in August I have added running and have noticed a difference. I don't know if the "muscle confussion" concept is true or not but It seems to be working.
  • daelkin
    My goal is to lose 20 lbs.

    I have lost 7 lbs so far in the last month. So I am hoping to meet my goal by March-April.

    I turned 50 this past summer and my metabolism has slowed way down. Not to mention the extra weight I
    put on 2 yrs ago when I had to have several Depo shots in one month to stop abnormal heavy bleeding.

    I instantly put on 20 lbs within a month and a half after the shots. My doctor told me it would come off about
    6 months after the shots wore off (I also had surgery to eliminate the problem) 6 months to wear off and then
    another 6 for the weight to come off.

    10 lbs of it did eventually come off but I still need to lose my goal of 20.

    I was always very under weight when I was younger. I had thyroid cancer at the age of 18 and had to have a total thyroidectomy
    and treatment. Due to not having a thyroid and due to having thyroid cancer, I was put on a high dose of thyroid replacement medicine. Couple that with a teenagers metabolism and I became very underweight. Many people thought I was anorexic.

    So I turned into a big eater to maintain my weight. I would keep a few lbs after each of my pregnancies and I was fine with that.

    In my 40's I eventually became a size 8 (from a size 3 as a teen and size 5 up into 30's) I was perfectly happy with that. I am 5'7" so it was a good BMI and look.

    It wasn't until my later 40's that I started having trouble with the weight gain. Then the Depo shots made it worse.

    Having to go from being a BIG eater to a smaller one has been my biggest issue.

    Changing WHEN I eat has made a big difference.

    I am a early riser. I would always eat breakfast when I got up ( 5:30-6am) But then I would be starving by 8-9 am.
    That would cause me to grab something unhealthy (bag of chips, candy bar etc)

    I now postpone my breakfast until around 8 am. For breakfast I drink a protein/fiber shake.

    That now holds me over until lunch.

    For lunch I either eat my usual lean cuisine meal or if I want something different, I go next door to subway
    and get a Turkey/on wheat. Spinach and some spicy mustard.
    That still allows me for a small sweet.

    Then I eat dinner. I don't eat anything special. I have just cut back on the amount.

    So I am staying at around 1300-1500 calories a day. Depending on the day.

    That is about 300-400 less than previous.

    Still have no desire to exercise but I am adding some light weights to my daily routine.
  • JaelynSmith89
    I have about 17 pounds to loose. It's my left over weight gain from three pregnancies. I bounced back quickly with my first two kids, with help from MFP :) but I am having the hardest time getting the rest of this weight off. Add me :)
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I have 15 lbs to lose which it's slowing down now that I'm getting closer
  • Ebrattt
    Ebrattt Posts: 1 Member
    I have about 13 or so lbs to go! It's been challenging because I was working out a ton (2x a day, weights and HIIT) in preparation for a trip i'm taking to Guatemala. Then right before New Years, I injured my back and have not been able to exercise. When I was heavily working out, I was eating to support my muscle growth so well over 2000 cals a day. Now that I am forced to be sedentary, I've had to really change my diet and make better choices.

    I try to stick to all-natural food, limited processed food. My diary is open, so feel free to add me :)

    I am hoping to weigh 116 by April 25th!
  • RichS6150
    RichS6150 Posts: 3 Member
    Short answer: yes, around 15 pounds.

    Ok, I feel a little foolish posting this since my goals are nowhere near most peoples on this site. I have always been a ittle obsessive about my health and have never had a "weight problem" I am 5' 10 and have always been around 165-170 pounds. Yes, I am lucky, much of which comes from a high metabolism and jobs which always kept me moving; not necessarily "exercise". FIve years ago I took a desk job that has be sitting on my butt for 8-10 hours per day. Also, I have just turned 50 and have found that my metabolism has changed a lot since I was 25! (duh!) One day I got on the scale and my weight was 186. Not really bad, but higher than I like and high enough to put my BMI into the overweight category (for twhatever that calculation is worth). Well, that shocked me since it was the heaviest I had ever been, althoug it admittedly is not all that "heavy". And it gave me a felling os loss of control, which is a big deal with me when it comes to weight/health.

    Anyway, I rapidly lost 18 pounds by sever calorie restriction Not a smart tthing; I had days where I felt weak and times when I felt like I was going to pass out. I am sure my blood sugars were going crazy! Also, when I began eating "normal" again, my weight crept up to around 178. Now 178 is not really bad, but I wanted to be arouind 165, which gives me "eating wiggle room", and I wanted to be eaeting healthier. Wanting to make more of a life change, not a weight loss change, I turned to myfitnesspal.

    So the short answer is, yes, I am trying to lose around 15 pounds; not just lose it, but eat and live in a way that I maintain the weight I want and imprve my nutrition. This site/program has been great. Being blessed with a "high metabolism, at least in my younger years, I never paid a lot of attention to what I was eating or really how much. Regardless of weight loss or not, now for the first time I understand what a single portion is, how many calories, sugar, fiber, fat, etc. are in certain foods. It has been eye opening.

    As for losing weight, it has amazed me at how hard it can be. In my current situation, my body wants to stay at 178-180. I can get it down to around 170 and then when I ease off, it climbs right back up. One thing this site/program has made me realize is that for the calories I consume, my exercise level (almost non-existent) is too low. So, to eat more "normal" for me and to maintain a weight I am happier with, I have come to understand that my activity level must increase. Health is not just a diet program.

    I know that many peole may read this and say, "Stop whining you obsessive, skinny, lucky jerk ." However, I write this just to frame one persons experience in trying to lose 10-20 pounds. This experience has taught me how hard losing weight can be and how hard it is to change your diet and eat healthier. To all of you trying to lose a significant amount of weight, I have a new understanding of how hard it must be. I completely admire those of you have have lost any amount of weight and especially those of you have have lost large amounts of weight.
  • susan12c2001
    susan12c2001 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh this is hard to say but I am 191 lbs. and WILL get to 150. And I am 5'10 also :)
  • nielsonfam
    nielsonfam Posts: 138 Member
    I'm in the same boat - trying to lose 20 pounds that have crept over over the past 6-7 years. I am also in my mid-40's and have a desk job and a long 3 hour commute a day so lots of time sitting on my *kitten*! It shouldn't be so hard, right????
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    I'm going for right around 20lbs as well. "Officially" I think my ticker says 22, but that's more like a "somewhere in this general area" goal. lol. No higher than 135, certainly, being 5'4. My heaviest pre-preg (four years ago!) was 132, so that would be nice.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I only have 4/5 left to go but my last 10 lbs are the hardest, change some foods or workouts, more calories or have to find that balance that will work :) What they say is true those last few lbs are hard and I want to tone as well, that to me is even harder!
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I started in December wanting to lose about 16 lbs. 8 down so getting closer. Have the last 8 or 9 left but will be the hardest.

    These last few pounds are purely for vanity, not really health, so sometimes I lose the motivation and just say I'm "fine" where I am. But I know I feel and look better at a lower weight so trying to stick to it this time.
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    When I began I wanted to lose 60lbs. I've lost 55 and am currently aiming for 10 more lbs on top of some tonight and inch loss!! You can do it!!!
  • PamelaHenD
    PamelaHenD Posts: 42 Member
    I have 14lbs to lose. I can use all the help I can get...
  • PamelaHenD
    PamelaHenD Posts: 42 Member
    I have 14lbs to lose. I can use all the help I can get...
    Add me if you would like....