Why do you want to lose weight?



  • Mrs_Marvel
    Mrs_Marvel Posts: 39 Member
    I started losing weight for health reasons. I was 284 Pounds at 5 Foot 6. I was told I had "Fatty Liver", High Blood Pressure and was considered Morbidly Obese. I've lost 111 Pounds since then and weighed in this morning at 173 pounds.. I no longer have "Fatty Liver" or high blood pressure. I'm no longer Morbidly Obese or even Obese. I'm considered overweight for my height by 19 pounds.

    My motives have changed. Now, the weight loss is strictly for vanity purposes. I want to hit the goal I originally set for myself. I want to be one of those girls that get glared at while working out at the gym. I started out in a size 22 and am wearing a size 10 now. I want to wear those 7s so bad.
  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    I'm doing it for me. I've always fluctuated with my weight due to stress and unhappiness. When I'm in a bad situation I balloon up, when I'm happy I fall back to a normal weight of 145. I'm taking control of myself and getting myself back down to my "happy" level, even if life hasn't improved really. I want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. I had it once, I will do it again.

    SW: 206 (before I started using myfitnesspal)
    CW: 197
    GW: 140
  • eilea73
    eilea73 Posts: 34 Member
    Biggest reasons--- Better mood, more confidence, get healthier.

    Other reasons--want my clothes to fit better, need to feel better about myself, hate my gross double chin! I'm also going on vacation this year and would prefer to LOOK hot not just FEEL hot because the damn temp is too high!!! LOL Seriously, high temps can make a fat person miserable!!!!

    Also, I work in law enforcement and when people look at me, they look at me like they can't believe I do what I do (not a cop! LOL) I passed the physical and 8 weeks of Basic Training--so yes, I can do my job. But honestly? I know I can do it better if I can drop a few!! Passing the physical is also what helped "keep me fat" if that makes any sense. I had blood work done, hearing test, eye test, EKG, etc and came through it all with flying colors AND I passed 8 weeks of the Basic Training Academy. I excused myself thinking, "I'm the healthy FAT person!" Thing is...there is no such thing. I might look good on paper, but other issues in my life that ARE caused by my weight affect me more mentally. I HAVE to do this. I NEED to do this. I'll be a MUCH better person both physically AND mentally!
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    To provide my daughter(and any future children) a healthy and long life. I want to be here when my great-grandchildren come around. I want to see my children grow up. I want them to lead their children into a healthy life as well. This is my main reason.
  • docdrd
    docdrd Posts: 174 Member
    I used to want to lose weight just for vanity and to be faster on the tennis court. Now, I want to lose weight for those reasons, but really I want to just be healthy and to live a LONG life. It is amazing (but not surprising) how one good health scare can change one's outlook on being healthy. Having survived what most people don't, I just want to to be as healthy as I can be and that is a few pounds from here :-)
  • TammyGearl
    TammyGearl Posts: 8 Member
    Im tired of having fat on my stomach, legs, flabby but, flabby arms. I want my 21 yr old body back or close to it. I would be thrilled to be 38 -30-38 again. I dont want to weigh 130 like I was back then. I would be happy with 140 to 150 maxed! I hate shopping for clothes because I wear size 16. I want to get back into a bikini again.
  • ambyrcat
    All the standard issue health related reasons, over all. And to be there for my son for as long and as well as I can be.

    But what got me here right this moment? We're going on a trip in 6 months and I want my butt to be able to fit in the airplane seat. :happy:
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I wanted to lose weight because:

    - I couldn't really do all that much without feeling tired.
    - The fact that so many types of cancer are lifestyle related scares me.
    - I want to have children and play with them.
    - I wanted to be able to wear nice clothes from normal shops.

    I can't even tell you how much my life has changed since losing this weight :).
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    To look as good as I can. Pure vanity reasons so far... however, I think I also want to be stronger. So Vanity and to become stronger.
  • RedDirtGirl16
    RedDirtGirl16 Posts: 13 Member
    There are so many reasons I want to lose weight. I want to feel better and not get winded doing simple everyday things. I want to have more energy and not feel tired all the time. I want to look better in my clothes. I look back at pics of me 50 lbs lighter and remember what that was like and I want to feel that good again. I want to start a family and I know the risk is higher of that not happening now that I weigh more. I just want to be a happier and healthier person overall
  • kimheiman
    kimheiman Posts: 29 Member
    No I do not have a support team. Nobody really cares about my weight loss. I have lost 30 pounds so far and people notice but very few comment. Some people will ask me how I lost all the weight and their response is always the same. I will not exercise and i'm not giving up pop and chocolate. I'm so sick of people's remarks. One thing that I have learned is I'm doing this for me and nobody else. Yes my husband and boys are really supportive but if you live in a family with all boys then you know how many complements that adds up too.
  • GrayDoeEyes
    To get rid of the aches and to get stronger, I'm only 22 but feel so much older. I want to run up stairs/hills and not feel like I'm about to pass out. Another part is vanity, I don't think I look hideous, but I want the best for myself.
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    Babies! And overall quality of life
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    My motivation is for my self-confidence, the feeling of looking good in baggy shirts and messy hair. I do it for energy to play with my (almost) 4 year old son. I do it because of the people that didn't like me in high school because I weighed 'too much.'

    SW: 211
    CW: 174
    GW: 150

    Height: 5'7
  • jrfit79
    jrfit79 Posts: 30
    To feel comfortable in my own skin. I'm about 150 pounds right now, but I feel so much better when I'm a bit lighter and more fit. I hate jiggling all over the place when I work out. I'm getting healthy all for me and to be able to just throw my clothes on and not have to think about how they look or how they will feel when sitting standing etc. I know my husband appreciates it when I'm fit though ;)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    We spend our weekends hiking, biking, sailing and dancing. Do you have any idea how difficult that is with an extra 80 lbs?! Last year, I got to the point that I was pushing my husband when we went walking, but [insert excuses] and I am back to square 2: I weigh just as much as I did before I started last year, but I am somewhat stronger.

    SW: 225
    CW: 225
    GW: 145
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    To say that I looked good for once in my life.
  • rattleh3ad
    So I can enlist in the national guard.
  • Blessing64
    I highly encourage young people to lose weight, it is much easier when you are young. I became very heavy after being over prescribed on estrogen after a hysterectomy and dr's never figured it out..l20 pounds and 6 years later I finally did. I lost 50 pounds but not the other 70. I now need two hip and two knee replacements, am 65 years old. Dr's say I have to lose weight to get surgeries. Yes, I would love to look better and so on but right now it is much more, it is all about health. If I get hip replacements I will be able to walk, if not I will soon be in a wheelchair, I'm already on a walker. So I encourage you, do it while you are young. I am very slowly losing, perhaps in two years if I continue to exercise and eat very little, I will be able to get hip replacements.
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    I highly encourage young people to lose weight, it is much easier when you are young. I became very heavy after being over prescribed on estrogen after a hysterectomy and dr's never figured it out..l20 pounds and 6 years later I finally did. I lost 50 pounds but not the other 70. I now need two hip and two knee replacements, am 65 years old. Dr's say I have to lose weight to get surgeries. Yes, I would love to look better and so on but right now it is much more, it is all about health. If I get hip replacements I will be able to walk, if not I will soon be in a wheelchair, I'm already on a walker. So I encourage you, do it while you are young. I am very slowly losing, perhaps in two years if I continue to exercise and eat very little, I will be able to get hip replacements.

    I've heard this before from a dear older friend. Thank you for the advice. This bit of information is very encouraging to lose it while I am younger.