Xmas 20lb Challenge P2!!!



  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hello all! How is everyone getting on?

    It really does seem like the board is particularly quiet this week! I wonder if the change in thread has lost some people! Maybe we could each put the link to the new thread in our status, to remind our friends to post and keep motivated!

    Maybe, but it looks like only one person tried to continue the topic. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/134545-xmas-20lb-challenge . Not sure where everyone went. My weigh in is tomorrow. How's everyone feeling about this week's weigh in? I'm optimistic. Holiday weight seems to be falling off. I might not be able to make the 20 pounds, but I think I'll be able to get close.

    Good job everyone who avoided temptation! We're going to the cinema tomorrow night and I do plan on having some chocolate, but I'm doing a big 45 minute cardio circuit training workout in the morning, so I'll have plenty of room for that. Dinner is Yo! Sushi anyway, so that'll be healthy.
  • I am excited to weigh in tomorrow. I am almost 100% sure I will be at my first weight loss goal for this weigh in! **fingers crossed**
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Yay Me! I had a great week and the scale rewarded me for it! I'm down 5lbs this week! this puts me at 7lbs to go to meet the 20lbs. down by Christmas! I think I can do it!

    I didn't really have any trouble sticking to my meal plan and getting in all my water and look at that, you stick to something and you actually get results! Novel idea eh? It came just in time what with gravy season and endless obligatory family dinners is right around the corner. I'm hoping to have another successful week before we officially get dipped in temptation! Cheers to all of us for a holiday season filled with continued weight loss!!
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    Total of 5 lbs lost!
  • What a great idea it is to post ONLY the losses for the week. It's brilliant, psychologically, for each challenger in that it gets one to focus on the moment and what they are doing NOW. The past is no longer here, the future is not here either, but what are we doing NOW that we have decided to do in taking up this challenge! Also, it's amazing how fulfilling it is to make the list -- it's not just a list, but a wonderful reward, for one's perseverance.
  • I hope last post didn't sound mean; I'm very sensitive about things like that. In fact, it is from this annoying sensitivity that I eat at times to assuage my feelings (lol); but that's another story. Anyway, just to clarify, when we do the desirable behavior, we get a reward; if undesirable behavior is rewarded, we may do more of it, and we definitely do not want that - that's why we're here with a similar aim. And the focus on the moment part is important to.

    All this may be frustrating just occasionly, but we will be so grateful for having done it later! =)
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I hope last post didn't sound mean; I'm very sensitive about things like that. In fact, it is from this annoying sensitivity that I eat at times to assuage my feelings (lol); but that's another story. Anyway, just to clarify, when we do the desirable behavior, we get a reward; if undesirable behavior is rewarded, we may do more of it, and we definitely do not want that - that's why we're here with a similar aim. And the focus on the moment part is important to.

    All this may be frustrating just occasionly, but we will be so grateful for having done it later! =)

    I wouldn't think displaying someone's gain on a list would be rewarding it. You can acknowledge something without either rewarding or disciplining it. I'm cool with not being on there, because there was a reason for my gain, and I've corrected that, and you're entitled to your opinion of course, as am I.
  • I'm kind of easy going on the topic -- whatever works for each person is perfect! Acknowledgment is good. I'm just thinking of rewards to make us do what we actually want to do.

    I've never seen it done this way before, just with the losses, and am kind of enjoying it -- something new. :)

    I think it's very important that no one feels badly for ever being left off though because we struggle soooo much with this, and the last thing we need is negative reinforcement. But we are all in the same boat and compassionate with each other, so I think it should mostly work as positive reinforcement for desirable behavior.

    You are doing a great job though! An off week is human. But that's in the past; this week we can focus on making it better anyway. :)
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    for the first time since we started this topic i'm +1lb! :(
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32

    If its any consolation, I am up as well. Knew I would be though after I started last weekend with macdonalds for breakfast. 3lbs to be exact. Woops! Am not going to be discouraged though. Have started this week well. Just need to do the exercise. Did barely any last week and look what happened. Am going to put it down to a bad week and start again.

    Hope you're not too discouaraged ley1. Don;t beat yourself up about it. Just consider it motivation for the week ahead.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I'm down 5 pounds this week. All that holiday weight, plus more has come off! I'm pretty excited, since I had that stupid gain last week. We're going out tonight but I've got it planned out. Yo sushi and the potter movie, and I will be eating some chocolate. Good luck everyone.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    DOWN 2 more pounds!!! Yay!!! I worked hard for those 2 pounds! Walked on my lunch EVERY day and did 500 step ups while watching The Biggest Loser (didn't log that exercise though) Bought Walk Away The Pounds Video and did that twice this week. Counted every calorie too! Good luck to all of you!
  • Down 3 lbs. this week, for a 6 lb. total.

    Since it's difficult for me to stick to allotted calories, I decided to go on a juice/water fast. Since I ALWAYS splurge and go over with nibbles, after finished splurging in a fast, I'm right where I'm supposed to be dieting. :D This is working so far!
  • Hi all!

    I hope the week has gone well for everyone! I am compiling the list so could everyone get their losses to me(or post on the board) over the weekend please!

    To those that have gained.... Keep going! We started with 10 weeks to go and we are half way through! Most people have been losing over 2lbs a week so that will give you some leeway.

    Maybe we could have a weekly group challenge, like...walking a certain distance or completing a certain exercise?? What are your thoughts on this?

    Good luck to everybody weighing in!!
  • I'm down 2 lbs for a total of 10 lbs so far.

    2 a week like clockwork. This next one will be the week where I hope to just maintain through the holiday. All part of the plan. 7 more to go for my final goal of 180 lbs.

    Good luck everybody. We can do this.
  • itsmewendylee
    itsmewendylee Posts: 21 Member
    Down 6.5 so far, but I'll weigh in again on Sunday.
  • 12 lbs and counting!
  • bump
  • Keep the losses coming!

    The list is looking pretty short this week, I hope I am not going to be alone by the end of this?!

    There are many people taking part in a 30lb challenge, so there is no reason why this isn't achievable?! Is it thanksgiving week this week? Maybe that could explain the lack of participation right now? Too much turkey or whatever it is you guys eat over there!

    Anyway, I have decided to set myself another mini challenge to kick start my loss again...a 5 mile walk on top of my regular exercise. Any other suggestions on how to speed up gratefully recieved!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Keep the losses coming!

    The list is looking pretty short this week, I hope I am not going to be alone by the end of this?!

    There are many people taking part in a 30lb challenge, so there is no reason why this isn't achievable?! Is it thanksgiving week this week? Maybe that could explain the lack of participation right now? Too much turkey or whatever it is you guys eat over there!

    Anyway, I have decided to set myself another mini challenge to kick start my loss again...a 5 mile walk on top of my regular exercise. Any other suggestions on how to speed up gratefully recieved!

    Thanksgiving is this Thursday the 26th, I think. A few months out of the country and I've already forgotten. Shame on me. Shouldn't stop people from weighing in this weekend, though. What's up, guys?
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