What do you think of Curves?



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I hated it.. BUT if you do not workout.. and you just need something light to get your butt moving it might be good for you. It was way to slow, boring and repetitive for me when I was a member, but my mother did pretty good with it for quite a while.

    I think it's a good starting place if you're too intimated to go to a real gym. But it's just that.. a starting place.
  • I paid $97 to join.....and then it was going to be $44 a month .. and you had to sign up for one year and if you left early, you had to pay a cancellation fee... After FOUR workouts there, my knees were killing me from two machines.... I went back and told them i could not do curves....they charged me a $10 cancellation fee.... so, that was one pricey workout...4 times...

    I then joined a brand new 24 Hour Fitness gym near my home...cost was $75 to join...then $39 a month for a year and then after a year it drops to $29 a month...and you can quit anytime without a cancellation fee....pool, sauna, hot tub, classes, tons of machines, etc....

    No wonder Curves are all going out of business..... I exercise regularly... I went to Curves because i was diagnosed with osteoporsis of the hips.... I ended up hiring a personal trainer and am doing great... Do not waste your money on Curves....join a gym and, if you can afford it, get a trainer for a few visits. More bang for your buck.
  • I am a Curves Complete coach at Curves been there 4 yrs and it is too bad so many of you have had a poor experience. I just wanted to comment to those of you who said they needed more verity. This Year Jillian Michaels (from the biggest loser) Has teamed up with Curves to bring tons of verity to the once "boring" circuit. Many Curves offer a Zumba and Body basic class as well. I have been saying this for months now to all my younger friends "this is no longer your moma/grandma's workout! This is an amazing NEW workout that will make you sweat and get you the results you are looking for. Come check us out, most if not all Curves are currently offering a free week.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I tried Curves a few years ago, 2007 I think. I was disappointed with it, and I got bored of it very quickly. I used to spend more than the 30 mins, and even working my hardest, didn't feel it was a good workout. I'd been exercising at a 'normal' gym before though so wasn't new to exercise. I only joined because it was walking distance from home. I left after 3 months and went back to a gym with treadmills and stuff!

    Maybe it's improved since?
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I thinbk curves look nice on a woman!!!.......OHHHHHH,,,,,nevermind..........HAHAHA

    Yeh buddy!
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    I have been a member of Curves for over 6 years now and have dropped a significant amount of weight doing this and watching my calorie intake.
    I enjoy the Curves franchise because well the owner of my Curves gave me a key last year and I go in at 5 AM before everyone else with a couple other ladies and we have our own little workout session.
    I also have been using the Jillian Michaels Circuit DVD and she kicks some butt.
    Everyone likes what they like. They enjoy what they enjoy. Yes, Curves does have quite a few "older" members/retired folk and it can get boring as well as the monthly cost is expensive considering you can join Planet Fitness or other athletic clubs for $10 a month....
    To me, being able to go in and have the place to myself with the other couple of ladies early in the morning makes me feel good. I am the type of person that isn't that confident in a real gym I guess!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I have never been to a gym and I am VERY intimidated by them. I was thinking that Curves would be a baby step to getting to a traditional gym.
    Do a trial at both Curves AND a regular gym. Don't be intimidated...there's absolutely nothing scary about a gym (they all have people at all levels of fitness)
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I tried curves a few years ago and thought it was terrible....I left when I realised that the 'instructor' had made my initial weight and measurements higher so they could claim that I had lost inches after a couple of weeks! I personally don't think it's a very good workout and too repetitive, but if you are interested try a trial.
  • Join a gym with barbells...
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    I tried curves a few years ago and thought it was terrible....I left when I realised that the 'instructor' had made my initial weight and measurements higher so they could claim that I had lost inches after a couple of weeks! I personally don't think it's a very good workout and too repetitive, but if you are interested try a trial.

    I experienced that also. When they did my iniital measurements the tape measure was really loose and then at my 1 month measurements she pulled it quite tight and tried to convince me I had lost SOOOO many inches (rolls eyes). I was glad I only had the one month trial and didn't go back, it felt like a scam.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    I tried curves a few years ago and thought it was terrible....I left when I realised that the 'instructor' had made my initial weight and measurements higher so they could claim that I had lost inches after a couple of weeks! I personally don't think it's a very good workout and too repetitive, but if you are interested try a trial.

    I experienced that also. When they did my iniital measurements the tape measure was really loose and then at my 1 month measurements she pulled it quite tight and tried to convince me I had lost SOOOO many inches (rolls eyes). I was glad I only had the one month trial and didn't go back, it felt like a scam.

