4 Hour Body/Slow Carb Diet questions (hungry)

Hi all,

I just started the 4 hour body/slow carb diet and really want it to work but am having difficulty not being hungry. I am not sure if I am not eating enough or what but could use helps on a few different areas. I am only on Day 2 so perhaps this is just adjusting?

What is it that makes you less hungry? Is it eating more fat with the meals, or protein? I am used to being a heavy snacker so I would use to get my satisfied full feeling from things like cereals, chips, crackers, etc. So this diet is quite a shift for me. Here is what I had today:
- Breakfast: Smoothie with fruit and scoop of protein powder (I know this goes against the rules but we are clearing out stuff we have)
- Handful of almonds between breakfast and lunch
- 2 coffees (no milk/no sugar) between breakfast and lunch
- Lunch (leftovers pork loin, sweet potato, green beans)
- Mid afternoon garden salad (no protein)
- Handful of almonds
- Supper (meatballs, and sweet potato)

I still haven't added beans yet as I need to take a trip to the store, but am doing so tomorrow. Will they make a difference in my hunger? I am also not a huge fan of eggs for whatever reason so perhaps that is my issue?

Anyway, I am sitting here and just trying to figure out how to avoid those carbs I used to enjoy but stay on this diet.



  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    Most of these "diets" a short term fixes at best rubbish at worst. Your best bet is to stay in a calorie deficit, such as the MFP plan and try to stick to your macros. Carbs aren't bad for you and there's no real reason to cut them out.

    Most people find introducing more protein into their diet helps curb cravings.
  • Corissia
    Corissia Posts: 33 Member
    I don't know if you are craving carbs but if you are hungry you can drink water before you eat your meal and if you are still hungry and start not to feel well go ahead and eat a little more of what you had the meal before. Also coffee may give you a pick me up but it certainly isn't food so purhaps munch on some cucumbers. I know it doesn't sound good.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    i have no experience with this "diet" but I just looked it up and....any "diet" that forbids fruit (and so many other things) sends up red flags for me.

    Also, that sample day you listed seems pretty light for a guy of your age, unless you are really small, or those meals are pretty big..
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    I like Timothy's way of eating although I cant eat beans at every meal, I love them-just can't make them fit all the time...I find his chapter on the 15 minute orgasm much more interesting!
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    Most of these "diets" a short term fixes at best rubbish at worst. Your best bet is to stay in a calorie deficit, such as the MFP plan and try to stick to your macros. Carbs aren't bad for you and there's no real reason to cut them out.

    Most people find introducing more protein into their diet helps curb cravings.

    I totally agree with this. There is no reason to starve yourself or deprive yourself. I found that when you do that you fall, HARD. Just eat right and workout and you will be golden. Besides, eating is fun and good for you as long as you don't go crazy.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    The author of that book is a bored rich kid who weighs his poo. Seriously there is no science to his "diet" except in how to make money on faddish books! He even tells you at the beginning that he is no doctor and did all his own research on himself. Stop dieting and make lasting changes. Work out, get your nutrition, stay in a calorie deficit and you will drop excess weight and get stronger.
  • adammo2121
    adammo2121 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks all that is encouraging. So most of you say that I can continue to eat the foods I enjoy. But I am not very happy with the way I look right now :). So are you eating these bad foods in moderation? Are you exercising more? What I liked about his diet was that it seemed like I could sustain it (cheat day within it) and didn't have to always count your calories.

    I looked into the MFP method and have my macros (TDEE is 2800 for goal weight, protein approx 80% body weight, and fat 0.35/lb). Does this sound right? Basically keep myself at 2800 for each day and I should see pounds come off?

    Thanks again!
  • s00sh
    s00sh Posts: 91
    Hi all,

    I just started the 4 hour body/slow carb diet and really want it to work but am having difficulty not being hungry. I am not sure if I am not eating enough or what but could use helps on a few different areas. I am only on Day 2 so perhaps this is just adjusting?

    What is it that makes you less hungry? Is it eating more fat with the meals, or protein? I am used to being a heavy snacker so I would use to get my satisfied full feeling from things like cereals, chips, crackers, etc. So this diet is quite a shift for me. Here is what I had today:
    - Breakfast: Smoothie with fruit and scoop of protein powder (I know this goes against the rules but we are clearing out stuff we have)
    - Handful of almonds between breakfast and lunch
    - 2 coffees (no milk/no sugar) between breakfast and lunch
    - Lunch (leftovers pork loin, sweet potato, green beans)
    - Mid afternoon garden salad (no protein)
    - Handful of almonds
    - Supper (meatballs, and sweet potato)

    I still haven't added beans yet as I need to take a trip to the store, but am doing so tomorrow. Will they make a difference in my hunger? I am also not a huge fan of eggs for whatever reason so perhaps that is my issue?

