Others with MIGRAINES--help!



  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I used to get horrible migraines to the point that they would last for weeks and I was pretty much worthless. I started going to a chiropractor because my neck would stay stiff and the worse the pain was in my neck the worse my migraine would be. The use of a chiropractor generated a lot of relief for me and getting deep tissue massages help to keep migraines at bay. I only get a migraine once every few months now and I rarely use more than ibuprofen and sleep to get rid of them now. You may want to look into going to a chiropractor and getting massages to help release the tension in your muscles.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    You need to see your Dr.


    I was getting 15+ migraines a month - lots of things triggered them: weather, TOM, artificial sweeteners, alcohol......

    I am on a LOW dosage of Topamax which helps - (12 mg) - higher dosages have a LOT of side effects -

    Put 'Topamax' into your search window and you will see previous discussions on this drug; while it can cut down on migraines - it can give you other side effects such as: your sense of taste changes (everything tastes like cardboard); your memory turns to mush (friends' names, basic 'things' - you just CAN'T remember).

    I would be a mess without Topamax - I can now live my life and DO things - but again, I'm on a REALLY low dosage. At one point I was on 100 mg - and I didn't like it at all.

    If you are put on Topamax - TAKE ALL OF YOUR MEDS AT NIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED!!!! Do NOT take Topamax throughout the day - driving on this drug is DANGEROUS!!!
  • justsarah07
    justsarah07 Posts: 18 Member
    Read the recent book "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter a leading neurologist in the medical world. http://www.drperlmutter.com (You can also YouTube his presentations)
    Much of his book talks about the effect grains have on your brain. There are some amazing case studies of people with chronic migraines who removed all grains from their diet and haven't had any pain. The idea is grain-free, low carb, very high fat. Your brain is made up of 70% fat and often our dieting consists of low-fat, high carbs, medium protein. We are starving our brains and they are reacting too it.

    Also, join the Wheat Belly (Dr. William Davis) Facebook page. There you will find person after person who suffered from migraines for years and now no longer do with their new lifestyle. Many of them have given up their medications because they no longer need them! This is a very positive/supportive page with lots of pictures to encourage you in a new lifestyle.

    Here is a story of one gal who gave up grains and no longer has migraines:
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I've had migraines since I was 7, and they have become cluster migraines since I've gotten older. They have also increased in severity. I usually break out in a cycle while either under extreme stress or after a period of such stress has subsided. I have found that 39 times, they have also coincided with massive earthquakes: Boxing Day, Japan, Chile, China, Iran, etc etc etc. It's not always, but it's most of the time. I'm not the only person I've ever run into like that either. They have also seemed to have gotten worse as I've gotten older.

    These days, I find myself waking up with them at 2 or 3am. Nothing helps the pain at that point, I can take all the painkillers in the world and it won't help if the pain has already started UNFORTUNATELY, I have tried every drug and every elimination diet out there and nothing helps. In fact, eliminating caffeine made it 10x worse. I have found sometimes, that if I can catch it right at the beginning of the tunnel vision, get a triple espresso, 4 advil and 2 benadryl - I can stop the pain from starting up. The last time I was hospitalized for one, the benadryl was recommended by the neurologist, and it really did help. Of course, this was AFTER he gave me dilaudid and triggered a massive anxiety attack which they had to give me xanax for and more reglan as I started projectile vomiting all over again. >.<

    Truth be told though - I just tough it out most of the time. I have had them so much of my life and so often, and spending years caring for my mother debilitated by them: I fight. It sucks, it hurts, I can't think straight, but when I was 15, I decided that I was NOT going to let them rule my life. I keep going - or else I would not have a life to speak of at all. I wouldn't have a career, let alone be able to hold a job. I have fought through crisis calls with migraines that had me curled up on my tile floor of my bathroom, but I still had a job to do. I've gone to see concerts with migraines, choosing my positioning carefully. I have done just about everything with these headaches, and 7 out of 10 times, a workout actually will make them go away. My rule is, though, I stay put during the aura phase (45-60 minutes), get as much done before the pain starts, and then scale things back if I have to... but keep plodding along. I will adjust plans if the nausea is so bad that I can't cope with it... but also, as a result of having colic most of my life, I can function with that as well.