    ETA: this was about 6 years ago.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I tried Curves for a month about 3 years ago. Even though I was obese and was really out of shape I still felt like it wasn't enough and I got bored.

    There were some really nice people there, but I was there to workout not socialize.

    That experience did show me that I have better workouts on my own, so I slowly bought things for a home gym and never looked back!
  • I joined Curves last year. At the time I belong to a very popular gym here in central NJ. I didn't like the gym experience at all. It was to impersonal and crowded. And unless I wanted to pay an astronomical fee for a personal trainer I was on my own. At Curves there are a lot of wonderful women sharing the same goals and supporting one another. The Coaches are there to help us get the best out of our workouts. When I started I was so out of shape that when I was able to play on the floor with my grandchildren I would have to crawl to the nearest furniture to pull myself up now I can just jump right up and be on my merry way. I used to have no arm strength and now I can rake my garden without being sore all over and I can shovel snow with no problem. I don't find it boring at all because I'm to busy focused on working harder than I did on my last workout. I find I'm always in competition with myself when it come to my workouts. I haven't been gong lately because my daughter is using my car and i sure miss so much. For now I'm walking and working out with fitness DVDs. But as soon as I get my car back I'm there! Like with anything else in life Curves is what you make it.
  • stork72
    stork72 Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined curves a little over a month ago. I was a little worried I would get bored or that the workout wouldnt be enough after a little while. What conviced me to give it a try was the new partnership with Jillian Michaels! Every month Jillian makes a new routine which is led by a curves coach while also showing Jillian on a large screen tv. You can go to the scheduled classes and also once you learn the moves you can incorperate them anytime you are there doing the curcuit . These moves are not boring or wimpy. I am really happy that i decided to join!
  • Curves, Planet Fitness, and the like are "entry level" gyms. That's fine if you're just dipping your toes in the fitness pool to test the water. It's not so good if you'll easily let yourself get drawn into sticking with that routine even if you get yourself ready for something more challenging. I'm all for people having a comfortable place to work out, and Curves provides that environment. You'll get some physical benefits, too, but if you stick with it, there will come a time when you need to step things up if you're going to get to the next level.

    I do have to say that it annoys me to see Jillian Michaels shilling for Curves. I like her workouts and have done JMBR, but it seems like she'll plaster her name on just about anything these days. Magic pills, supplements, gyms, whatever.

    Good luck in whatever you choose! It will work if you work it hard.
  • Gg7707
    Gg7707 Posts: 1
    I joined Curves in Oct of '13 and I love it, although I could see how some people can get bored after a while. But now that Jillian Michaels teamed up w them, it made the program more fun for the younger crowd that might be tired of the same routine. I also get annoyed to see celebrities putting their names on products, but JM has put together a great routine just for Curves that pushes you to your limit. She is amazing! I especially love that it's 30 minutes and you're done - extremely necessary for my limited free time being a part-time working mother of two young children!
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    I never have gone to one but I just read in our paper this week that Jillian Michaels is in business with curves now. So I wonder if there are going to be big changes in the franchise?
    JOSACU Posts: 1
    I agree with previous comments about the new Jillian Michaels program. It is customizable for both highly athletic and mostly sedentary people to get a good workout. There is a sign up on their website for a free 2 week trial, so you can check it out with no commitment, which is great!
  • tracitheaggie
    tracitheaggie Posts: 11 Member
    I am doing a Curves International Study right now and am required to do their circuit 4 times per week. It KICKS my BUTT! I think (like everything) you get out what you put in. I am soaked everyday after I do a 30 minute work out. I have seen more change in my body composition in the last two months than I did with 4 months of diet alone. I lost 4% straight FAT in one month doing Curves. I get body scans through the study.

    The circuit is great but the website/ meal plan SUCKS. It is not user friendly and it doesn't teach you anything about how to eat. It is the run of the mill you must eat what we tell you and not think about it.
  • queenanna28
    queenanna28 Posts: 1 Member
    Well, I went about 8 years ago and did extremely well and I have just started it back up again. Let's face it, this is not a high intensity gym but I think for older women it works quite well. I am almost 60 and I cannot exercise the way I used to. So if you are an older lady, and want to burn about 160 calories a workout, this is for you. You can work out harder if you want, and my Curves has the Zumba workout. I also walk 3 times a week for about 40 minutes at a fast pace. Kept off 40 pounds, every little bit helps!