    Anyway, I am sitting here and just trying to figure out how to avoid those carbs I used to enjoy but stay on this diet.

    FYI - sweet potatoes are a huge no-no, and meatballs may also be depending on what was used to make them.

    Speaking from experience, this way of eating will definitely produce results if you adhere to it strictly and you need not ever feel hungry. Tons of leafy veggies, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc + a moderate amount of beans + protein should make you feel full and provide you with all the nutrients your body needs.
  • I'm on day 3 and yes this is hell for a food addict!! You have to dig deep into your mind see who you want to be and quit justifying eating crap left over in your fridge or cupboards! If you stick to this diet you'll have a horrible day first day 2nd day still thinking of food 3rd day you realize your physically satisfied mentally starting to overcome your addiction
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Hi all,

    I just started the 4 hour body/slow carb diet and really want it to work but am having difficulty not being hungry. I am not sure if I am not eating enough or what but could use helps on a few different areas. I am only on Day 2 so perhaps this is just adjusting?

    What is it that makes you less hungry? Is it eating more fat with the meals, or protein? I am used to being a heavy snacker so I would use to get my satisfied full feeling from things like cereals, chips, crackers, etc. So this diet is quite a shift for me. Here is what I had today:
    - Breakfast: Smoothie with fruit and scoop of protein powder (I know this goes against the rules but we are clearing out stuff we have)
    - Handful of almonds between breakfast and lunch
    - 2 coffees (no milk/no sugar) between breakfast and lunch
    - Lunch (leftovers pork loin, sweet potato, green beans)
    - Mid afternoon garden salad (no protein)
    - Handful of almonds
    - Supper (meatballs, and sweet potato)

    I still haven't added beans yet as I need to take a trip to the store, but am doing so tomorrow. Will they make a difference in my hunger? I am also not a huge fan of eggs for whatever reason so perhaps that is my issue?

    Anyway, I am sitting here and just trying to figure out how to avoid those carbs I used to enjoy but stay on this diet.


    I typically rail against fad diets, but I have to admit, I'm craving pork loin, meat balls, and sweet potatoes now.
  • s00sh
    s00sh Posts: 91
    I would posit that the 4HB plan is nowhere near "fad diet" territory. If eating organic vegetables, eggs, healthy fats, grass fed lean meat and legumes is wrong, I don't want to be right. Unlike unhealthy "cleanse" diets, you're getting real, whole foods that nourish your body. I absolutely understand that this way of eating doesn't appeal to 90% of the population, but it is effective, and it is perfectly safe.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I read it and tried it and failed within days. I love beans but couldn't stomach eating as much as he advised.

    I agree that Ferriss is no authority. He admits he pays people to write glowing reviews of his books on Amazon, by the way.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I'm on day 3 and yes this is hell for a food addict!! You have to dig deep into your mind see who you want to be and quit justifying eating crap left over in your fridge or cupboards! If you stick to this diet you'll have a horrible day first day 2nd day still thinking of food 3rd day you realize your physically satisfied mentally starting to overcome your addiction

    I'm glad you got through your first 3 days. Lets talk on day 300?
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    When you fall off - consider what caused it... was it too strict? Was there something you just missed/craved? Then consider the next plan to be just calorie counting and logging for a starting point.

    I am most satisfied with my food when I eat high protein and high fiber - sometimes both have to be high to tame my inner beast. Sometimes the beast just wins - then you just adjust and carry on again.

    I started out looking to be a "clean" and paleo eater and then realized that my schedule was killing me and something was about to give. When that something gives for you (and it may not - some folks have better luck somehow - but not many) consider loosening the reigns. I kept going by admitting I couldn't maintain that plan to perfection, relaxed the plan and managed to find footing again. I don't expect to ever be so anal and strict about my choices again though.
  • I am starting this diet for the second time. Last year I lost 24 pounds on it. I feel that it is in no way a fad. All you are doing is taking all dairy (except cottage cheese) breads fruits and starch out of your diet. Try to eat at least 20 grams of protein per meal. You can eat huge meals every 4 hours and because of the protein you should stay full.
  • You are not following the slow carb diet if you are eating sweet potatoes.
  • obitay
    obitay Posts: 1 Member
    Try eating more protein at breakfast and make sure it is within the first 30 min of the day. I am also doing the slow carb diet. I've been on it for just over 2 weeks. One day I didn't have time to eat breakfast and I was insatiable the rest of the day. I now make time for a high protein breakfast everyday.