    In fact, now that I think about it - the more consistently that I go to the gym, the less they happen. I've had one set of cluster migraines since I committed to 3-4 heavy workouts a week. That lasted a month and a half, coincided with the year anniversary of my mom's death and the holidays, and went away on their own. And... yeah, that was about the time I quit going to the gym on Sunday's because of football. :P My doctors think I'm a very unique little critter, but I know I'm just a damn force of will. :D
  • mteague277
    mteague277 Posts: 145 Member
    Have you tried getting a massage or getting tested for food allergies? Massages help me. Once a month. Mine are mostly from lack of sleep though. Good luck, migraines suck.
  • kotersmom
    kotersmom Posts: 96 Member
    I'm not being funny - google 'Botox' as a cure for migraine - apparently it really works!

    I keep waiting for my neurologist to say we can try Botox. However the insurance will not pay unless all other treatments have been exhausted. We are getting close! Most of the meds others have mentioned haven't worked for me.
  • Leah_Alexis
    Leah_Alexis Posts: 139 Member
    I have my chiropractor and massage therapist on speed dial.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    They run in my family, my triggers are certain building lights, pressure changes, dehydration, stress, irregular sleep patterns. I haven't checked out the food angle yet.

    Is Excedrin still available?? My pharmacist told me that it is no longer available, it was one of the best drugs for me. Now I take ibuprofen and caffeine when I feel one starting. Tylenol does absolutely nothing. I have to take medication right when they start. Sleep does not help.

    Make sure you get enough water, one of the worst migraines I had was when I was doing survival training and got dehydrated.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    I've got migraines in the past but thankfully, I really only get headaches now - but even they've gone.

    I moved to a paleo/primal diet - I vary on how strict I am.

    Mine were stress and hormonal based - sticking essentially to gluten free / sugar free means I don't get headaches. Staying off the wheat/sugar seems to allow my hormones work 'normally' (I don't know this for sure - they had been very messed up for 10+ years, but all the signs are good and I've a blood test on tuesday that will confirm how things are)

    Would never wish a migraine on anyone - I can't hold down anything including water/food/painkillers and have ended up in hospital to get re-hydrated.

    You've nothing to lose from cutting out the wheat / sugar. If that doesn't work, look up the paleo and try doing it fully - re-introduce foods and see how you get on. I keep carbs lowish, around the 100 but listen carefully to my body. It complains when I go too far over or under.

    I was away late last year for a few weeks for a family emergency and just ate what everyone else ate. Carbs went up, my sugar demon came out, ate wheat (and my tummy complained immediately)....It took about 3- 4 weeks, but the headaches came back. I'm now sworn off wheat + sugar in all but exceptional circumstances. I just hate being in pain when I can fix it in my body so easily. Took me about 2 weeks + of eating paleo + exercising before I was back to normal.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Without any intended irony, I get migraines roughly every 28 days that simply laugh at most over the counter medicines; acetaminophen might as well be a placebo for me, and I'd need dangerous levels of ibuprofen or aspirin. Light doesn't bother them at all, but the noise from a cat purring - or anything louder - will make my stomach turn. Parts of my face go numb, I see spots, and I get dizziness to go along with the pain and sensitivity to sound.

    I cannot switch to decaf, even if I wanted to, since caffeine holds them off to an extent. I have found, for myself, that ketoprofen - which used to be available over the counter - works if I take 200mg, followed by another 100mg roughly an hour afterwards. I have known other migraine sufferers who got no relief whatsoever from ketoprofen.
  • purplemurfy
    purplemurfy Posts: 95 Member
    Hi all! I have suffered from migraines since I was a kid. Docs have tried figuring out what they are from, but they truly just don't know. I was tired of being a pin cushion so to speak. About 5 years ago I stared on an all natural product that has made a huge difference. I don't know if it will work for you, but it has helped another friend of mine who suffers from frequent migraines as well. I DO NOT sell this product, nor do I get a commision, ok? I'm just trying to help. You can look at the website and/call the company without ever mentioning my name, etc. It is a product called Migraine Defense made by Tuliv. The company is owned by a husband and wife and the wife is the reason they made this product. Her name is Eileen and she is an RN and will speak to you personally about her history, the product, etc. They also have a comprehensive list of migraine triggers.

    I have been on countless OTC and prescription meds and this has been the only thing that made a dent. Check it out yourself. I think they offer some kind of guarantee.

    Feel free to PM me with questions about my experience with this product, but you'll see pretty much everything on their site.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    They run in my family, my triggers are certain building lights, pressure changes, dehydration, stress, irregular sleep patterns. I haven't checked out the food angle yet.

    Is Excedrin still available?? My pharmacist told me that it is no longer available, it was one of the best drugs for me. Now I take ibuprofen and caffeine when I feel one starting. Tylenol does absolutely nothing. I have to take medication right when they start. Sleep does not help.

    Make sure you get enough water, one of the worst migraines I had was when I was doing survival training and got dehydrated.

