Insanity buddies?

Hello everyone! :)

I am new to My Fitness Pal, and I'm hoping to find a few online friends and form a support group of some sort! I just started Insanity the other day, and it's brutal. I am wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as I am? I would love to hear from other people who are doing or have done this program! I am not confident in my ability to see this through right now :(

A little bit about me, I am 22 years old and currently 145 lbs. I weighed 160 lbs for years, all throughout high school, and no matter what I did, the weight just wouldn't come off. I was sad and depressed a lot, and I hated to show my body so I wore a lot of baggy t-shirts that made me look bigger than I was. Eventually, I got a job as a waitress, started running a bit, and began eating healthier. Before I knew it, I had lost 20 lbs! Then, I switched careers, and have gained a bit back. I am no longer active in my job, instead I sit in a truck for 10+ hours a day. I don't want to go back to the way I was, instead, I want to aim for 130lbs!!! (120 lbs would be my ideal, but I am taking it slowly) Anyone else with me here? XD


  • Matt_C_195
    Matt_C_195 Posts: 72 Member
    I finished my first round a couple months ago, it is HARD and it HURTS during, but doesn't it feel great when you survive another day of it?! Don't give up, just work as hard as you can each day. Even at the end I couldn't do every second of every exercise, but that's not the point, the point is to TRY to do the whole thing and push as far as you can. Also, feel better knowing that even in Shaun T's group you can see them taking breaks :)
  • 37wallflower73
    That's great Matt, congratulations! Did u see some great results?

    And yeah, that's a big one for me, I have to modify some of the exercises I can't do right now, and I definitely can't keep up!!! But I will keep on trying :)
  • Matt_C_195
    Matt_C_195 Posts: 72 Member
    GREAT results - the most fulfilling 90 days of exercise ever!

    Glad to hear you'll stick with it, you'll be very glad you did!
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I have the system and want to start the program officially (we tried it a couple of times a while back). I agree with the other poster that it's important to just go at your own pace and don't push yourself beyond what's healthy. On a related note, does anyone know how to log it as exercise in MFP?
  • Matt_C_195
    Matt_C_195 Posts: 72 Member
    When you do a round, click on My Exercises and then the Create Exercise button. Put in your numbers for that day, and then that exercise will be saved for you to use again in the future!
  • itsroses
    itsroses Posts: 4 Member
    I just started it! It's really tough!! I did an entire month of it last year during winter before I went back to college and I was able to lose weight and build muscle! Sadly I gained it back by not eating right ): I am currently on day 3, but I'm only doing half of it since it's tough doing insanity and another workout before it. Once I'm done with this other one, which should be next week, I will be taking on Insanity full on! Feel free to add me! I know your pain about it!! hahah BUT YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • gdkerplunk
    gdkerplunk Posts: 51 Member
    I am starting Insanity tomorrow! I'll add you as a buddy!
  • kieferz
    kieferz Posts: 37 Member
    I need insanity buddies too except I'm not starting full in with insanity. I ordered the sanity check DVD to ease me into it and to told me off till I get my tax return in in a few weeks. But you all are MUCH more supportive than the beachbody site and I could use some accountability and encouragement buddies. With sanity check do you still do it six days a week?
  • jkat3
    jkat3 Posts: 12
    I'm new (first post actually) and am on the first week on Insanity (Day 5) I'd rather have Saturdays off than Sunday.. Anyway, I'd love to have some buddies to do this with. I'm WAY out of shape and currently have around 90-100 pounds to lose! Feel free to add me :)
  • KillyBoo21
    KillyBoo21 Posts: 1 Member
    I've just started Day 4 in Insanity. I could really do with some support and advice from other insanity users. I absouletly love the workouts. They are hard, but they always give you such satisfaction! If anyone wants to be by buddy, feel free to add me!
  • Matt_C_195
    Matt_C_195 Posts: 72 Member
    Great to see so many others doing this, feel free to add me!
  • Leilani_Arianna
    I'm also doing insanity. I have to admit it's rough, I have not been able to do it consistently. . Could use some motivation! Feel free to add me!
  • dabucks
    dabucks Posts: 82 Member
    I'm on day 10 of Insanity. It's already paying off - down 5 lbs and can already see a difference in my muscle tone. I feel like I have more energy already. For those just starting out the first 3-4 days for me were killer. My muscles were so sore I wasn't sure I could do the next workout. Then I read a bunch of forums and blogs and realized that my soreness was very typical at the start. Now I am not nearly as sore afterwards (I still feel it, but I'm not longer walking funny or grimacing after each step).