    I have done low carb diets before and was miserable. For some reason, this diet is very manageable for me. I think it is the no-holds cheat day, which allows me to remain strict for the rest of the week.

    You should also note, I am the owner of a cake shop, so I am surrounded by everything I can't have every day! The breakfast was crucial, and planning!
  • I've been on the 4 hour body (slow carb) diet for about a month and have seen progress - I've dropped approx 5% body fat (hard to say for sure as the analyzers are not that accurate). I quickly dropped 4-5 lbs in the first couple weeks and have lost maybe a lb or two in the last 3. That worried me but when I started digging in to fitbit aria body composition data, it shows a steady increase in lean body mass and a drop in fat weight, so I'm happy as long as the trend continues.

    The book itself is HORRENDOUSLY written... Tim Ferris is not a writer or a logical thinker and his recommendations are full of contradictions and he rambles like a moro, but that doesn't make his information incorrect or useless. I chose to adopt the slow-carb diet only and am seeing results (but nowhere near what he promises). As far as it being a fad diet, that's besides the point - the only two questions you need to be asking are 'Is this diet going to work?', and 'Is this diet healthy/sustainable?', to which the answer is yes on both counts.

    A very strict diet of protein, legumes, and veggies? Unquestionably effective/healthy, and quite sustainable with the cheat day where you eat anything and everything you want. On Sunday I ate a tub of ice cream, a bag of pretzels, and a dozen white chocolate/macadamia nut cookies, and about 3l of beer. Last Saturday was much the same... And, yet, still seem to be gaining muscle without exercise, losing fat, and am having no trouble sticking to the diet the rest of the week. I just hope the trend continues for at least 3 months :)

    adammo: This is not a diet you can 'sort of' follow and expect get results. You need to follow ALL the steps and not cheat, including a big protein heavy breakfast within an hour of opening your eyes, zero carbs, etc... Try following it religiously for two weeks and see as the diet definitely takes some getting used to

    sweedecadence: your advice is valid but only if you assume all of the basic assumptions that the slow-carb diet is based on to be false. There is more to the story than 'eat less than you burn', because what you burn is directly impacted by what you eat and when. I'd been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for 6 months using a south-beach-ish approach. I've added approx 75% to my weekly caloric intake and am now losing weight.

    elyelyse: The diet does not forbid fruit as you can eat all the fruit you want on cheat day.

    lacey_cakes: You're bang-on here - the only way this diet works is if you're eating enough, and that means LOTS of quality protein and legumes. in week two I was eating 6-8 eggs a day which definitely took some getting used to. Whatever you want to eat when you start the diet... stick to the rules and THEN EAT MORE. I think your body will adjust within a week or two and crave regular meals. Prior to slow-carb I could skip meals no problem but now it hits me HARD, which is a good sign.

    soosh: Agreed that the diet works, but your order of prioritization is backward - protein is the most critical, with the legumes coming in second. You can omit veggies from the odd meal without issue but without the protein, you're hooped. You could omit the legumes but would have to raise your meat and egg intake drastically to compensate - to the point where physical consumption becomes difficult.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I am starting this diet for the second time. Last year I lost 24 pounds on it. I feel that it is in no way a fad. All you are doing is taking all dairy (except cottage cheese) breads fruits and starch out of your diet. Try to eat at least 20 grams of protein per meal. You can eat huge meals every 4 hours and because of the protein you should stay full.

    What happened after the 24lbs?

    Why are you having to start this diet for the second time?
  • beans are your best friend. i have been making lots of chili, with ground beef, tomatoes and chiles (rotel can), black and kidney beans and spices. it is very hearty and filling and super easy to put together. here is a link to what i have been using http://www.4hourbodyzone.com/thursday-eats-slow-cooker-slow-carb-chili/
    use water instead of beef broth, bc broth/stock usually has sugar in it, and chipotle sauce probably also has sugar so we don't use that. i hope this helps, you can make a lot at once and it is super tasty and filling, and FULL of protein.
    but yes, your body will do some major adjusting the entire first week or 2. my boyfriend and i started about 3 weeks ago, and we've each lost 10 lbs.
    good luck :)