    Our bookkeeper told me something about Excedrin not being available for a while, but I've gotten some since then, so there must've been something they were fixing.
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Weird, I just posted about hemiplegic migraine without noticing this thread!

    I've just come out of having quite a severe one which felt like it was never going to end. I still have weakness in my left side, pins and needles and some pain above one eye. The first time it happened 'properly' six months ago (as we now think I've had them since childhood) I ended up on a stroke ward.

    I seem to be reacting to my own hormones and I'm now being sent to a specialist.
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks for all of the helpful replies everyone! :)
    I have been to the neurologist and take a preventative every day and my life has been turned around since then (which was about 4 years ago at least now) and I take a Sumatriptan when I get one which is a life saver but lately I've needed to take a second one a few hours later. No other pain meds have ever even touched my migraines. I am a back sleeper and I always WANT to sleep on my side as I feel more comfortable this way but I can't because that would be a migraine trigger for me. I have to fall asleep on my back initially then if I turn in my sleep I'll be fine. I just can't start out on my side. WEIRD. I should try icing my neck/I've tried icy hot before but that is just smelly and gross to me and my hair gets all sticky..not fun. I have also heard of the botox thing working too but that's just not something I would want to look into right now. I am a poor ol college student
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    My mom has also had migraines all her life so I know that's where I got it from. I feel guilty even complaining because I know back when she was younger she said they hadn't even invented any medicines for it yet so...could be much worse I suppose. I just can't afford to have it keep me from getting to class/work/doing what I need to do.
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    My biggest triggers are diesel fuel and jet fuel!
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    I've got migraines in the past but thankfully, I really only get headaches now - but even they've gone.

    I moved to a paleo/primal diet - I vary on how strict I am.

    Mine were stress and hormonal based - sticking essentially to gluten free / sugar free means I don't get headaches. Staying off the wheat/sugar seems to allow my hormones work 'normally' (I don't know this for sure - they had been very messed up for 10+ years, but all the signs are good and I've a blood test on tuesday that will confirm how things are)

    Would never wish a migraine on anyone - I can't hold down anything including water/food/painkillers and have ended up in hospital to get re-hydrated.

    You've nothing to lose from cutting out the wheat / sugar. If that doesn't work, look up the paleo and try doing it fully - re-introduce foods and see how you get on. I keep carbs lowish, around the 100 but listen carefully to my body. It complains when I go too far over or under.

    I was away late last year for a few weeks for a family emergency and just ate what everyone else ate. Carbs went up, my sugar demon came out, ate wheat (and my tummy complained immediately)....It took about 3- 4 weeks, but the headaches came back. I'm now sworn off wheat + sugar in all but exceptional circumstances. I just hate being in pain when I can fix it in my body so easily. Took me about 2 weeks + of eating paleo + exercising before I was back to normal.

    Thanks! I will defintitely look into the wheat free thing. I have been much better about sugar lately really only getting it from my fruit but it is something I can continue to improve and watch for headache changes :)
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    Weird, I just posted about hemiplegic migraine without noticing this thread!

    I've just come out of having quite a severe one which felt like it was never going to end. I still have weakness in my left side, pins and needles and some pain above one eye. The first time it happened 'properly' six months ago (as we now think I've had them since childhood) I ended up on a stroke ward.

    I seem to be reacting to my own hormones and I'm now being sent to a specialist.

    That sounds awful!! Get well soon!
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    Mine are also hormonal, but it might help to run a humidfyer in your bedroom at night. The extra dryness brought on by this cold weather and running the heat higher at home can cause headachces for a lot of people.

    If they continue to get worse...see your doctor for sure though!

    This is actually a great idea I never thought of trying thank you!
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    Without any intended irony, I get migraines roughly every 28 days that simply laugh at most over the counter medicines; acetaminophen might as well be a placebo for me, and I'd need dangerous levels of ibuprofen or aspirin. Light doesn't bother them at all, but the noise from a cat purring - or anything louder - will make my stomach turn. Parts of my face go numb, I see spots, and I get dizziness to go along with the pain and sensitivity to sound.

    I cannot switch to decaf, even if I wanted to, since caffeine holds them off to an extent. I have found, for myself, that ketoprofen - which used to be available over the counter - works if I take 200mg, followed by another 100mg roughly an hour afterwards. I have known other migraine sufferers who got no relief whatsoever from ketoprofen.

    Oh gawd, how much I miss ketoprofen. That was truly a miracle drug. :(

    I'm with you on the numbness - I get paralysis too, but oddly, not the sensitivity to sound.... just light. And touch. If someone touches me when I have a migraine, I'll scream.