    Feel free to add me!

    My goal is to lose 30 lbs. I think it's important to have a strong motivation to accomplish your goals, during insanity I keep thinking about my kids and wife and how I want to be active with them in the future.
  • Matt_C_195
    Matt_C_195 Posts: 72 Member
    Laughing at your description of 'walking funny or grimacing after each step'. I'm certain I told Sean T off during several workouts :)
  • rhalse
    rhalse Posts: 32 Member
    I have the system and want to start the program officially (we tried it a couple of times a while back). I agree with the other poster that it's important to just go at your own pace and don't push yourself beyond what's healthy. On a related note, does anyone know how to log it as exercise in MFP?

    I use a HRM and create my own exercise to record the burn.

    I love insanity! Stick with it and it will get better. I was amazed by how much my endurance and stamina increased from doing it. I have done the program twice now and I still do the workouts on a pretty regular basis. I totally agree that you have to do as much as you can do and not try to keep up with the people on the video. You can have a goal to one day be able to keep up with them. I can now keep up with them on everything except pushups. Those still kick my @$$. Stick with it - I hope you love it as much as I do.
  • kieferz
    kieferz Posts: 37 Member
    My sanity check DVD should be in tomorrow. With any luck ill be too sore to sit down to pee come Saturday. :)
  • DianaAmorim
    Hello everyone!

    I am doing Insanity to.
    Actually I only have 2 more weeks to finish the program. I loved and love the program. And definitely saw a lot of changes in my body. But stil there are times during the workout that I have to take a rest because I can't do some of the things as they do (like push-ups...). And now that I am about to finish there are times that I feel a bit discourage by that.

    Does any of you feel the same sometimes? I know that things don't happen overnight, but I can't stop feel frustated for not being in the best shape :(
  • TheITCrowd1
    i'll add anyone who sends me a request !!

    lets do it all together if you don;t mind some transatlantic friends joining in the party

    - i am on day 2 and also do muay thai / bjj before hand so my stomach is toning up fast! currently weight 180lb 5'11 so overweight by around 1.5stone

    i;ve never had abs and will do anything to get them

    i am not following the insanity diet, instead i juice a collander of green veg with an apple every morning, eat half a chicken / salad for lunch and for dinner maybe some fish and vegetables

    feeling great here and loving the program -

    but very sore, insanity is absolutely nuts!!!
  • TheITCrowd1
    I need insanity buddies too except I'm not starting full in with insanity. I ordered the sanity check DVD to ease me into it and to told me off till I get my tax return in in a few weeks. But you all are MUCH more supportive than the beachbody site and I could use some accountability and encouragement buddies. With sanity check do you still do it six days a week?

  • TheITCrowd1
    Hello everyone! :)

    I am new to My Fitness Pal, and I'm hoping to find a few online friends and form a support group of some sort! I just started Insanity the other day, and it's brutal. I am wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as I am? I would love to hear from other people who are doing or have done this program! I am not confident in my ability to see this through right now :(

    A little bit about me, I am 22 years old and currently 145 lbs. I weighed 160 lbs for years, all throughout high school, and no matter what I did, the weight just wouldn't come off. I was sad and depressed a lot, and I hated to show my body so I wore a lot of baggy t-shirts that made me look bigger than I was. Eventually, I got a job as a waitress, started running a bit, and began eating healthier. Before I knew it, I had lost 20 lbs! Then, I switched careers, and have gained a bit back. I am no longer active in my job, instead I sit in a truck for 10+ hours a day. I don't want to go back to the way I was, instead, I want to aim for 130lbs!!! (120 lbs would be my ideal, but I am taking it slowly) Anyone else with me here? XD

    sent you a friend request - i found this motivating! x