beachbody turbofire

Hey is this more of a female workout. I was thinking it could be more of a leaning workout, but was not sure. I'm use to doing p90x and insanity, but I definately need to change it. I like what insanity does for me but hate the workouts. Sooooooo I'm looking for other workouts before I decide to venture into the gym? Any suggestions?



  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Have you looked at P90X Plus, P90X MC:2 (One on One)?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Turbo Fire is not a ladies only workout nor is it geared towards women. The class that is working out with Chalene includes several men. If you love kickboxing and HIITs, then you will love Turbo Fire!

    Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions. I'm finishing up week 17 and am in the 2nd month of the advanced workouts.

  • DoreenN
    Def not for ladies. Watch this video and decide for yourself
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Not just for ladies.. harder than P90X according to friends of mine who have done both.
  • JohnHein
    I've done a few of the workouts as my double-day cardio routines for P90X (Fire 30, HIIT 15, EZ55). They definitely have a more girly vibe to them than P90X - most of the people in the "class" are women (there are about three token guys out of 30). The routines are very fast paced and aerobic in nature, so people who have taken aerobics and dance classes at the gym will feel more at home. I find the routines to be challenging but not over-the-top hard: I have a harder time keeping on-beat or remember sequences than I do actually doing the exercises. That being said, I burn a ton of calories during the routines...burned 550 cals in the Fire 30 last night. I can't see myself committing to the whole 90 day program, but as a supplementary set of exercises it does the job.