what are the best metabolism tablets



  • I gave up smoking 3 months ago after 13 years . In that time I have put a stone (14lbs) in weight. I didn't substitute smoking with eating, but I have heard that your motabalism slows down when u quit. I work n an office 9 hours a day so excercise is not easy, but what can I do on a daily basis to speed up motabalism for the busy woman life?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Im just starting out so im still learning whats good and whats not....i do have meal replacment shakes and sometimes i dont eat etc and im also trying to get off the caffiene and trying drink just water and im also still learnignt o train my body into exerecing again as i have become a bit lazy over the years.Ill get there and im learning each day and i spend most of time reading the forums etc to find out what i can
    Take the info provided in the forums with a grain of salt. A lot of people here are knowledgeable, but just as many don’t know their @ss from a hole in the wall, but still spout off arbitrary advice at every opportunity!

    You're young and don't have a ton of weight to lose. You can absolutely do this the right way without messing up your body by following random (fad) diets or pills....just be patient and be willing to put the work and effort into establishing a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain.
  • I compete in NPC Women's Fitness and Figure competitions and a lot of competitors including I take CLA's. You can get them in a gel pill form or liquid. Its all natural and helps in fat loss. But the only way your gonna see a big difference in taking it is if your diet is pretty clean and you do some sort of excise.