im losing weight!!

:happy: Hi THERE
I am a 54 year old woman. I have struggled with weight loss all of my life. I also have a thyroid problem, hypothyroidism prevented me from losing weight for years! Back in September of 2013 I heard about mfp. I got the app and decided to start tracking my eating habits, mfp made this so simple for me! I decided to cut as much sugar out of my diet as I could. no more cakes , pastries, chocolate, no more sugar and cream in my coffee or tea. for me this meant no more coffee or tea. :cry: so I cut it right out of my diet which was a big thing for me as I drank coffee constantly, as well as cola. no sugar then I don't want it was my attitude. well I did that and only drank water. to my amazement I started losing weight!!! So I decided to start watching my calorie intake. It is now January 22/14. to date I have lost an amazing 60 lbs!!!!! I drink coffee and tea again. and a cola with zero calories or sugar. my goal it to lose 150 lbs in total!!! I have lost 60 lbs so far so I am well on my way!! 90 more to go! I know now that I can achieve my goal, I eat well am never hungry and the thought of sweets almost makes me ill! If I really feel I need a little cheat then I have a small treat. I log it and continue on my journey! My Doctor is amazed at my progress! my thyroid must be monitored! My thyroid medication must be taken everyday. But my excuse for being extremely obese is now gone!!! I always blamed it on my thyroid, I cant lose weight I have a bad thyroid!! that is so not true!!!! I am so thankful for my fitness pal.! I can now move and walk again!! I couldn't get up out of chair anymore, I couldn't walk, I couldn't play with and enjoy my grandchildren. I thought my life was over, I felt I was dying, the truth is I was! Now I wake up everyday with hope and an ability to know I can achieve my goal! Im taking my life back and it feels amazing! Thank You My Fitness PAL!!!!

mysticewolf333:happy: :happy: :happy:
